‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

Dead Bite

Chapter 20
I wake up to the sound of singing, I walk out into the kitchen to see Jorel dancing around the kitchen while holding Blake and making pancakes. I smile and say, “Darling, what are you doing?”
Jorel jumps at the sound of my voice, “Well I was going to bring my beautiful bride some pancakes in bed but she woke up.”
“I will gladly go back to bed if you want me to…”
He smiles, “No you stay out here and watch your boys cook.”
I sit down on a stool and gaze at them, “I love seeing you two in such a good mood.”
Jorel leans over the counter and kisses me, “I love the fact that we have to leave today to go to New York so we can get married.
“You have no idea how nervous I am…”
“About what?”
He smirks at me, “Take our son so I can flip the pancakes.”
I grab Blake from him, sitting him on the counter facing me, “Mommy is nervous about looking funny in her dress because she’s pregnant with your brother.”
It had been just over a month since Jordon was in the hospital, it had been the best month ever for Jorel and I. We had no fights, we got everything ready for our new baby, and we found out we were going to have a baby boy. He was due June 17th, I was almost three months pregnant now.
“Willow, you don’t even have a baby bump yet, it won’t affect your dress. You will look beautiful no matter what” Jorel tells me as he put some pancakes onto a plate.
I stand up, putting Blake on my hips, and walk around the counter to hug Jorel, “But I don’t like the idea of having to be away from you.”
He kisses my forehead, “We will be together for the next two days, sadly we will be apart on Sunday night, and then we get married on Monday babygirl. It’ll all be okay.”
“I don’t want to lose you at all. We haven’t even figured out a plan for Blake yet. Is he going to stay with me?”
“If you want him to, but baby Mathew said he wants to go out before the wedding, I don’t want to do it on Sunday because I don’t want to risk being hung over for the wedding…” He says, looking down at the plates.
“So you want to go out Saturday night?”
“If you don’t mind…”
I walk up closer to him and put our bodies together so Blake is between us, “Only if we get you forever.”
Jorel smiles, “You three will have me for the rest of eternity.”
I give him a soft kiss, “Now where the fuck are my pancakes.”
“Well if you put our son in his play pen, I would give you your fucking pancakes.”
I walk into the living room and lay Blake down in his play pen, and play the light up music toy that Danny had gotten him. I sit back down at the counter, “Now give me my fucking pancakes so I can go finish packing our shit.”
He puts a plate down in front of me, “You are so lucky I love you.”
“Oh I know I am” I smile sweetly at him before taking a bite. “These are perfect baby.”
“I try my hardest.”
For a few minutes we eat in silence, listening to Blake’s toy and his giggling. “Are you sure that everybody knows when we are leaving?”
He nods, “I texted everybody when I woke up telling them to meet us at the train station at exactly one o’clock. Mum and your siblings will be taking a train from Ayer to Boston and will meet us there.”
I look at the clock, it was 10 am, “I need to finish packing everything.”
He takes a bite then asks, “What else do we need to pack?”
“Well I have to make sure I have my shoes and everything, and my make up because I’m doing my own. My aunt is going to do my hair so I need to make sure I have a bunch of stuff for her to do that. I need to pack plenty of clothes for Blake. I need to pack formula, diapers, toys, and bathing stuff for Blake. Basically everything.”
He takes my plate away from me, “Good thing you’re already done your pancakes.”
I look at the plate, empty, “Well I fucking like pancakes. Suck my dick.”
“No thanks love. I’ll make sure my stuff is all packed then start on Blake’s stuff” He puts our plates in the sink.
“Why do you think it’ll take me longer to pack?”
He kisses my nose, “Because I started packing before you woke up.”
I frown at him, “That’s cheating.” I stand up and walk down the hall, his suitcase was on our bedroom floor with all sorts of stuff thrown in it, “Jorel, you need to actually FOLD your clothes.”
“Just be glad I did something” He says from right behind me. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my neck. “Even though you’re in sweats, my shirt, with your hair up in a bun and no makeup on, you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.”
I turn and kiss his cheek, “And you are the biggest stuck up, ever.”
