‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly


Chapter 6
After the concert we all went back to the main land by ferry. Blake never left Jorel’s arms until we got to the car.
“Where are we going?” I ask climbing in next to him.
He grabs my hand, “Back to the hotel. Don’t worry me, you , and Blake all have our own room.”
Johnny, Tony, and Danny all climb in the front. Tony turns and frowns at Jorel, “You are taking Willow from me?”
Jorel looks at him seriously, “She was never yours.”
Tony turns towards Johnny and mumbles, “How does he know?”
Anger practically radiated off of Jorel. I turn towards him and kiss his jaw line, “Calm down Jorel. I am yours.”
He rests his free hand on Blake’s stomach, “I trust you.”
“I wouldn’t” Johnny says from the front.
I could tell Danny was struggling to stay quiet, his grip on the steering wheel was turning his knuckles white. “Johnny shut up now.”
“No” Jorel says simply. “I want to hear what he has to say about the girl his brother was in love with so then George will understand why I break his jaw.”
Five minutes away from the hotel, a lot can be said and done in five minutes. Johnny’s shoulders tense up as he says, “I’ll wait, I don’t want to wake up Blake.”
I rest my head on Jorel’s shoulder, scared of what might happen. I know I haven’t done anything wrong, yes I thought about it but I have never done anything wrong. I love Jorel. Just Jorel.

When we get to the hotel Jorel unbuckles Blake and waits for me to get out. I look at him as everybody else gets out, “Please don’t do anything.”
He kisses my cheek, “I won’t unless he gives me reason to.”
I climb out of the car and grab Blake from him. He gets out and looks down at me, “I love you. And I trust you no matter what he says.”
“Jorel, just come inside with me” I beg him, with my voice and my eyes.
“No” he leans down and kisses me.
“That’s right, kiss your fucking whore” Johnny mumbles but loud enough for Jorel to hear.
I hug Blake to me as Jorel looks down into my eyes. I look away just as he walks over to Johnny and punches him square in the jaw. I climb back into the car with Blake and shut the door as my fiancé and my best friend’s brother get into a fight. Blake wakes up and starts cry, I rock him back and forth in my arms as I whisper, “I wish that I could fly. Way up in the sky. Like a bird so high oh I might just try.” I repeat what George had once sung to me over and over again until somebody came and opened the door.
I hadn’t realized I had been crying until Jorel wiped the tears off of my face, “I’m sorry.”
I hand him Blake and walk away. I didn’t want to look at his face, I knew it would be bloodied and bruised. I begged him not to, I told him to come inside with me but he said no. He had promised me he wouldn’t get into fights after Blake was born. He had broken his promise, another he promised not to do. He had broken two promises in one night.
I take a deep breath and walk back towards Jorel. But not to go to him, only to open the trunk. I reach into the very back of the trunk and pull out a black bag I swore I’d never touch. It was full of the only things I had left of George. A pair of sweatpants, a sweatshirt, a t-shirt, and a lighter. I slide his sweatpants, ignoring Jorel, next I throw the sweatshirt over my head then slam the trunk. I turn and walk away. Yes, I knew my fiancé was bloodied up because of me. Yes, I knew my baby was crying. No, I didn’t know that George had written me a note, not until I put my hand in the pants pockets and found a piece of paper. I stop in the middle of the parking lot and open it:
Dear Willow,
Wow, for once I didn’t call you Butterfly. I don’t think you understand you will always be my butterfly. Even when one of us isn’t there. I’ve only been away from you for two days but god does it feel like forever. I want to be home, now. I want to be able to hear your breathing in the room next to me. I want to be there when you have our baby. But since I won’t be, can you at least send me a picture? I want to know whose eyes he has. We used to fight about that all the time. I want him to have yours, you want him to have mine. I bet you ten bucks you win Butterfly. I want you to promise me that you won’t forget about me. Can you do that for me, beautiful? Please? I know you hate those words. And you have every reason to. I don’t want to say goodbye, Butterfly. So I won’t instead I’ll say Hey Butterfly. Just like I used to every morning. I miss you. But I know you, you can make it through this. Smile, you’re too pretty to cry. I love you, Butterfly. More than you will EVER know. Don’t forget me. Well I got to go. I’m on my way to Nashua to pick up something for our son, I hope he’ll like it. Stay strong Butterfly.
I love you Butterfly,
I felt my knees give out and in seconds I was on the ground crying harder than I have since I found out George died. Why did he have to die? Why did he have to know every little thing? Why did he have to go to Nashua that day?
