‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

Gangsta Sexy

Chapter Seven
“You touch me and I swear to god I will murder you” I mumble as Jorel climbs onto the bed to wake me.
“Wow thanks babe” he says and climbs off the bed. “I’ll just leave I guess.”
“Mister you leave and I will die.”
I hear Mathew laugh, “Oh yeah, we wouldn’t want that.”
“Fuck off.”
“No” He walks towards me and pokes my cheek until I finally get the energy to swat his hand away.
“Is Blake still in the bed?” I ask Jorel.
“No. I put him in the car seat.”
I roll over and cover myself with the blankets, “Screw you all.”
“I don’t want to screw you” Mathew says as he steps on to the bed and starts to jump up and down. “WAKE THE FUCK UP!”
Finally, I sit up and glare at him, “I fucking hate you.”
“Willow, language!” I hear Tony yell as he steps in the door.
“Jeesh Jorel did you just leave the door open?” I complain as I climb out of bed.
“Hey Willow” Tony says smiling.
“Hi?” I walk into the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I apparently have the tendency of taking off my clothes in my sleep, especially my pants. I walk back out and glare at Tony. “I can’t exactly go anywhere without clothes.”
Jorel smirks at me, “I can think of a few places you can go without clothes.”
“Kinky” Mathew says with a gross expression. “Willow your bag of clothes is right there. Danny told me to tell you that your outfit for the day is on top.”
I bend over, ignoring Tony’s comments, and unzip the bag. I pick up a purple bikini, “Seriously?”
Jorel walks over to me and places his hands on my hips, “Yes. But with this over it” he says picking up shorts and a tank top.
“You planned this.”
“Point?” I hear Mathew say behind me.
“Mathew, get out before I start undressing in front of you” I threaten then reach for the hem of my shirt. Mathew runs out of the room as Tony settles down into the bed.
“I’m ready for the show” Tony says, grinning.
“Tony. Out. Now” Jorel says pointedly. “Bring Blake to Charlotte.”
“Is she watching him today?” I ask, watching Tony carrying Blake from the room.
“Nope” he grins.
“Then why..?” I ask then smile as he backs me into the wall. “Well hello there.”
He kisses my collarbone, “Hello.”
“Haven’t seen you much lately” I comment as he lifts my legs and wraps them around his back.
“Yeah, sorry about that” he kisses from my shoulder up to my mouth. “I blame Aron.”
“Don’t blame me for anything!” We hear somebody say from the bed. Aron had managed to slip in silently and get comfortable on the bed.
Jorel rests his forehead against my shoulder, “Seriously, Aron? You had to sneak in when I finally get to see her?”
He sits up and looks at us, “Just enjoying the show. Willow, work on those legs muscles, you need to be able to pull him closer to you using just them.”
“Thanks for the tip. Now get out” I point to the door. He shrugs and walks out. “Fucking hate him.”
“Continue or just give up?” Jorel asks, kissing me slowly.
“Continue” I answer, taking Aron’s advice and pulling him closer using my leg muscles.
Then there was a knock on the door, “ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!” Jorel lets go of my legs and walks over to answer the door. I remain slouched against the wall, waiting to find out who had interrupted us this time. Jorel opens the door to reveal Jordon, “What do you want?”
Jordon looks past him and smiles at me. I give him the middle finger and duck into the bathroom to change. “You invited me, remember? Told me I had one more chance to be near her and if I fucked it up I was dead.”
I shut the bathroom and change into my bathing suit. I managed to get the bottoms and my shorts on but I couldn’t tie the top tight enough so I opened to the door to ask Jorel. “Babe, can you tie this for me?”
“Wow you haven’t called me babe in months” Jordon comments, smiling at me.
“That’s because she isn’t talking to you” Jorel says, walking behind me to tie my bathing suit. He sweeps my hair over my shoulder and ties it. “Damn you are white babe.”
I turn and kiss him, “Thanks.”
“No problem” he says with a smirk. “Put on your tank top. I think Jordon is remembering seeing more of you than this.”
I look over at Jordon to see him smiling. “Yes I am. And I have every right to. I’m her ex- fiancé.”
Jorel turns on his heels and glares at him, “You have no rights. Not anymore.”
Jordon shrugs then frowns as I throw my tank top over my head. “Jordon, he is right. You have no rights with me anymore.”
“Not like I ever did.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
He smirks at me, “You know exactly what that means.”
I walk over to Jorel and grab his hand, “Come on babe, let’s go.”
“Yeah let’s go” We walk out silently to the car with Jordon following behind us. Danny was already waiting in the started car, and I thought Mathew was the impatient one. I watch as Jordon climbs in the back, and then look up at Jorel, “Go ahead and get in. I’m going to make sure Blake is okay.”
He walks away as I slide into the mustang next to Danny, “Hey Buttercup, you ready for this ride?” he asks shifting the car into reverse, which required putting his hand in between my legs.
