‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

One More Bottle

Chapter 21
“CHARLOTTE!” I scream through the hall.
She comes running, “What?”
I laugh at her, she didn’t have her dress completely on and only had one shoe, “Go finish getting ready, I need somebody to help me with my dress.”
I shut the door behind me. One hour and I would be married to Jorel Michael Decker. One hour, I can do this, “I can’t do this” I mumble to myself.
I put my head on my knees as the door opens behind me, “You might want to get dressed…”
I turn around and look Tony, “You would be the one sent in the help me.”
“I’m the only one ready, everybody else is freaking out about something” He puts his hand on my shoulder. “How about we get you into this dress?”
I stand up, “I think that’s a first for you.”
“What do you mean?” He asks as he takes my dress out of the bag.
“Telling me to put clothes on and not take them off” I stand up on the pestle and look at him. “I’m scared.”
“I know you are” He slips the dress over my head. “Just be glad I know what I’m doing.”
Once the fabric falls into place I turn so he can tie the corset, “I feel like I’m going to be sick.”
“And ruin that beautiful make-up?” He was quickly putting the ribbon through the loops, “Is that too tight?”
“Not at all” I smile back at him. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you” he smiles back as somebody knocks at the door.
“Who is it?” I call out.
“Jordon” he slowly open the door. “I figured I’d knock just to be polite.”
“Oh how kind of you” I smirk back him as I look at myself in the mirror.
Jordon whispers something to Tony and next thing I know I am alone with Jordon, “I have a present for you.”
“I’m not taking anything from you on my wedding day.”
“It’s not from me.”
I turn and look at him and he gasps, “What?”
“You look…beautiful.”
“Thank you. Who is the present from?”
“Johnny” He pulls out a shiny wooden box from behind his back. “He bought it hoping you’d wear it for George.”
I reach out for the box and open it. Inside was a gorgeous blue butterfly pendant on a delicate chain, instantly I start crying. “Can you go get Danny please?”
He nods his head and leaves the room. I turn back around in the mirror and slowly pull the necklace out of the box, holding it around my neck. The door opens behind me and Danny slips in to silently clasp the necklace then turn me around to hug me carefully. “It’ll all be okay.”
I wrap my arms around him, “I wish he was here.”
“I know you do, but you have Jorel. A man that is extremely nervous right now and hasn’t stopped crying for the last 20 minutes and wants to see you so badly.”
“I want my baby” I say as I let go out him.
“Which one?”
“Both of them please.”
He gives me a look, “You know that it’s bad lucky for Jorel to see you.”
“I’ll talk to him through the door, silly. But you bring me in my son and then leave so I can talk to Jorel.”
“No dirty talk before the wedding!” Danny shouts at me as he walks out the door.
I look down at the necklace, pull it to my lips and kiss the pendant, “I miss you, Georgie.”
I hear a knock at the door, “I have a baby for you!” Danny creeps in the door, carrying Blake in his arms. “Jorel is determined to see you by the way, but he’s right outside the door.”
I take Blake from him, “Thank you.”
Danny walks out the door while I pull Blake into me, “Babe?”
“Jorel Michael Decker, I love you.”
“I love you too beautiful” I hear him lean against the door. “Everybody is saying you look so gorgeous right now.”
I smile down at Blake as he plays with the necklace, “They’re all liars.”
“You’re a liar, missy” I hear the small chuckle he lets out. “It’s only been like 12 hours but I miss you so much.”
“Just think in less than an hour and I’ll be your wife.”
“And then you’re al mine forever,” He says, beginning to cry. “I hope I never lose you, Willow. I don’t know what I would do.”
“Baby, no crying. I can’t cry it’ll ruin my makeup, and me crying would cause Blake to cry.”
“You don’t need any makeup anyways. You are beautiful without it.”
“Guys we gotta get this show on the road” I hear Mathew call down the hall.
Jorel leans away from the door, “Willow Elizabeth Decker, I love you so fucking much.”
I smile, “Jorel Michael Decker, I love you more than you will ever know.”
“I have to go now, but I’ll see you in less than 20 minutes.”
“I’ll see you soon baby” As though I could see him walking away, everything just seemed to get so much colder around me. I look down at Blake, “Well aren’t you all handsome in your little suit.”
He starts giggling and looks up at me. I sit down on the chair and put him in my lap, “So many people would be yelling at me for holding you in my wedding dress.”
Suddenly Danny walks in the door, “Baby with me. You down the hall, 10 minutes until your big entrance.”
Danny grabs Blake from me and quickly walks out the door as Charlotte walks in holding my flowers, “You ready for this?”
“Not at all” I tell her as I stand up.
She loops her arm through mine, “Well too fucking bad.”
We walk down the hall until we reach the grand entrance into the main room. I look at all my friends and family paired up, ready to walk down the aisle to celebrate my marriage with me. Charlotte squeezed my arms and leaves my side to stand next to Mathew. My dad walks up next to me, “You can do this, don’t worry.”
I smile up at him as the music starts, Rebecca and Joe walk down the aisle, followed by Colin and Steph, Kasey and Danny who was carrying Blake, Dylan and Augusta, and then finally the maid of honor and best man Charlotte and Mathew. The doors close again as my dad and I stand behind them, “Willow you look beautiful.”
I take a deep breath as the doors open again, I open my eyes to see Jorel standing at the end of the aisle, “Try not to run to him,” My dad whisper jokingly. The music starts again and we slowly make our progress down the aisle.
I look at everybody around me, Jorel’s and my family all mingled together to celebrate with us. Before I knew it I was at the end of the aisle peering up at Jorel through my veil. My dad steps in front of me and lifts it, and kisses my cheek before sitting down. Jorel steps down and grabs my hand to lead me up to the podium. I couldn’t believe it here I was about to marry the man of my dreams.