“One day I know you’re coming back down” I mumble under my breath. Just then the wind picked up tried to steal the note away from me. “No more games, George.”
I could hear somebody talking to me, but I couldn’t figure out what they were saying. Their words were mumbles to me. After a minute Danny pick me up and carry me towards the hotel. I stare at the floor until he lays me on my bed and leaves the room.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Jorel asks sitting next to me.
“George…” I hand him the note as I burst into fresh tears.
He quickly reads the note then looks up at me. “Willow, this just shows you how much he loves you.”
“I miss him. I want him back.”
He stands up and grabs Blake from the other side of the bed and hands him to me, “If he stayed I doubt we would have Blake.”
I look down at my son then back up at Jorel, “Why do you put up with me?”
“Willow I love you with all my fucking heart.”
I shake my head, “But I made you wait.”
“Willow, if I had gotten you the second I wanted you I wouldn’t love you as much.”
“But Jorel, I have nothing for you. I’m 19 years old with a kid from another man…”
He grabs my chin and makes me look at him, “To be yours is all I can ask for.”
I start to shake my head, “I’m so fucking broken.”
He smiles at me, “That just gives me a chance to show you how much I love you but putting you back together.”
“What if you forget a piece? An important piece?”
“I’ve already got your heart, your brain, and” he touches his finger to the tip of my nose “Your beautiful blue eyes.”
I smile at him, “What if I never met you?”
“I’d go crazy.”
I look up at the ceiling and think back to the very first day, “I almost didn’t go to that concert. But Charlotte dragged me along. Then when we got there I was so scared to go up to you guys that I almost didn’t, I almost just got back in line. But then I saw you smiling at something someone said and I knew that even if you didn’t want me there you wouldn’t be mean to me.”
“I could never be mean to you, beautiful” he smiles at me. “In fact I almost stayed home that concert. Jordon kept telling me that he could do my parts and not to worry about it. My sister had gotten sick and needed somebody to take care of her. But then luckily her boyfriend came home and practically shoved me out the door yelling at me to go to the concert. Now I know why.”
Blake starts to giggle as he wraps his hand in my hair. Then begins another sneezing fit, I count 5 sneezes before he finally stops but begins to cry. Jorel takes him out of my arms and holds him in front of his face. Blake stops crying and just looks at Jorel.
“Hi mister” Jorel coos. “Why are you crying?”
“Because Daddy went missing for a month and a half, leaving the other side of the bed freezing and empty” I say as I lean back into the pillows.
Jorel looks at me over Blake, “I think that’s your reason for crying not his.”
I shake my head, “He notices it more than I do. He used to sleep soundly through the night when you were there. The second you leave he wakes up every two hours.”
He kisses Blake’s forehead, “I’m sorry, buddy. Maybe I should stay home for the rest of the tour.”
“No. The band needs you.”
“I think they could manage without me.”
“No they couldn’t. Blake and I can. The band can’t.”
Jorel lays Blake on the bed then leans into kiss me as he begins a sneezing fit of his own. I can’t help but laugh at Blake starts and stops to cry with every sneeze. Jorel sits back and looks at me, “I’m glad you find me being sick funny.”
I smile, “I do, even though you definitely just sneeze all over me.”
He smirks at me, “You deserve it.”
I stick my tongue out at him and laugh as he leans towards me again to kiss me. As he kisses my neck he whispers, “You should really change that tongue ring.”
I put my hands on his shoulders and smile, “Why? You haven’t yet.” I had forgotten about my ‘Enter here’ tongue ring that I’ve had in since before I met the guys.
He kisses my neck, “I don’t want to be like Jordon.”
I stop smiling, “Jorel, Forever and always or Always and forever?”
Without pausing to think he smiles and answers, “Always and forever.”
“Are you sure about that?” I ask, seriously.
He grabs my hand and holds it up for me to see, “I think that ring kind of proves it.”
I smile, “Yes it does.”
“Until she chucks it at your head one of these times” Dylan says as he walks through the door.
“Dylan, what are you doing here?” Jorel asks, as Danny walks in. “Danny, too?”
Dylan lays down on the bed next to Blake, “I came by to say Hello to my little Chica and her baby. He followed me. Fucking stalker.”
“I was on my way here first. I have every right to check up on Willow” Danny argues sitting next to him.
“Danny, I am fine. Really I am” I tell him with a smile.
“Yeah now you are.”