He lets go of me and walks into the closet to grab his tux bag, “Why can’t I see your dress?”
I smirk, “Because it’s a surprise. I kept it hidden at Charlotte’s for a reason.”
“I want to kill her,” He lays the bag on the bed. “Every time I’m there she runs into her closet and looks at it.”
“Well duh. That’s Charlotte for you. You’re the one that told me you didn’t want to see it until I walked down the aisle” I sit on the floor and pull my suitcase towards me. “Babe will you bring me that laundry basket?”
He drags the laundry basket over to me, “Are you just going to take everything out of the laundry basket and put it in there?”
“Yup pretty much” I pull all the clothes out of the laundry basket, putting the ones I want into my suitcase and the ones I don’t back in the basket. “Shouldn’t you be packing too?”
“Why? You’ll just yell at me once you start going. Because you’ll be wanting to go here, but I’ll be in your way, so then I’ll go there but then you’ll go there. Yeah it’ll just be a mess.”
I give him a look, “So why don’t you go into Blake’s room and start packing for him?”
“Ugh this mean effort is required” He sees my look. “Finnneeeee I’m going.”
As soon as he leaves the room, I scramble under the bed and grab a bag from Victoria’s Secret that I had been hiding there. I knew we couldn’t do anything since I was pregnant, but still it was fun to tease. I toss the bag into my suitcase, then go frantically around the room grabbing everything I could possibly think of. Finally, I shut my suitcase, sitting on it to close it, then roll it next to the door.
Jorel walks in, “Damn, it looks like a tornado hit in here.”
“Yes. It’s called Willow Elizabeth Decker. Level 70 hurricane.”
He smiles at me, “I love you. What size jammies should I pack for him?”
“Um he likes a little wiggle room in them, so 8 months.”
“Alright beautiful” He smiles widely at me. “I’m such a lucky man.”
I look at him through my bangs, “How?”
He walks over to me, “I never could’ve thought I could love somebody as much as I love you.”
I hug him close to me, “I love you baby.”
“I love you beautiful” He squeezes me, “But we really need to step up our game so we can get out of here on time.”
I give him one last squeeze, “You bring my suitcase and your tux down stairs. I’ll finish packing your suitcase, quickly clean up in here then finish Blake’s.”
“And when I come back up, I’ll do Blake’s bag of toys and formula. I already put one package of diapers in his suitcase, I figured if we need more we can buy them” He gives me a quick kiss before grabbing his tux and my suitcase and walking out the door.
“Time for hyper mode” I say to myself.
In no time I had Jorel’s bag finished and zipped, our room tided up, and Blake’s suitcase packed. I rolled both suitcases next to the front door as Jorel walks in.
“How the fuck did you do that?” He looks at me wide eyed. “I was gone for maybe 10 minutes.”
I hug him, “Well I know our room better, I know Blake’s room better. So really all I had to do was think of what I wanted to bring. You had a lot of extra room in your suitcase considering you hate like half your clothes so there’s a stuffed animal in there.”
“You are crazy” He says putting emphasize on each word.
“Yes I am aware. You bring these bags down while I start on Blake’s bag of goodies.”
“No, I want to do this one together. You get all his bath stuff and put it on the counter. I’ll grab the formula and bottles” He kisses me. “Then we can pick the books and the toys together.”
“Okay silly” I let go of him and walk into the bathroom, picking up everything of Blake and brought it to the kitchen counter as Jorel instructed me to do. As soon as he finishes we pick out books and toys for Blake then put everything into the bag. We glance at the clock, 11:30. “Babe we gotta go.”
“Yeah I know. I’ll bring the stuff down. You shut off everything and lock the door. Don’t forgot our kid either.”
I smile at him as he grabs the bags and walks out the door. I really did love that man, he didn’t question me about weird things. He doesn’t ask why I read to our 6 month old son, instead he joins in and reads a book too. He doesn’t ask why I insist we lock the slider even though we live on the second floor, he just reminds me. I smile to myself thinking about Jorel as I walk around and shut off all the lights. I get to Blake’s play pen and look down at him, still smiling at his music toy, I click it off and he looks up at me.
