‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

We Are

Chapter 22
It has been a month since I said I do to Jorel, a month had gone by so fast, and we are still trying to figure a lot of things out. Between sorting out the presents we received to taking care of Blake to trying to plan out where things were going to go for Daryl.
I was currently sitting on the couch with Blake in my lap as Jorel played with his new keyboard, “Ready babe. Watch this.” He smiled up at me as he played a song, “Boom! Made that up in like 10 minutes.”
I turn Blake towards me and start clapping, “Yay Daddy!”
Blake starts laughing and claps, “Dada!”
“No matter how many times he says it, it makes me so happy” Jorel says as he sits down next to me. He takes Blake from me, “Who am I, buddy?”
Blake grabs his face, “Dada!”
Jorel smiles at Blake plays with his face, “He’s growing up so fast.”
I smile, “Yeah he is.”
I look at my son, he had gotten so big lately and I just couldn’t believe it. In four months my little boy was going to be a year old. He is starting to look more and more like me every day, but he definitely still has George’s eyes. His blonde hair was slowly turning red. He had my little button nose. Everything else still seemed to scream George at me.
I didn’t notice I had been crying until Jorel leaned over and wiped the tears away, “Everything will be okay.”
I grab his hand and intertwine my fingers with his, “Everything is okay.” Blake turns in Jorel’s lap and pulls himself up holding onto my knees, “Well hello there buddy.”
He starts jumping up and down, smiling. Jorel puts his hand on Blake’s back just in case, “He is definitely your child.”
“Oh shush it, you love us both” I lean forward to try and kiss him. “I can’t reach you, Mister!”
“Good I don’t want to kiss you.”
I pout at him, “Fine I’ll just take Blake and leave!”
He smiles at me and leans forward to kiss me, “We really need to get food in you.”
“I don’t want to move.”
“Too bad missy, I want Burger King. So we are getting Burger king” He says as he stands up, taking Blake with him. “Isn’t that right mister?”
Blake giggles, “Dada!”
Both boys look down at me, “Alright, alright I’m moving!” I stand up and walk towards the kitchen, “Don’t worry Jorel I’ll make Blake’s bottle!”
“Cool, want to get him some of those mashed carrots that he likes?”
“As long as you get the diaper bag out of his room.”
“Yes ma’am” He says then walks off down the hall, singing to Blake.
When he comes back I grab Blake from him and put him in the car seat, instantly he starts fussing, “Hey mister, don’t get fussy with me. It’s dada that’s making us go out.”
He stops crying but makes his booboo face at me, Jorel leans down over my shoulder, “It’s really all her fault dude.”
I stand up and grab the handle to the seat, “Let’s go before he decides to start screaming again.”
Jorel grabs my hand as we walk out the door, “You know how much I love you right?”
“Nope. I have no fucking clue” I smirk up at him.
“Well good, because I don’t love you at all” He sticks his tongue out at me. “You asked for it!”
“Careful, I’ll divorce your ass” I tell him as we walk down the steps.
“You would never” Jorel says, turning and pulling me into him.
“You’re right” I kiss him. “I love you way too damn much.”
He snuggles his face into my neck as I pull him closer, “And I love you.”
“Come on babes, we need to get food in you” I kiss his neck lightly. “But I want more cuddle time later.”
“You got it babe” He answers as he goes to push the door open.
“Hold on” I tell him as I lean down to tuck the blanket around Blake. “I don’t want him getting sick.”
Jorel leans over to me and zips up my sweatshirt, “I don’t want you getting sick.”
We walk out the door and book it to the mustang. Winter in New England was the worst, and it never seemed to stop. Jorel quickly buckles Blake in as I start the car, trying to get some heat going into it. As soon as Jorel climbs in I cuddle into his side, “It’s cold.”
“Says the girl that’s used to this, I’m from fucking California!” He says as he backs the car out.
“Fine just go back if you want” I stick my tongue out at him.
“Only if you’ll come with me.”
“No I’ll take my cold night, means more cuddling time with you” I squeeze his arm and lay my head on his shoulder.
“Except the fact I work at nights,” He points out as he pulls into the Burger King parking lot.
“What’s going to happen when I start going to school?” I ask him, looking down at my hands.
He taps the bottom of my chin to get me to look at him, “Let’s talk about this over lunch.”
I climb out of the car and grab Blake’s diaper bag as Jorel gets Blake and we quickly rush inside. I walk over to the corner booth to put Blake’s bag down while Jorel takes him out of the car seat. I smile at my boys, Jorel looked amazing just standing there holding his baby boy and I knew he meant the world to him.
Jorel turns to me, “What would you like beautiful?”
“Large vanilla shake and just a small fry, I’m not that hungry.”
“Alright,” He walks away to go order. I sit down and take out Blake’s food until Jorel walks back out. “The girl at the counter told me that she thought me being a single dad was the cutest thing in the world. I had to explain that I wasn’t a single dad and my wife was sitting over here.”
I face palm, “People are amusing. Can you go get Blake a high chair while we wait for our food?”
“Yeah,” he hands me Blake and walks over to grab a chair. He sets it down and looks at me, “I love you.”
“So I’ve been told” I stick my tongue out at him.
“You stick your tongue out an awful lot.”
“You love it” I tell him, putting Blake in the chair. “Ready, baby? Mommy has some carrots for you.”
Jorel laughs at me then walks over to get our food, “And daddy has awesome food for himself.”
Blake looks up at him, “Dada.”
“Who’s dada?” I ask Blake.