“And she wasn’t when?” Dylan asks, picking up Blake
Danny shrugs, “Oh I don’t know. When I found her crying in the parking lot?”
“Oh Chica, why were you crying?”
“No reason” I answer blankly, glaring at Danny.
Jorel smiles at me, “Babe, go take a shower it’ll make you feel better.”
“Danny, what are we doing tomorrow?” I ask ignoring Jorel.
“Ask Jorel.”
I look at Jorel, he shrugs and points to Dylan. “Dylan, what are we doing tomorrow?”
“FUCKING ROLLERCOASTERS!!” he yells, scaring Blake.
He calms down Blake while I look over at Jorel. He smiles and blows me a kiss, “You’ll love it.”
I shake my head, “Fine. What time are we leaving?”
“What time do you want to leave?” Danny asks, stealing Blake from Dylan.
“What time does the park open?”
“I knew she would ask that” Charlotte says as she walks in. “She always does.”
I laugh as Mathew walks in behind her, “I like staying there for as long as possible!”
Mathew shuts the door as Charlotte climbs onto the bed next to me and rests her head on my shoulder, “I wish I could go.”
“You hate roller coasters” I remind her.
“My point is you are fucking weird!” I exclaim.
“I thought we already knew this?” Mathew asks, leaning against the bed post.
I smile at him, “Not going to join the party on the bed?”
“Being that close to you is a health hazard.”
“Aw Mathew I missed you too!” I lean forwards to hug him.
“You touch me and I will burn to ashes on the spot.”
I look at him shocked, “What’s that suppose to mean?”
“He basically just said you’re too hot to handle” Dylan points out. “Which you are” He kisses my cheek ignoring Jorel’s glare.
I lean towards Jorel and kiss him then whisper, “I love you.”
He smiles at me as I back up next to Charlotte, “Willow you know what we should do?”
“Hi-jack a viper then rob a bank?” Danny asks, over the pile people.
“Uh no” Charlotte shakes her head and points at him. “And you have been spending WAY too much time with Willow.”
He smiles as Blake starts to cry, “Time to feed the master.”
“Yeah I am kind of hungry” Charlotte says, going completely off track from what she was originally talking about.
“Too fucking bad” Danny says as he gets off the bed to grab a bottle.
“Anyways…” I say then look at Charlotte.
“What?” She asks, glancing at Mathew who was laughing his ass off.
“You were saying we should do something…?”
“Like rob a bank” Danny throws in, sitting back on the bed.
Jorel reaches over and takes Blake and his bottle from Danny. “My turn.”
“OH!” Charlotte finally exclaims, “We should all camp out in your room.”
“No” Jorel says instantly.
I laugh lightly and smile at him, “We should tomorrow, after the amusement park. We will all be dead tired.”
Jorel nods his head then returns his attention to Blake. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, when nobody moves to answer it I say, “Oh let’s not all rush to the door.”
I stand up and climb over Dylan, which he enjoyed way too much. The person continues to knock, “I’M COMING! Jeesh I have a fucking room full of people.”
Finally I reach the door and pull it open, to see Jordon standing there smiling. “Hi there, gorgeous.”
“How do you always know where I am?”
“Uh hello the concert?” He says giving me a ‘duh’ look.
“But why are you here?” I glance over my shoulder to see Jorel looking at me concerned. I smile and step out the door, pulling it shut behind me.
“Because I wanted to see my kid.”
I shake my head, “Jordon, he isn’t your kid. He’s George’s.”
“Are we sure about that?” He steps closer to me, so I step back into the door. He smiles and takes another step towards me.
“He has his eyes, there is no denying it” I try my hardest not to break eye contact with him.
“How do you know they aren’t your eyes?” He puts a hand on each side of my head, making sure to cover the peephole. “Your beautiful blue eyes. That I love so much.”
He still had a way with words I won’t deny him that, but they were laced with poison now. “No, Jordon. They are George’s not mine. I have stared into my eyes for the last 19 years I know what they look like.”
“I think they are so beautiful” he leans closer to me, trying to seduce me with his words.
“Jordon, stop it. This may have worked before you hit me but it won’t work now. I loved you, but-.”
“Don’t fuck lie to me” he spits at me. “If you loved me you wouldn’t have fallen in love with Jorel. You said so yourself.”
I look away from him as I start to cry. He grabs my chin and turns me towards him, “Your tears aren’t going to make me feel sorry this time. I have been through so much shit for you. I lost my whole fucking world. You killed me once by breaking my heart, you took away my kid so I guess you killed me twice. You little fucking whore.”