“You ready to go on an adventure baby?” I pick him up and pull him close to me, I love my baby. “You make me happier than you will ever know.”
Instead of putting him in his car seat, I put his diaper bag in his car seat and carry it that way, holding Blake close to me. I walk out the door, put the car seat on the floor in order to lock the door.
“I steal baby” Danny says walking towards me. “I want baby.”
I smile at him, “No baby mine. But can you take the car seat?”
He frowns, “But I want baby…”
“But mumma wants baby cuddle time.”
“Fine” He picks up the car seat. “You’re carrying the diaper bag in here instead of the baby?”
“Yup pretty much.”
“Hey whatever floats your boat” He tells me as we walk down the stairs.
When we get to my car the back is full of suitcases and bags leaving only room for Blake’s car seat. I struggle to get him in but finally I hear the click of the seat, kiss his forehead and sit down next to Jorel in the driver’s seat. Once we get the clear from Charlotte we drive to the train station. Being us, we walk in the doors seconds before the train starts boarding.
I run down the side, holding Blake close to me. I could tell Charlotte was doing the same thing behind me. All the guys carried the bags to the train and got them in the right place, both Charlotte and I walk on the train laughing.
“Why do our lives have to be so difficult?” She asks me, collapsing in her seat.
I sit down across from her, “Because we decided to marry Undead members and they can never manage to get anywhere on time.”
“Well at least I got here on time for once” I hear my mom say from behind me.
“Mummy!” Danny yells and hugs her.
From behind her my brother and sister pop up, as Jorel sits down my brother steals Blake, “My baby nephew.”
I watch as my brother sits down across the aisle and continues to play with Blake. Mathew sits across from Jorel, Becca sits next to Colin, Mum sits across from her, Dylan, Danny, and Kasey decide to sit in the next section of seats. This is going to be one interesting train ride…
I close my eyes are lean my head back, “I’m gunna sleep forever, mkay?”
Jorel grabs my hand, “Not happening, beautiful.”
“Yeah Willow, you can’t sleep forever if you want to get married soon” Colin points out, making faces at Blake.
“You’re supposedly 26 but you are 3” I tell him, sticking my tongue out. Suddenly, Blake starts screaming bloody murder, instantly I jump up and grab him from my brother, “What’s wrong babyness?”
I walk up and down the aisle bouncing him as he continues to scream. After ten minutes of walking he finally quiets down and just looks at me with wet blue eyes, I kiss his nose. I sit down next to Jorel and sit Blake on my lap, he looks over and Jorel giving him his booboo lip.
Jorel makes the face back at him, “I am the master of that look.”
I look at Charlotte, “I’m in for a world of trouble.”
She nods, “Yes, yes you are darling”
I put my head against Blake’s, “What am I going to do?”
After a few minutes Blake snuggles into me and falls asleep. I soon follow after him, leaning onto Jorel and shutting my eyes. A dreamless sleep is what welcomed me.
“Willow wake up” I hear Danny saying. “I will pick you up and throw you over my shoulder but I know you’ll freak out.”
“You do that and I will shoot you with Mathew’s machine gun.”
“Did you steal it again?”
I look at him, barely opening my eyes, “Shh I was ninja about it.”
“Do you want me to carry you off the train?”
“No I’ll get up” I stand up slowly. “Where’s my kid?”
“With Jorel. And everybody else, who are waiting for us on the platform” he grabs my hand and leads me off the train.
“Platform 9 and ¾?” I ask him.
“No. We are not Harry Potter.”
“But I want to be Harry Potter” I pout at him.
“Nope that’s Jorel’s job. He already knows how to use his wand judging on the fact your pregnant.”
I shake my head at him, “You had to make it dirty, didn’t you?”
“Yup” He smiles at me as we reach the group of people.
I see Mathew holding Blake so I run up to Jorel and hug him, “Hi baby girl.” I bury my head into his neck and hug him closer to me, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah” I mumble into his neck. I look up at him, “Just can’t believe I get to marry you.”
