‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

Everywhere I Go

Chapter Five
“Danny where are we going?!” I complain. We had walked about a mile from where we had parked the car.
“I told you. Places” He answers pushing Blake in his carriage ahead of me. He pulls out his phone again. “Okay change of plans.”
“Again?” Tony asks, walking next to me and grabbing my hand.
“Yeah, come on. We got to catch the ferry” Danny says then takes off running with Blake.
I glance at Tony and take off running with him. Johnny runs after us to keep up, “DANNY!” I yell.
Finally Danny stops running after about half a block, I walk over to him and check on Blake as Danny buys ferry tickets. He walks back over to me smiling, “Ready for this?”
“I hate ferries,”
“What don’t you hate?”
I pretend to think for a minute, “Yeah I got nothing.”
“Blake’s carriage is also his car seat, right?”
“Yeah all you got to do is unhook it” I explain as I point to the two latches on the sides.
“Good” he nods. “Oh look here comes the ferry.”
I laugh as he grabs my hand and Blake’s carriage, “Danny!”
“Come on whore. We need to get on the ferry!” He walks me onto the ferry, handing the ticket guy our tickets. “I want to get the best view for Blake.”
He rushes ahead of me while I wait for Johnny and Tony, I watch where he goes then follows. “Danny is crazy” Johnny says as he grabs onto my shoulders.
“Yes he is” I walk towards Danny who was unhooking Blake from his seat and sitting with him on a window seat.
“Willow, come here” he motions towards me as the boat starts to move. I run over and hop up on the seat next to him, “Scared?”
“No” I lie.
“Good, watch over there” he says and points to a small island in the distance. “You’ll see why as we get closer to it.”
Suddenly Blake starts giggling as if understanding Danny’s plan. After a few minutes the island gets closer and I begin to see roller coasters, “Are we going there?”
“Tomorrow” Danny says smiling. “Today we are going somewhere that all of us can have fun.”
I enjoy the rest of the ride watching the roller coasters pass the window, “5 minutes until we reach the island” The intercom announces.
“What island?” Tony asks from next to me.
“You’ll see.”

Ten minutes later I was standing on the boarding dock holding my baby in my arms waiting for Danny to return with yet another surprise.
“10 bucks says it is a bottle of booze” Johnny says smiling.
“Deal” Tony agrees and they shake hands next to me.
“No it is a golf cart. Watch” I say, grinning at both of them.
A minute later Danny walks up to us a pair of keys in hand, “Ready to drive a golf cart?”
“Boys, you both owe me 10 bucks.”
“What?” Danny asks, taking my hand and walking me over to our rented golf cart.
“Nothing. We were just betting on what you would come back with. I said a golf cart.”
“How did you know?”
“There was a sign like 5 feet away from us” I say, pointing to the sign.
“Aw you’re so smart” Danny says as he finds our golf cart. “This is ours for the day.”
“Fun” Johnny says sarcastically.
Danny puts Blake’s car seat on the second seat of the cart and straps it in, “Willow You can sit next to Blake or in the back.”
“Can’t I sit next to you?”
“No. Scratch that you can’t even sit next to Blake. You have to sit in the back” He tells me as he takes Blake from me to strap him in the seat.
“WHY?!” I yell.
“Because I said so” He looks at me. “Please? Just trust me.”
I slide into the seat and buckle myself in quickly, “This better be good.”
Danny reaches into Blake’s stroller as he folds it. He takes out his IPod and hands it to me, “Oh and put this on. Please.”
“Yes Master. Got a blind-“I start to say then stop when Danny pulls out a purple blindfold.
“Yes I do. So who do you want next to you? Because I know otherwise you will freak the fuck out.”
“Johnny” I say then move as far over as I can. “So Tony sit next to Blake.”
Danny stands in front of me as Johnny sits down, “Ready Willow?”
I nod and try not to freak out as Danny covers my eyes with the bandana and slides the headphones over my ears. “How loud do I have to have it?”
“Loud” I hear Danny answer, and then feel the cart shift as he climbs in. “Off we go.”