Blake instantly launches himself towards Jorel, “Dada!”
I smile down at my boy, “That’s right, that’s dada.”
I continue to feed Blake mashed carrots while Jorel starts talking, “Do you want to do like an online college? Or an actual college? Or a night college? What are you thinking babe?”
“I’m not sure yet. I’m thinking that an online college would be best but when I was in high school I took online classes and hated it.”
Jorel thinks for a second, “And you can’t exactly do night college because I work and who would watch Blake?”
“We could ask one of our friends to do it, but I’d just feel bad expecting that out of them.”
“Just do like regular part time college classes. It’ll only be a few days a week for a few hours. We can both handle that I think.”
I give him a look, “So you want to come home from work, sleep for a few hours, get up when I leave to watch Blake, and then sleep for a little more when I get home just to get up and go to work again?”
“Willow, when I agreed to marry you and be Blake’s father, I agreed to help you through anything. And babe I am a rock star, I am used to running on little hours of sleep.”
I put my head on the table, “I know. I just don’t want to put this all on you.”
“You aren’t putting anything on me baby. If anything I put this all on you, next time I won’t become an incredibly sexy rock star.”
I lift my head up and look at him, “I’m going to hit you.”
He leans forward and kisses my head, “Too many witnesses.”
“Meh, I’d only get in trouble because you’re JDog.”
Jorel smirks at me and leans back, “The best part about tonight is that we’re not fighting.” I smile and sing the next line to the song that had just started to play, Fall for you. Jorel stands up and pulls me out of my seat, pulling me close to him, “A girl like you is impossible to find.”
I begin to laugh as Jorel dances me around in circles, singing to me. Everybody in the restaurant had turned to stare at us, some found it adorable while others found it annoying, we didn’t care. When the song ended Jorel looks down at me and kisses me softly, “A girl like you really is impossible to find, and I am so happy you are all mine.”
I pulled him into me, “I am yours always and forever.”
“AWWWWW” I hear somebody yell from behind us. I look over Jorel’s shoulder and see Danny and Kasey standing there.
“No Daniel, I don’t want you go away” Of course saying that only made him come closer and hug me. “Ew. No. Don’t touch me mister.”
Danny pouts at me and turns to Jorel, “Will you love me?”
“Hell nah bro, you ruined out moment.”
Danny turns to Kasey, “THEY DON’T LOVE ME ANYMORE!”
I couldn’t help but laugh at him, “Danny I love you.”
He smiles at me, “Oh I know you do.”
Jorel pulls me close to him again, “I love you.”
“I love you more” I whisper just as Blake starts to scream. I pick him up and spin him around, “Don’t worry I love you most of all.”
Blake smiles at me then cuddles his head into my neck, I didn’t care that he was getting carrot all over me. I didn’t care that my arms were going to get tired. I stood there and rocked back and forth with my baby in my arms, the best feeling in the world. I lay my head against his, “Mumma loves her little boy more than he will ever understand.”
Jorel smiles at me, I could tell he wanted to hug us but he let us have our moment, “My life.”
I wait until Blake’s breathing got heavier to talk, “I love moments like this.”
“Dada moments aren’t anything like that” Danny smirks. “Trust me I’ve seen a few.”
I turn towards him, “The best dada moments are just after Blake takes a bath, I hand him to Jorel all wrapped in a towel. They go lay down in bed and Blake falls asleep on his chest just in a diaper.”
“Those are the best moments” Jorel says. “But seeing them together is what makes me truly happy.”
“You have become such a sap” Danny points out as Jorel’s phone goes off. I watch him as he opens a text and smirks.
“Babe I have to go somewhere, is that okay?”
I keep rocking Blake back and forth, “Yeah that’s fine. Do you want me to wait here?”
He looks at Danny, “Would you mind bringing her to the apartment?”
“Nah it’s fine.”
Jorel walks over to me and kisses me, “I’ll be back. I love you.”
I kiss him again, “I love you more.”
I sit down at the booth, careful not to disturb Blake and watch Jorel as he pulls out of the parking lot in my mustang. Danny sits down across from me as Kasey orders some food, “Stop worrying.”
I look over at him, “Who says I am worrying?”
“You mean besides the fact it’s written all over your face? He’s probably doing another surprise for you.”
“That you don’t know about?”
He smirks, “I don’t know everything, sunshine.”
I look out the window as I grab my phone from Blake’s bag, I text Jorel ‘When will you be home?:(‘ After a few seconds I get a reply, ‘Later 2nite baby:-*’
“Told you not to worry” Danny says again, moving over to let Kasey sit down.
“What aren’t we worrying about?” She asks.
“Jorel leaving just now” Danny replies as he grabs a fry.
Kasey grabs my hand across the table, “Don’t worry about a thing. Look at your son right now and how happy he is.”
Blake had woken up and was now looking up at me smiling, “Well hello handsome.” I kiss the top of his head, “You’re stuck with mumma now.”
Danny coughs, “And you’re epic uncle.”
I look up at him, “I guess I’m only worried because of how perfect everything seems. Something has to go wrong.”
“Nothing is going to go wrong.”
“Pretty sure the last time somebody said that to me, my fiancé hit me and my best friend died.”
Danny leans across the table, “Yeah but this time I’m here. And you HUSBAND isn’t a complete idiot. Now let’s go back to your apartment.”
I stand up and grab Blake’s bag, “Something is going to go wrong. I can tell.”
Danny grabs Blake’s car seat, “Shut up and walk.”