Everything from there seemed to pass in a blur, I couldn’t help but cry when Jorel kissed me. I was finally his wife, always and forever. We made our exit out of the room as husband and wife carrying our son, we slip into one of the side rooms while everybody else enjoyed the cocktail hour. We were have the reception in the same room as where we got married, just some decoration changes and we would be good to go.
I step into the room and Jorel shuts the door behind us, “Willow Elizabeth Decker, you are finally all mine.”
I lay Blake down on his mat and hug Jorel, “I missed you so much.”
He lifts my chin and kisses me, “I missed you. But now I get to spend forever with you.”
Blake starts to squirm on the floor, Jorel leans down and picks him up, “And you mister, don’t worry I’d never forget about you or your brother.”
I smile at my boys, “Jorel Michael, Blake James, Daryl William”
He smiles at me, “I can’t wait. I want to just live with all of you. Forever.”
I walk up to him, “And you will. And then you’ll get sick of us.”
He kisses me softly, “But I will get over it.”
I kiss him again, “Damn straight you will.”
“Can I change out of this dress now?”
“As beautiful as you look in it, you can if you want to.”
I reach up behind me to untie it as somebody knocks on the door, “Willow, the photographer wants to take pictures now before the reception.”
I sigh, “Alright Charlotte. We’re coming.”
I look up at Jorel, “After the pictures you can take it off.”
We walk out into the courtyard to see the wedding party standing around talking, once they see we had joined them they begin clapping. Danny runs up to me and hugs me, “Told you that you’d be alright.”
“I know, I know” I smile at him. “Let’s get this going, we all know I hate heels and dresses.”
We spent the next 20 minutes taking professional pictures in different poses, different groups of people. By the end of it I just wanted to go home and lay down, but I had three more hours to spend dancing and talking to people.
Jorel pulls me into him, “We are now officially husband and wife. You now have my last name.”
“Pshh you have MY last name” I smile at him.
He shrugs, “Either way, I am all yours.”
I lean into him, “I just want to go home and sleep.”
“All cuddly in bed with me and our sons” he rests his chin on the top of my head.
“Until you have to go to work again, then it’s nights alone again.”
“Would you rather have that or me gone for months while touring?”
I think about it for a minute, “How about you with me always?”
“How about no. We would end up killing each other.”
Charlotte opens the glass doors, “Love birds the reception is ready when you are.”
I lock hands with Jorel, “And then we can sleep!”
“Yes we can!” He shouts as he sweeps me up into his arms.
He kisses my cheek, “You said you wanted off your feet, I’m just assisting!”
We walk into the hall and everybody claps, “Ladies and gentlemen Mr. And Mrs. Decker!”
I look up at the DJ booth to see Jordon there smiling. Jorel puts me on the floor and grabs my hand, “May I have this dance?”
“Of course you may” slowly we walk out into the middle of the floor. Jordon hits play on the music and Jorel and start to dance. I rest my head against his shoulder, we weren’t doing anything fancy, just dancing together. “Our song would be I’ll Keep Your Memory Vague.”
He kisses the top of my head, “It’s fitting and you know it.”
He spins me around then pulls me back into him, “Careful you’ll make me sick.”
At the end of the song everybody claps again then starts dancing on their own. I knew there would be more dances to have with people but until then I was sitting the fuck down. I sit down at the head table and watch as all my family and friends dance the night away.
I feel somebody tap my shoulder, Charlotte whispers “I have a present for you.”
“I don’t wanna mooooove” I look at her.
“It’s a way for you to get the hell out of that dress” she smirks at me and leans back, waiting for me to get up.
I stand up and silently follow her to wear I had gotten ready for the wedding. She opens the closet door and pulls out a dress that was pretty much a shorter verison of the one I was already wearing, “At least you can move in this one.”
“Help me out of this one!”
Quickly we get me out of my wedding dress and into the shorter one, I spin around smiling, “Aww my best friend is a pretty princess.”
I stop spinning and put my hands on my hips, “Oh shush it.”
“That look would be much more intimidating if your hair was down” she reaches behind me and pulls out a few bobby pins, my hair falls in curls around my shoulders. “There you go.”
“You should probably return me to my husband” I smirk at her.
“Bitch you were mine first” She loops her arm through mine and opens the door. “Just so you know the only reason I am still here is so I can dance with you.”
“The only reason I am still here is because the party is kinda for me.”
We walk back out into the reception and instantly my eyes start searching for my husband, I wanted him to see me first. After a quick look around everywhere I still couldn’t find him, Charlotte leans closer to me, “Look up at the stage, darling.”
Jorel smiles down at me, “Now that my wife has decided to grace us with her presence again, here it goes. This is a story of a girl.”
I walk up closer to the stage, “Don’t you dare say that cried a river and drowned the whole world.”
He laughs, “No babe. This is a story of girl that has been through so much in her life and never thought she would marry somebody as amazing as me!” I give him a look, “No sorry, she’s making me say stupid things. Willow Elizabeth Decker has only been in my life for about a year and a half, but I love her more than I could ever explain, she makes me complete. The day that I met her I knew that girl was going to be something big to me. And she just walked up to me in her shorts and a tank top with her hair all straight wearing a hat to hide her beautiful face. That right there is the best moment in my life. We have already been through some very rough times, but I am willing to go through so much more to keep this girl in my life. I love you Willow Elizabeth Decker.”
Next thing I know, he hops down from the stage and kisses me, “Willow, you mean the world to me and I am never letting you go. I don’t care if the world is crashing around us, I will be there holding you tight.”