‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly

No. 5

Chapter Eight
“Jorel Michael Decker!” I scream from the kitchen.
He walks down the hall carrying Blake, “What?!”
I smile, “You’re shirtless.
He looks down at his body, “Yes I am” he says grinning. He puts Blake in his chair and walks towards me. “You like it?”
I wrap one arm around his neck as my other hand traces his V cut, “Yes.”
He lifts me up and wraps my legs around him. Next things I know, I am pressed against a wall with Jorel kissing me. Blake starts crying but Jorel doesn’t stop.
“Jorel” I say, my voice just a moan.
“What, baby?” he asks, pressing me harder into the wall.
I let out a sigh and whisper, “Blake.”
“Fuck” He lets go of my legs and walks over to Blake. “I think you are being possessed by George.”
I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his hips my hands falling right above his spot, “Why do you say that?”
He turns his head to look at me, “Because each time we go at it, he starts to cry. The only action we’ve had is that blowjob when we got home.”
I smirk at him, he had been back home in Boston with me for almost two weeks. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss below his ear. “Don’t worry baby. Danny said he’d baby sit next time he visits.”
“Seriously?” Excitement lit up his face.
I nod as my phone starts to ring. I grab it off the counter. “Hello?”
“Hi” Danny says hurriedly. “Yeah just wanted to tell you that Charlotte is in labor.”
“WHAT?!” I yell scaring Jorel.
“Yeah. We are in Texas right now at the hospital. We were on our way to a show when her water broke. They say that she should be giving birth within the hour” He informs me, sounding tired.
“Keep me fucking posted or I swear to god, Danny, I will murder you.”
“I will but I got to go. Mathew is puking again” He tells me before hanging up.
I look at the phone then at Jorel, “Charlotte is giving birth and I’m not there.”
“Willow, calm down. They should be in Texas today.”
“Willow, she knew that you might not be there. And she’s okay with it. She understands” He tells me. “We didn’t just try to find ways to kill each other on the bus, we talked too.”
I walk over to him and slam my head into his shoulder, “Let’s go have sex. Maybe it’ll make me feel like a better person.”
He laughs, “How about not.”
“Are you rejecting sex with me?”
“Good. We’ve been engaged for 3 months now. And dating for more than that, and we haven’t had sex yet.”
He rests his head on top of mine, “We are a fucked up couple. Yeah, let’s go have sex.”
I look up at him and smirk, “Nope.”
He frowns, “Why not?”
“Because my best friend is giving birth. I can’t miss her call and be like ‘oh sorry I was fucking Jorel while you gave birth’.”
“Why not?”
“Because” I kiss him. “Don’t worry. I plan on fucking you. Just not now.”
“You love me.”
He smiles, “You can’t prove that.”
I frown at him, “Oh yeah I’m just a fan girl that you like to fuck.”
He kisses my forehead, “That might be true if I was fucking you.”
“Can we plan our wedding?”
He looks at me with a bored expression, “Can we have sex later tonight?”
“If I say yes, will you help me?”
He nods, “I guess so.”
“Then yes.”
“Fine” He lays Blake down in his crib. “Then I’ll help.”
I sit down on the couch and pull out the stuff about the little things we did have planned. “Where do you want to get married?”
“How about in Central Park?” Jorel asks, sitting down next to me.
I scrunch my face at him, “It’s going to be all snowy. And my dress will not be fit for that.”
“Well I want to get married in New York.”
“So do I. That’s something we will have to look up” I say, trying to get him to go get my laptop from our bedroom.
“No, I am not going into the room to get it. Write that as a To Do thing.”
“Fine” I scribble it down. “Who is your best man?”
His eyes widen at the question, “Uh can I put the names in a hat and draw randomly?”
“No. You cannot, pick somebody.”
“Jordon” He says with a grin.
I write that down and look at him, “You’re trying to ruin our wedding, you prick.”
“I am not. You told me to pick so I did.”
I stick my tongue out at him, “Okay. What colors is our scheme?”
“What’s your favorite color?”
“So black and purple? Is that okay?”
“Does this mean Mathew has to wear purple?”
I nod my head as I write down our colors, “Why?”
“He is going to murder us.”
“He can murder me after I’m married to you” I say as I lean over and kiss him.