The cart starts to move as Danny backs up. Instantly my hand finds Johnny’s as I turn on the music. I hated not being able to see anything and sitting backwards. He starts rubbing his thumb along mine and I begin to calm down while I blare Avenged Sevenfold.
About 5 minutes later I feel the cart stop and reach up to undo my bandana but Johnny’s hands stop me. After a few minutes somebody undoes my seatbelt and has me stand up and walks me a little ways. In front of me I feel a gate of some sort. Then slowly Danny takes out my headphones then undoes my bandana. When I open my eyes I see a stage in front of me then I hear a familiar song start to play as Jorel walks out onto the stage holding Blake.
I turn and look at Danny who was grinning at me before he jumped over the gate and jumped up on stage to grab a mike from Mathew. “HEY GUYS!” The crowd cheers even though nobody knew exactly who he was. Danny turns and looks and Jorel who was still holding Blake against his chest. “Jorel why is there a baby on stage?”
Jorel leans forwards towards the mike, “Because this is the best baby alive.”
“What about your baby girl?”
“You mean the one who had NO IDEA that she was going to get to see me today?”
Danny nods, “Yeah that one.”
Jorel shrugs, “She’s okay.”
Out of instinct I yell, “THANKS BABE!”
Jorel looks over at me and smiles, “Hi babes.”
I give him the middle finger and turn away from him.
“Oh great now she is mad at me” Jorel tells the crowd, I could hear the frown in his voice. I hear commotion near the mike and turn to see Jorel jumping off the stage to in front of me. “Hey there cutie.”
I look up at Danny to see him dancing with Blake then I look back at Jorel, “Hey there.”
He grins at me, “Want to come up on stage like old times?”
I smile, “Of course.”
He jumps over the gate, trying to avoid getting touched by fans. Then picks me up to help me over the gate before jumping back over himself. He waves at Johnny and Tony before jumping up on stage and picking me up. “WHO REMEMBERS THIS GIRL?!”
Half the crowd screams as he kisses me. I smile as he pulls away then walk over to Danny and take Blake from him.
“Bitch give me back my baby” Danny says into the mike. “Who wants her to give me back the baby?”
Crowd goes wild. Never forget that a rock star plus a baby is the cutest thing in the world. I shake my head at him, “No my baby.”
Danny points to Jorel, “No that is your baby.”
I look over at Jorel and shrug, “I like this baby better.”
Danny frowns at me as I walk off stage. A few seconds later I hear Jorel running up behind me. As soon as I get off stage I turn and smile at him, “I miss you.”
He leans down towards me and kisses my neck, “I love you.”
“I love you too” I kiss his lips. Then again. And again. “Just stay with me.”
“I have to go on” he tells me in between kisses. “And you have Blake in your arms.”
I back away and look down at a giggling Blake. Just as I look up, Dylan passes me “Hey Dylan, give Blake to Danny.”
He takes Blake, smiling, to Danny who cheers. I look back up at Jorel and wrap my arms around his neck, “Now I don’t.”
“Very true” he backs me up against the wall and kisses me over and over again. Trying to fill the gap of kisses from the month of not being together.
“You two need to breathe” I hear Charlotte say.
“No we don’t” Jorel tells her with a smile.
“Do you see what I’ve had to put up with?” She asks, walking towards me. She hugs me and whispers, “He’s miserable without you.”
“Yes I am” Jorel says as she lets go of me. “I much rather be home with her and Blake than on the road.”
I hug him close to me, “How much longer?”
He tightens his arms around me, “About a month.”
I bury my face into his chest as I start to cry. I wanted him home now. I want him to be with me and not on the road. “That’s fine” I choke out even though it was a lie.
“No it isn’t, but I’ll be home as often as I can. I hate leaving you” he rests his chin on my head. “I love you.”
I bury my face into him, “I love you too.” I let go of him, “Go rock the stage.”
He smiles at me, “Are you sure?”
“Yes. Go. But get me our kid first.”
He kisses me lightly, “Yes your majesty.”
I laugh as he walks out on stage to get Danny, “GIVE ME MY KID!”
“NO!” I hear Danny yell. After a few seconds I hear Danny fake scream and Jorel walks over to me with a giggling Blake in his arms.
