‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

Bottle And A Gun

Chapter Two
I turn around and look at the person standing there, “George?!”
“No. I’m Johnny. George’s little brother” I look at the person again. He had the same body shape as George, the same dirty blonde hair, and the same piercing blue eyes. “You’re Willow, right?”
I blink away the tears as Jorel turns to look at Johnny, “Wait, Johnny?!”
“Jorel?” Johnny smiles and hugs Jorel to him trying not to crush Blake. “Dude!”
“Give my Blake, babe” I say to Jorel. He hands Blake over as he looks Johnny over.
“How have you been?!” Jorel asks, excitedly.
I look down at my half asleep baby and whisper, “Daddy loves to steal the conversation away from Mumma. Doesn’t he?”
“Wait, Jorel is the dad?” Johnny asks over hearing me talking to Blake.
I look back and forth between Blake, Jorel, and Johnny. “No, biologically he is George’s…”
Johnny’s eyes widen, “So he is my nephew?”
“Yeah. Do you want to hold him?” I ask, when he nods I hand Blake over feeling like I was giving him to his father.
“You got your daddy’s eyes mister” Johnny coos to Blake.
I smile, “I am so happy that he did.”
Behind us I head a camera click and turn to see the boy that had approached me earlier, standing two feet away from me. Suddenly Johnny looks up, “Dude Alec is that really necessary?!”
“Of a girl that I fucked once? YES!” Alec yells.
“Wait” I turn and look at Alec, finally taking in what he looked like. Killer green eyes, slightly long hair, and a skater boy body. “ALEC?!”
“Oh so now she remembers you” Johnny says as he starts to rock Blake back and forth.
Alec shrugs, “Who could forget fucking me? Well do I get a hug?!”
I run over to him and hug him. He was my original J3T, the one that fucked me over, but I still loved the way he hugged me. “What are you doing with George Ragan’s little brother?”
“Well we were attending his brother’s funeral… May he rest in peace. Then I saw you. Johnny actually started smiling because he was remembering all the thing George said to him about you.”
I look at Johnny who was still holding Blake, “Wait, George talked about me to you?”
Jorel steps forwards and wraps his arm around my waist, “Babe I don’t think this is a good thing for you to be talking about right now…”
“Jorel is right. Maybe some other time” Johnny says as he starts to walk towards the funeral home, still holding my baby.
“Uh Johnny you still have Blake…” Jorel points out.
“Yeah aren’t you two coming inside? I heard Willow put this all together, she can’t just bail” He says to Jorel as he walks up the sidewalk.
“But…But…” I say as Jorel starts to walk away following Johnny.
“Come on babe” Jorel calls back to me, trying to get to Blake from Johnny. “Dude can I have my son back?”
Johnny shoots him a glare, “He isn’t your son.”
Jorel steps back like Johnny had punched him, he looks over at me ready to cry. I step forwards and grab Blake from Johnny, “You’re right but he will raise Blake. Just like George told me he wanted. Now get out of my way I have to attend your brother’s funeral.”
I push Johnny out of the way and grab Jorel’s hand while balancing Blake and his bag. I walk through the doors and struggle not to cry as Jorel walks away to find Mathew, I hear Johnny walk up behind me, “Tony?”
The man standing in front of me turns around to look at Johnny, I couldn’t help but notice his lip piercing, which had always been a turn on for me. “Johnny! Where you been?”
“Tracking down my brother’s girl” Johnny says putting his hands on my shoulders. “Willow this is Tony Lovato, he used to be best friends with George.”
“Yeah until you stole him from me” Tony says pretending to be mad. I wanted to reply but I was too busy staring at his sexy lip piercing. “Uh Willow?”
Jorel walks up and sees me, “Babe?” He takes Blake from me and I just turn and hug Johnny.
“What is this for?” Johnny says hugging me back.
I hear Danny laugh behind me, “You get used to random love from Willow. George was always the one to get it.”
Johnny hugs me for a minute as I stand there and force myself to remember this isn’t George. I start to cry as I bury my head into his shoulder which made me hold on tighter. I could feel Jorel’s eyes on my back as Blake starts to cry. I let go of Johnny and smile at him as I wipe the tears away before turning towards Jorel, “I’ll take him.”
Jorel glares at me, “Blake or Johnny?”
“Blake. He is my son” I say as I take Blake from Jorel and head back outside. I practically run back to the tree I had been at earlier. I sit down and put Blake on my legs, slowly I rub his tummy until he falls asleep. After a few minutes I hear somebody walk up behind the tree, Tony appears next to me and sits down.
“Try not to stare at my lip piercing this time” He says to me, trying to be serious. “I didn’t mean to start whatever happened back there.”
