‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

Black Dahlia

Chapter 3
Jorel parked the rental car and grabbed the stuff out of the trunk while I grabbed Blake, his car seat, and his bag. We had woken up late and were about to miss out flight back to Boston.
“Here let me take something” Tony says coming up behind me.
“Take Blake, I’ll be too terrified of dropping him” I turn towards him and make it possible for him to grab Blake. I grab my purse from the front seat and slam the door. Behind me I hear Johnny, Danny, Tony, and Alec all following me as I walk with Jorel into the airport. “Jorel have I mentioned how much I love you?”
He smiles at me, “I think you have.”
Johnny runs ahead of and opens the door, and manages to snag a bag from Jorel. Going through the airport was a blur I just followed Jorel and made sure Tony was still behind me with Blake. After we finally get through security check we have about 30 minutes before our plane can be boarded. I sit down and put Blake’s car seat in front of me. I rest my head on Jorel’s shoulder as I hear Aron’s voice fill up the waiting area.
“WILLOW WHERE ARE YOU?” I hear him scream. I simply raise my hand in the air, next thing I know Aron is kissing me on the cheek. “I found her!”
“I see this” Charlotte says as she sits down in the seats across from me.
“Wait why does Aron get to kiss you but I don’t?” Tony asks bouncing Blake on his knee. I turn and look at him.
“Because Aron is Aron” Danny answers for me.
“What is so special about Aron?” Johnny asks, joining the conversation.
“He is harmless” Jorel answers. “Give me my son” he tells Tony, side glancing at me to make sure that was okay. When I didn’t do anything he took Blake from Tony and laid him on his chest.
“Babe, you should feed him before we get on” I say and lean down to pull a bottle out of the bag. I hand the bottle to Jorel and laugh as Blake stares at him wide eyed while he shakes the bottle. I look up at Jorel face to see him smiling at Blake. My two boys so in love with each other. As if she read my mind Charlotte hands me her camera, carefully I take a picture of them. I try not to laugh as both of them jump at the flash. “Sorry but you two are too cute.”
“Aw why thank you” Jorel says as he feeds Blake and leans forward to kiss me.
“You two are so in love” Alec says, I turn and smile at him until he continues talking. “Kind of like you and Cody were. And then you found out you weren’t the only girl he loved because he was fucking 5 others but you were too stupid to realize that and just kept letting him in your life.”
I feel the tears streaming down my face and I look over at Charlotte. She was the only other person in the room who knew the whole story between me and Cody. I open my mouth to say something and then I hear somebody start talking, and I realize it is Danny. “What the fuck is wrong with you? She just lost her best friend, had his baby, and is trying to forget the fucking past. Yes she made mistakes, you didn’t? You’re the asshole that turned her into a slut. If you are going to treat Willow or Charlotte, for that matter, like this, get the fuck out.”
I turn and put my head on Jorel’s shoulder and he him whisper, “Don’t worry I’m not Cody.”
I slide my arms around his neck, “No, you are much better.”
He kisses my cheek, “I love you.”
“Ten Minutes until Boarding” The woman behind the desk tells us, smiling at Jorel.
Jorel takes the bottle from Blake and props him on his shoulder to burp him. “Hopefully he won’t puke on me.”
“He won’t, he loves his daddy too much to do that” I kiss Jorel on the cheek and wait for Blake to burp. Finally he does, Jorel hands him to me so I could put him in the car seat. I hold my baby in front of my face and kiss him, “I love you cutie.”
I lay him down in his car seat and strap him in, tucking a blanket around him. I smile down at him until the woman tells us we can now board the plane. I stand up and grab Blake’s bag, due to my C section I couldn’t carry Blake in his car seat. Danny comes up behind me and puts his hand on my back so I don’t jump, “I’ll take him.”
“Thank you Danny. For everything” I say as I walk next to him. He grabs my hand as we walk towards the door.
“Don’t mention it, sunshine” He tells me, smiling. I love Danny, I don’t know what I would do without him.
I walk with Danny into the plane, he helps me find my seat then leaves me to go find his two rows back. Jorel puts our bags in the over head then sits down next to me and I put Blake’s seat in. Finally I get the seat belt to click and I sit down next to Jorel and grab his hand. “Ready to go home?”
He nods his head and smiles at me, “With you? Always.”
“You miss it here don’t you?”
“Of course. This is where I grew up but Boston is where my life with you is” he says, kissing my cheek.
“And Blake” I whisper.
“And Blake” he repeats, smiling down at me. “Don’t worry baby, everything will be okay.”
“But why isn’t everything okay now? Why did George have to die to make my world okay?” I ask Jorel fighting to keep my tears away.
“That just shows you how much he loves you. He would’ve given up everything for you, in the beginning I actually thought he loved you more than I did. But now I know how impossible that is.”
“I LOVE HER MORE THAN YOU DO” Dylan yells from the seat behind us.
I turn in my seat and glare at him, “Dylan you wake up my child and I will murder you with a rusty knife.”
I feel Jorel smack my ass, “Babe it’s time for take-off. Sit down and buckle up.”
I do as he says and slip my hands into my boys, one holding on to Jorel then other on Blake. “I hate this with a burning passion.”
“Oh then I shouldn’t tell you my lovely surprise since it requires going on a plane” Jorel whispers.
I close my eyes as the plane launches into the air, my stomach flips and I feel like my head is a helium balloon. “What surprise? Tell me.”
He laughs as I squeeze his hand, “Okay…well do you want the good news or the bad news first?”
“Bad news so you can make it better with the good news.”
“I like the way you think” he says and kisses me. “The bad news is I will have to leave you for a little bit. The whole band will…”
I look at him wide eyed, “How long is a little bit?”
“A few days…possibly a few weeks…” He says rubbing his thumb along my hand, trying to calm me down. “We will have breaks in between. So like I’ll be gone for a week to do the recording, come back, then leave to do the US tour, come back in between the dates when we can, and then…”
“And then?” I ask.
“And then I come back steal you and Blake and we go on the Europe tour” he tells me with a giant smile.
“When are you guys going to leave to do the recording?”
“Well since Aron and I still have the lyrics from songs that we never recorded before, we are going to use those. With a little additional song. We are going to our recording in Boston then go to LA to give it to the record company. Then they will want us to do recordings, then we are going on tour with Avenged Sevenfold to get the word out.”
“So you’re leaving me?” I ask trying not to get mad at him.
“Only for a little bit. I’ll be back, I promise” He says. All I could hear inside my head was George saying those exact words, ‘I’ll be back, I promise.’ But he wouldn’t be back…
I feel Jorel tug on my hand, “Babe?”
I look up at him, “Yeah?”
“Is that okay? Or do you want me to stay with you?”
“No. Go ahead, promote your band. Become an even bigger rock star. It’ll be weird with missing two of your band members though...”
“We got Danny.”
“Oh Danny will be going with you?” I had been under the impression that Danny was at least going to stay with me but apparently not.
“Yeah, he’s our replacement for Jordon.”
“Baby, I love you with all my heart.”
“I love you too baby.”