He smiles at me and kisses me like he hasn’t seen me in months, a flash goes off and instantly Charlotte says, “Sorry it was cute!”
I smile at her then look back at my soon to be husband, “Tonight we are talking, all night. Nonstop. I want to show you how much I love you before you say I do.”
Just then the train pulls in, “Babe I know how much you love me.”
“No you don’t” says Jordon from behind me. “You really don’t.”
I could feel Jorel tense up, “Baby just ignore him, for me. Please.”
He continues to look straight into my eyes, “I don’t think I could ever get tired of looking into those eyes.”
Mathew walks past us with Blake, but Blake had other ideas as he reached for me, “Dude where are you going?” Mathew asks him trying to readjust Blake in his arms, but Blake was not having it he wanted his mommy.
I grab him from Mathew and he buries his head into my shoulder, Jorel smiles “Such a mommy’s boy.”
I kiss his cheek, “You’re my boy too so I wouldn’t be talking.”
He pulls me into his side, “I will forever be your boy.”
“Okay love birds onto the fucking train with you” Jordon says walking past us.
I grab Jorel’s hand, “This is going to be one interesting wedding…”
We start to walk onto the train, “I wish we could revoke his invitation. Let’s have your brother be the body guard outside!”
I shake my head, “He would have way too much fun with that.”
We find our seats across from Charlotte and Mathew, “About time you got on the train.”
“Mathew, I have a baby and I’m not afraid to use him” I smile at him.
“Wait. Which one? Jorel or Blake? I can handle Jorel, it’s Blake I’m scared of. He can make it come out of both ends at once!”
I laugh at what he says until Blake decides he didn’t like how he was sitting. I sit him down in my lap and he looks up at Jorel smiling. I look over at Jorel to see if he say his son smiling at him but he was staring off into space down the aisle. I move closer to him and reach for his hand but Blake beat me to it.
Jorel finally looks down at Blake who was playing with his fingers so intently, “Well hello baby boy.”
Blake looks up at him, shocked then starts giggling. I look up at Jorel, “This is our son. Not even a year old and just as crazy as we are.”
“Not even his kid, dumbass” I hear Jordon mumble in the seat behind me. He has been pissed off at me ever since we found out that Blake was not his.
“Grow a pair and say shit to her face, dumbass” Jorel says back, not even trying to lower his voice.
“How about she learns to speak for herself?”
“How about you learn to keep your fucking mouth shut?” I say back. “Trust me you don’t want me going after you.”
“Do your worst.”
I look down at Blake who was fascinated with his toes, “No thanks, I’m going to sit with my soon to be husband and my son.”
Charlotte smirks at me, “That should shut him up for this train ride.”
“Can we just throw him off the train?” Jorel asks. “I mean just like ‘whoops. Sorry sir I don’t know what happened, he opened the door and just fell out.’”
Charlotte shakes her head, “Sorry doesn’t work that way, sweet cheeks.”
“Did you just call my husband sweet cheeks?” I ask her.
“Yes. I am complimenting his fine Italian ass.”
Mathew looks at her wide eyed, “Don’t you start.”
“Yeah Charlotte, don’t start being like Willow” Jordon calls over the seat.
“Jordon, why are you coming to their wedding if you’re just going to be an ass about it?” Mathew asks.
“Because I was invited.”
“You could decline” Charlotte says. “I don’t think they’d be too heartbroken over it.”
I couldn’t handle this anymore, “All of you, shut up. Jordon if you are going to be like this throughout our wedding, you can go back to Boston. I am marrying Jorel whether you like it or not.”
“Now let’s all play nice” Johnny calls from behind Charlotte. “Or I’ll call up Alec and invite him.”
“NO!” all of us shout.
“That’s what I thought. Now shut the fuck up.”
“Johnny stop teaching your nephew bad words!” I yell to him.
“Woman I’ll do what I want!” he peers over the seats and smiles at me. Just in that moment I could’ve sworn he was George. As though he knew what I was thinking, “Don’t worry. Just be happy now, butterfly.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Two chapters in one day! Please comment what you think should happen next:P