Jordon leans forward and practically breathes down my neck, “Why does he get to touch you there, but I don’t?”
“Don’t get me started on the list of reasons” I tell him as Jorel gets into the car and slams the door. I grab his hand and kiss his cheek. “Blake all settled in, in Auntie’s car?”
“Already asleep” He kisses me and smiles. He glances back at Jordon who was staring out the window, “Behave yourself.”
“I will if she does. Where the fuck are Johnny and Tony?” He asks impatiently.
“They’re coming. And trust me, I will behave myself around you” I tell him in a sickly sweet voice.
He launches forward in his seat, “That’s not what you used to say. You liked it naughty” he kisses my neck and sits back as Tony opens the door.
“Sorry, we couldn’t find our room key” Johnny apologizes as he shuts the door.
“It’s fine” Danny says, backing the car out of the parking lot.
Once we were on the main road I turned and looked at the three boys in the backseat, “All three of you better fucking behave yourselves, or else.”
Tony smiles at me, “Yes mommy.”
Jorel snickers as I turn back around. I slap his leg, “That goes for you too.”
“Or else what?” Jordon taunts from the back. “You’ll tie him to the hotel bed like you used to do with me. Tell me Jorel, do you like teeth?”
Jordon turns in his seat and glares at Jordon. “You know I’m risk it all right now to give you a second chance. So wise the fuck up and not make this into another episode like with Tori.”
Suddenly the car was silent, “Who is Tori?” I ask Jorel.
“Nobody” everybody in the car answers me.
Jorel rubs his thumb along my palm, “Don’t worry about it. Let’s have some fun today.”
I look at him and force a smile as we pull into Cedar Point parking lot. “Oh. My. God.”
“Told you she’d love it” Danny says proudly, as I lean across Jorel to look at the streams of giant roller coasters.
I feel Jorel laugh, I turn my body and sit on his lap to kiss him, “I love you!” Over his shoulder I watch Jordon raise his arm to wipe something from under his eyes.
Danny parks the mustang next to Mathew’s rental car. I open the door and climb out before Danny has the chance to kill the engine. I watch as Dylan gets out of the car holding Blake. “Look little guy, it’s our chica.”

Throughout the day I ran from roller coaster to roller coaster chasing after one of the guys. Finally after four hours of rides we took a break to eat lunch. We spread out over a picnic field. Jorel lays down with Blake on his chest while we wait for Charlotte, Danny, and Mathew to come back with our food.
“So what’s next?” Jorel asks shading his eyes from the sun. Suddenly I hear a chorus of screams and look up to see a ride shoot into the air. I point at it and smile. “Nope. You are NOT getting me on that thing.”
I pout, “But it’s a two person seat kind of ride and I am not sitting next to a stranger.”
“Actually, it has four person seats” Jordon informs me from until the tree five feet away. “I want to go on.”
Dylan smiles at me, “Yeah chica, go ride with Jordon.”
“Not like she hasn’t been on a ride with him before” Charlotte comments, waddling towards me.
I glare at her, “Does anybody else want to go?”
I hear a chorus of no’s then look at Jorel, “But I don’t want to go on alone with him…”
He sits up carefully, clutching Blake to his chest, and kisses me. “It’ll be fine. It’ll be over in a minute.”
“Actually they’ve been known to last at least 15 minutes” Aron tells us, nodding his head to his own words.
“The ride has?” Jordon asks, confused.
Aron smirks, “No. You two.”
I feel my cheeks flame up as I glare at Aron, “Yeah but the cut across my face took over a week to go away.”
Jordon flinches at my words but recovers quickly, “A broken heart can’t go away. Especially when I get a reminder every time I look at Blake.”
“Maybe it you weren’t forcing me to suck your dick every five seconds I wouldn’t have done it!” Tears sting my eyes but I don’t dare look away from him.
“I only did that because…” Tears start to fall down his face. “Because I wanted to remind you what you had. You thought I didn’t know about it. I knew about it from the beginning, but I didn’t call you on it because I kept thinking ‘I’m the one she comes back to. I’m the one she whispers I love you to every night before she falls asleep.” Then you got pregnant.”
I wipe tears off my face, “Then why did you hit me?”
He stands up and looks at me, “Because I was desperate to keep you with me any way I could. Even out of fear.”
I blink twice and look at him, really look at him. His tousled brown hair hidden under a baseball cap. The way his blue eyes seemed to be searching mine. Finally, my eyes move from his face to his body. His shirt rested loosely on his shoulder, covering what I knew was a flat stomach. You could see an inch or two of his boxer because of the way his shorts hung on his hips. My eyes drift back up to his as my lips form his name…
“Oh my god! You’re Charlie Scene!” A girl screams before running up to Jordon and hugging him. She lets go and looks around. “And you’re JDog, Funny Man, and Da Kurlzz!” She jumps up and down, and runs to hug them all except Jorel since he was still holding Blake.