“What about your dress?”
“Not telling you.”
“Please baby” he eggs, kissing my cheek.
He gets on his knees and puts one hand on either side of my head causing me to lean into the arm of the couch so I was under him. Jorel smiles and kisses me, “Please baby.”
I stretch my legs underneath him and put the notebook on the coffee table, “I’m not telling you. What are you going to do about it?”
He lays his body on top of mine, “Many things.”

Fifteen minutes later my phone was ringing and Jorel was swearing. I slide my half dressed body out from underneath Jorel and walk over to get my phone, “Hello?”
“Hi” Charlotte answers, sounding very tired.
“How are you? How’s the baby? How’s Mathew?”
“Bitch chill.”
“Okay so you are definitely still you” I say smiling.
“I’m fine. And Ash is fine too.”
“Oh so you have a baby boy.”
“Yes we do. Ash Destree St. Claire.”
“Horrible last name” I say with a smirk.
“Wipe that smirk off your face” instantly I stop smirking. “Ha. I knew you were smirking. Anyways I won’t be home until you guys leave for Europe.”
“So you are staying on the tour bus for the next two weeks?”
“I rather be stuck with all the guys on the bus then home without Mathew” She explains. “Oh and Willow?”
“Before I go, because Ash is crying, I just wanted to tell you…”
“Put on some clothes.”
I look down at myself and smile, “You’re such a stalker.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
“Bye” I hang up the phone and smile at Jorel who was still lounging on the couch.
“I forgot you had tattoos” Jorel says as I walk over to him.
“Maybe, because you haven’t seen me without my shirt on in a few months” I tell him as I sit on his hips and smile down at him.
“Not since you first came here” He puts his hands on my hips and brings me down towards him. “Kiss me.”
I smile and kiss him, “This time you can’t blame Blake for getting in the way.”
“But hey I get sex tonight for helping with the wedding.”
“Nope. You distracted me” I lay down on top of him.
“You loved it” he kisses the top of my head. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
He runs his fingers through my hair, “No I don’t think you get how much I love you.”
“What do you mean?”
“It has almost been a year since you came around here and I have been in love with you since day one. I haven’t begged you to have sex with me because I really couldn’t care less if we ever had sex. I just love having you next to me when I go to sleep. I love being able to roll over in the morning and see you laying next to me. I love you, every little bit of you.”
I look up at him and smile, “I know you do.”
“But that doesn’t mean we are never having sex right? Because if we aren’t then you are a total tease.”
I kiss his neck, “Oh no trust me we will. I didn’t spend four years of my life wanting to fuck you just to say no to you when you actually ask.”
“Oh yeah I forgot you’ve always wanted my dick.”
“Yup, that’s all I ever wanted.”
“I fucking knew it!” He yells, jokingly.
I slap his shoulder, “Shut up, you’ll wake up Blake.”
“Don’t tell me what to do, bitch.”
“Fuck me.”
“Okay” he answers with a smile.
“Nope. You told me not to tell you what to do, so if you actually did that then you’d be my bitch.”
“I’ll be your bitch if that means fucking you.”
I lay my head back on his shoulder, “Nope, just let me sleep on your chest.”
“You gunna be shirtless that whole time?” He asks jokingly. “Because the feeling of your boobs pressed into me is so fucking hot you don’t even know.”
“Nope but I can feel it. You don’t have your jeans on to stop it.”
“I forgot I’m only in my boxers now… Guess I lost my pants earlier.”
“And I lost my shirt so we are even” I kiss his neck.
“Yes ma’am. Now go to sleep on my chest so I can feel like an amazing fiancé.”
“You are an amazing fiancé, Jorel.”
I feel him shift slightly, “I love you, princess.”
“That’s queen to you. And I love you too, prince.”

I wake up to Blake crying, I climb off of Jorel and walk over to the crib as Blake stops. “Really, kid? You wait to stop crying until after I get up and walk over here?”
“Yeah, he is an evil kid. Just like you” Jorel says from the couch.
I pick up Blake and walk back over to Jorel, “But you love us both.”
Jorel takes Blake from me and lays him on his chest, “More than either of you will ever know.”
“I know how much you love us.”
He shakes his head, “No you don’t. Trust me.”
I lean down and kiss him, “I believe you. I need to go make him a bottle.”