I hit his hand away from my face, “Don’t fucking touch me. If you EVER want to see Blake then you have to grow a pair and act like an adult.”
He leans towards me again, stopping short of my lips. “I’m sorry, Willow. I love you. You need me.”
He kisses me softly then walks away. I watch him walk away as I wipe the tears from my face then take a deep breath. I turn the handle of the door and walk back inside, everybody was still sitting on my bed. Jorel looks up at me and smiles, “Hey baby.”
I stop and look at him, “Hi.”
“Okay, taking that as our cue to leave” Charlotte tells everybody as she pushes herself off the bed. She walks over to me and hugs me, “Don’t break him.”
I walk to the bed as everybody gets up and leaves. Danny was the last to leave, he turns and waves to me before shutting the door.
Jorel moves up next to me with Blake still in his arms, “Jordon?”
“Isn’t it always?”
“No. For awhile it was George. In the very beginning it was me.”
I smirk at him, “Oh yeah, you and your lovely raping me.”
He kisses my cheek, “We both know it wasn’t considered rape.”
“Shh that’s for only us to know” I turn and kiss him.
He smiles and kisses me again, “Nope. The whole world can know now. You wanted me. You’ve always wanted me.”
I rest my head on his chest, “That’s right.”
“I’m sad I never got to see my face all over your bedroom walls” He pouts at me as Blake falls asleep.
“You can. When the tour is done, we will go visit mom.”
“And your dad.”
I yawn and look at him, “Baby, when are we getting married?”
“When do you want to get married?”
“New Year’s eve” I say jokingly.
“Fine. We will get married this New Year’s eve” He nods his head, finalizing the decision.
“Think you can plan your dream wedding by then?”
“You mean OUR dream wedding.”
He kisses my forehead, “But I want this to be everything you’ve ever wanted.”
“Just marrying you is everything I’ve ever wanted.”
“True. I’m just that amazing” He says, grinning.
I slap his chest next to Blake, “Don’t be so cocky.”
“Oh god. So many comments I could make right now.”
He pushes my hair out of my face and looks down at me, “But seriously do you want to get married this New Year’s Eve?”
“Gah I’ll be 20 then!”
“Oh shut up. I’m still older than you.”
“Will you marry me New Year’s Eve?” I ask him, seriously.
“Yes I will.”
I snuggle into his chest, “Are you sure?”
“Make it everything you’ve ever wanted.”
“So if I wanted everything from Wal-Mart, I could?”
“That would save us a shit load of money…” He says, shrugging.
“Well I will because I am not making our wedding super fucking expensive.”
“Except your dress. You can wear whatever you want, I’ll pay for it.”
“Nope. My grandmother has wanted to buy my wedding dress since I was born.”
He lets out a deep breath, “Good because I really didn’t want to buy a 10,000 dollar dress.”
“Excuse me, my dream dress is $3,000.”
He kisses my forehead, “Make this your dream wedding, baby.”
“No. It will be OUR dream wedding, Jorel. I am not planning this on your own” I tell him seriously.
He smiles, “You know what this means?”
“I just might have to stay home to plan this with you…”
“No. You are continuing on your tour. I will go to Europe with you but you are not staying home.”
Jorel smirks at me, “Too bad. I already have a replacement.”
“Pretty sure you just had a run in with him.”
“JORDON?!” I yell. “How could you let him? Jorel Michael Decker!”
“Yes, my beautiful wife?”
“Why Jordon?”
“Because he knows all the songs, he can play guitar, and this way I know he’ll be away from you.”
I move away from him and glare at the wall. “I hate you.”
I feel the bed move as he puts Blake down and pulls me towards him, “Baby…”
“Nope. I’m mad at you.”
He kisses my neck, “But you get me all to yourself.”
“Fine I’ll just leave you back on your own with Alec, Tony, and Johnny.”
I turn and hug him, “I love you!”
“That’s what I thought.”
I yawn and lean forwards to grab Blake. I lay down and hug him close to my chest. Jorel turns off the light and lays down next to us. “I love you two. I hope you know that.”
“Liar” I say jokingly.
He pulls both Blake and I closer to him, “Nope. I am a truther.”
“A truther?”
He kisses me forehead, “Yup, a truther.”
I shake my head and take a deep breath. All I could smell was Jorel. My soon to be husband. “Ready for roller coasters and wedding plans?”
“With you? Always.”
I smile at him and slowly drift to sleep.