“Since when does he laugh?” Jorel asks, kissing Blake’s forehead before handing him over to me.
“He has been doing it for about a week” I tell him as one of the stage crew comes up to him to hand him his guitar. “New guitar?”
He holds it up, “Got it redone for my new life.”
I see mine and Blake’s names scrawled across it and smiled, “I love it.”
He smiles and kisses me, “It reminds me of what I am missing while I am playing it.”
I smile back and kiss him again, “Go out and rock that stage so I get you to myself soon.”
He kisses me again quickly then walks out on stage waving back at Blake.
I turn and see Charlotte smiling at me, “Well hello there Charlotte.”
“Hi. There I said hi now give me my nephew” She says joking, holding out her hands.
I hand her Blake, “Go see your crazy auntie. So what have I missed?”
She rocks Blake back and forth, “Well remember how Jorel used to kiss all his fans if they asked?”
“Well he won’t anymore. Of course that pisses off a lot of girl and they like flip out at him. So he just kind of walks away. He came to me crying the other night, he misses you two so much. All of his stuff was packed to go home this weekend then Aron told him he couldn’t go home. Yeah, I thought he was going to kill somebody.”
I smirk at her, “My fiancé wouldn’t kill somebody, ever.”
“If they kept him from seeing you, he would.”
I look out on stage as they start to play their hit Undead, “He has missed out on so much. I wish he could’ve been there for Blake’s first laughing fit but no it was Johnny who was with me. Remember how quiet Blake was?”
“And remember how he used to sleep through the night?”
“Yeah not anymore. He wakes up every now and then, looks around and then starts crying.”
She looks down at Blake who was asleep in her arms, “It’s like he is looking for Jorel.”
“Exactly. Last night he slept through the night curled up next to Danny. Didn’t even wake up for his 4 am feeding.”
“Yeah. Anyways how has life been on the road been?”
She sighs deeply then looks at me, “I hate it. The guys don’t wake up until noon. I have to deal with the girls Aron and Dylan being on the bus every night. I am forced to sleep on the bus almost every night. I am fucking sick of being pregnant. And I won’t lie I have come close to killing Mathew a few times.”
I shake my head, “You’d think they’d have learned…”
“I KNOW! They’re so stupid sometimes! I just want to go home.”
“No you don’t. Trust me. I rather deal with all this then deal with Alec and Tony.”
“What about Johnny?”
“I forget he is there half the time. He shows up when I need him and he actually talks about George with me.”
“Now do you know how much he loved you?”
“Yes but he still didn’t fight for me.”
She shakes her head, “Sometimes when you love somebody you just want them to be happy and he thought you were happier with Jorel.”
“So he just gave up.”
“Willow, George knew you weren’t just some prize to be won. He didn’t want to ‘win’ you, he wanted to love you. And no I am not saying Jorel doesn’t love you because trust me that boy loves you to death. He’d go crazy if anything happened to you.”
“Yeah I would” Jorel says from behind me, scaring the hell out of me.
I turn and hug him ignoring his sweatiness, “I never believe you could actually love a girl that was just a fan.”
He kisses the top of my head, “You aren’t just another fan girl though. You are the love of my life.”
Reluctantly I let him go, “You need to go back out there.”
“They’ll understand” he wraps his arms tighter around me. “Never leave me.”
“I promise I won’t” Over his shoulder I see Dylan come walking towards us.
“Hey little chica. I need my guitarist back” He tells me with a thick Mexican accent.
“Is he drunk already?” I ask Jorel.
“Happens a lot lately” He kisses my forehead and slowly lets go of me. “I’ll be back baby. I promise.”
I smile, “I know you will.” I watch him walk on stage then turn and look at Charlotte who was smiling down at a giggling Blake. She look up at me, “I do not want to be there for that boy’s breakdown when we have to leave.”
All of a sudden Blake starts sneezing nonstop, when he finally finishes he start crying as though he had scared himself by sneezing. Quickly I grab him from Charlotte and rest him on my shoulder, “It’s okay buddy. It’s okay. Shh baby.”
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Ally Darling<3 Only because you asked. The more comments the faster I update:)