“You didn’t, I did. I couldn’t handle anything anymore. And whenever I was like that before I always ran to George…”
“But George isn’t here so you went to Johnny…” he says, as Blake starts to wake up and cry. I pick him up and bounce from side to side until he is quiet then I bring my knees close to me and lay him there. He quietly stares at Tony, “Hey there cutie.”
“This is George’s son. Blake James.”
He picks Blake up and smiles at him, “I can see it in the eyes.”
“Everybody does” Jorel says, scaring the hell out of me as he walks around the tree. “Hey Tony would you mind bringing Blake inside? If you don’t want to watch him give him to Mathew.”
“Yeah you got it man” He says standing up and balancing Blake in his arms. “We will be inside.”
Jorel watches him walk away then sits where he had been. “Babe…”
“Jorel don’t sweet talk it, just say it” I tell him staring straight ahead.
“You were all over George’s brother. At George’s funeral!”
“I am sorry the Johnny reminds me of George and George made me feel safe in the worst situations.”
“And I don’t?” Jorel asks, his voice full of sadness.
“Honestly?” I ask finally looking at him. “No. Because you just wanted to get in my pants when I first came here.”
“Willow I told you why I did that.”
“Yeah I know. To make sure I was here not just to fuck around. I know you told me.”
He grabs my hands, “Willow, I love you. And I don’t know…I guess I’m just scared.”
“Because you picked George over me before, who is to say you won’t do it with his brother?” Jorel asks fighting back tears.
“Jorel, I am never going to leave you.”
He looks at me, his brown eyes turning red. “Are you mad at me?”
I kiss his cheek, “Of course not, why?”
“Because I hate when you are mad at me, I’m always afraid that you’ll leave me.”
I move into his lap and hug him, “I’m never leaving you.”
He kisses my neck, “You better not. You need to have one of my kids.”
“So he can glare at me with your eyes?” I ask.
“Yup” he kisses my neck again. “I feel like this isn’t even a funeral.”
“That’s the way George would’ve wanted it” I tell him. “He wouldn’t want everybody crying because of his death, he’d want everybody rocking out because of his life.”
“Damn you really did know George.”
I rest my head on his shoulder, “I wish I knew you that well.”
“Well I am Jorel Michael Decker. Born May 25 1984. I am going to marry this beautiful girl named Willow Elizabeth Decker, and I will raise her baby boy with her.”
I extend my hand, “Nice to meet you Jorel. I’m the love of your life.”
He shakes my hand and smiles, “Yes you are.”
In the distance I hear my baby crying, “Must go rescue Blake from Tony.”
“Oh yeah the oh so sexy guy…”Jorel says as he starts to stand up.
“BABE!” I say as I hit him on the shoulder.
“What? You’re the one who was staring at him.”
“I find lip rings sexy…” I tell him innocently as he wraps his arms around me. “But not nearly as sexy as your gauges.”
He smiles and kisses me, the kiss seemed to be bottled with all the passion he has had since Blake was born. I knew if it hadn’t been for the fact we were at a funeral, we would’ve been having sex. He stops kissing me but keeps his face close to mine, “Are you sure you want to wait awhile for that baby with me?”
I smile and kiss him, “Don’t worry.”
He kisses me again and grabs my hand, “Off to collect our child.”
“From evil UGLY Tony” I say, smiling.
“Psh I don’t care if you think he is hot. I still got you” he tells me wrapping his arm around my waist as we walk in the doors.
Instantly I see Tony carrying Blake around with Johnny by his side. Blake sees me over Tony’s shoulder and starts to cry. I walk towards him and play peek-a-boo until Tony turns and hits me with his elbow, “Oh my god. I’m so sorry I didn’t know you were there.”
“It’s fine. You didn’t hit me that hard. Can I have my baby back?” I ask leaning forwards to grab my baby.
Tony shrugs away from me, “No. My Blakey.”
I frown at Tony, “Can I PLEASE have Blake?”
“If you don’t mind me, Johnny, and Alec flying back with you to Boston” he says as he starts to dance with Blake.
“Uh what?”
“You heard me.”
I look over my shoulder at Jorel who was talking to Johnny, “I don’t think my fiancé will like that idea much.” I turn back to Tony to find him closer to me.
He leans down and whispers, “And what about you? What do you think of that idea?” He hands me Blake and kisses my cheek. “Think about it. You have my number.”
“No I-“I start to say then he hands my phone to me.
“You should really keep better track of things.”
I watch him as he walks away with Alec and Johnny following him, I feel Jorel walk up behind me and put his hands on my hips. “What was that about?”
I look at him over my shoulder, “Apparently we are having new roommates…”
“What?!” Jorel starts to complain but then it is announced that it is time to go to the cemetery and bury George…
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you so much for already liking the story!
Thank XAllybabe661x she is the one that convinced me to post it!:)