I look at her impatiently, she meets my harsh gaze “You’re the infamous Willow Decker”
Jordon clears his throat, “And you are?”
She turns and smiles at him, “Zoe Johnson.”
“Well Zoe, would you mind excusing us? We’re about to eat lunch. But if you give me your number I’ll hook you up with some tickets to our next show” he says sweetly, returning her smile.
Of course she leaves her number with Jordon then leaves but not before she hugged and kissed every guy, including Danny. We all wave as she walks away then look at each other.
“I’d fuck her” Aron tells us, breaking the silence.
“She was like 12!” Charlotte yells.
Aron shrugs, “I never get caught.”
“I feel unloved she didn’t know who I was” Danny complains.
“Hey!” Charlotte exclaims, “She didn’t know me either.”
“They only know me as the band whore” I say as I stare blankly at the grass. I feel Jorel’s hand on my back.
“Baby, why don’t you eat something?” Jorel says softly.
I shake my head, “I’m not hungry.”
He rubs my back softly, “You need to eat.”
“No” I shake my head, stand up, and storm off. I had no clue where I was going but I knew somebody was following me. I stop and turn to see Jordon 15 feet behind me, “What?”
He keeps walking towards me, “I thought you wanted to go on that ride.”
I shove my face into my hands, “I don’t know what I want.”
Jordon pulls me into him, “You want a nice house with a wraparound porch, and a giant kitchen. You want to graduate college and become what you’ve always wanted to be. You want Jorel Decker to be your husband.”
“How can you say that?” I mumble into his shoulder.
“Because I know you. Yes, you love kissing me and the way I hold your hand when we walk. But you love Jorel, all of him.”
I pull him closer to me, “I’m sorry.”
“Shh beautiful…”
“No” I pull back and look at him. “I put you through so much shit and broke your heart and yet you can still look me in the eye.”
“Willow, you only broke my heart because I broke yours. George was there for you, he was the forbidden boy so you wanted him. He loved you when you needed it the most.”
I busy my head back into him as he kissed the top of my head, “I still love you Willow. That’ll never change.”
“How can you still say that to me?”
He squeezes my shoulders, “Because it’s true.”
I start to cry into his shoulder when I hear a voice behind me say, “Hey Charlie, can I get a picture with you?”
“Zoe, I don’t mean to be rude but…go away.”
“Because I’m a little busy” he says impatiently, I feel him lift his hands as he gestures to me.
“Isn’t she JDog’s girl now?”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t hug her. Don’t get pissy because I rather hug my ex than you.”
I hear her turn away, “Fucking whore.”
After she walks away I look up at Jordon, he shakes his head and pulls me back into him, “One reason I’m glad we didn’t have a kid is he/she can’t look up at me like that with your eyes. Damn, I’d be screwed.”
I smile into his shoulder, “Yeah good thing.”
I close my eyes and block out the world for a minute, “What time is it?”
“About 1:30, why?”
I back away from him, “I’m tired and want to go home.”
“At least you have a home,” He holds out his hand. “Let’s go back.”
I slide my hand into his, “How did you know I miss this?”
He smiles, “I just know you.”
We walk back to our group on the picnic lawn. Jorel was leaning against a tree with Blake asleep in his lap. I let go of Jordon and go sit down next to him. “Hi Baby.”
He smiles and kisses me, “Hello beautiful.”
“How are my guys?” I pick a piece of grass off Blake.
“Tired as fuck.”
“You too?”
He nods, “But I don’t want to ruin your fun.”
I rest my head on his shoulder, “No, I’m tired. I want to go home.”
He kisses the top of my head, “We will tomorrow but for now how about we go back to the hotel?”
“Sounds good to me. But we have to bring more with us. They can’t all fit in Charlotte’s car.”
“Who is ready to go back to the hotel?” Jorel asks the group. Jordon’s, Danny’s and Johnny’s hands were in the air before he could finish the question.
I look at Charlotte, “Think you can handle the rest?”
She shrugs, “Or I’ll just leave them here.”
“You could do that, but bring Dylan. He entertains me” I tell her with a smile.
I stand up and pick up Blake off of Jorel, “let’s go babies”
“Oh don’t worry, I’m coming” Jordon says, popping up at my side pushing the stroller.
I smile at him, “Not you, dork.”
He pouts, “Okay…”
Carefully I put a still sleeping lake into the stroller and buckle him in, “There you go.”
Jorel grabs my hand as we being to walk towards the exit. He leans down and whispers, “I got a present for you.” He smiles as he pulls out a sparkling snow globe out of his pocket, “I know how much you love them.”
I shake it twice and watch as the glitter falls over the mini replica of one of the roller coaster, “Thank you baby!”
He hugs me, “You’re welcome.”
I look up at him and stare into his caramel brown eyes, “No, really thank you Jorel Michael Decker. For everything.”
“Anything for you beautiful.”
♠ ♠ ♠
For Kasey.