I slowly walk over to the kitchen as Jorel says, “Yeah mister because her tits are mine.”
“What?” he looks at me, smiling. “They are. You said so in your sleep.”
Shaking my head, I walk into the kitchen and heat up Blake’s bottle, “Jorel, I love you.”
“I love you too” He says from right behind me, causing me to jump. I turn and look at him, “Sorry did I scare you?”
“Just a little” I take Blake out of his arms. “I forgive you though.”
He kisses the tip of my nose, “Good.”
“You make me feel like a little kid sometimes” I admit as I give Blake his bottle.
“You are a little kid.”
“Nope, you are just an old guy.”
He frowns at me, “Make me feel old why don’t you?”
“Oh you love me” I step on my tiptoes and kiss him. I look up at his eyes, “I love your eyes.”
He rests his forehead against mine, “Will you still love them after staring into them for years?”
“Of course.”
“Always and forever, baby.”
Blake starts to squirm in my arms, Jorel grabs him and burps him on his shoulder. I lean against the counter and watch Jorel as he beings to dance around the kitchen holding Blake in his arms. I smile as Blake starts to laugh with his daddy.
“I love you two” I whisper.
“We love you too,” Jorel answers.
Jorel smiles and walks over to me. While balancing Blake in one arm, he wraps the other around me. Slowly, he begins to dance with me to the song inside our heads. “Less than 5 months and you’ll be my wife.”
“And then you’ll officially be stuck with me and Blake.”
He looks down into my eyes, “And maybe in a year there will be another person?”
I smile at him, “Maybe.”
He kisses me and finishes feeding Blake, “I’m going to put him down for a nap in our room, okay?”
“He just woke up” I point out as he starts to walk away.
He turns and looks at me, “Then just don’t come in our room.”
Jorel starts to run down the hall as I chase after him, “Jorel what are you planning?!”
My answer was a closed and locked door. I walk away and collapse on the couch. “Might as well plan our wedding” I mutter to myself.
After spreading everything out across the table I finish the seating chart. We weren’t having a huge wedding but it was going to be a proper one. By the time I heard the door open I planned out the rehearsal dinner, my side of the family’s quest list, and my bride’s maids.
“Jorel I need you out here” I call down the hall.
He walks down the hall wearing dress pants and an open dress shirt, “Yeah?”
I look him over, mouth open from shock, “Going somewhere?”
“Yes WE are” he tells me, buttoning up his shirt slowly covering all of his tattoos.
“Where are we going?”
“Out” he says simply. “I left a box under the coffee table can you get it for me?”
I reach under the table and pull out a large white box, “What is it?”
“Open it.”
I lift the lid off and see “Tissue paper.”
Jorel jokingly sighs, “Move the tissue paper you dork.”
I push the paper aside and find…the bottom of the box. I look at Jorel who was smirking, “You keep empty boxes under the coffee table?”
He nods, “Go ask Blake.”
“Where is he?” Jorel points down the hall. I stand up and walk down the hall, shooting Jorel a confused look. I push open the door to see Blake playing in his bouncy chair, dressed identically to Jorel. On the table next to him was a folded note that said ‘Mommy’. I walked over and opened it:
Mommy, Will you have dinner with Daddy and I? If yes, turn around now, if not well that won’t happen.
<3 BD
I turn around, holding the note, to see Jorel holding a black dress.
“I’m taking that as a yes?”
I shrug, “I guess so.”
He smiles and lays the dress on the bed, “Totally kidding. We are going out to dinner but not until we get to Paris.”
Eyes wide I glare at him, “Jorel Michael Decker.” I push him onto the bed, careful to avoid the dress.
“Careful, you’ll wrinkle the suit.”
I walk out into the kitchen and hop up on the counter. From the bedroom I hear Jorel start to play my song on the guitar, my weakness. Slowly, I walk back into the room and sit down next to him on the floor. He looks at me and smiles, “Your little weakness.”
“Shut it and keep playing” I say, half joking.
He grins at me and starts to play a song I don’t know. When he finished I ask, “What song was that?”
Jorel lays his guitar on the floor and leans over to me, “You’ll find out soon enough.”
I frown, but he doesn’t give in, “Okay.”
He kisses my cheek, “I’ve become immune to your puppy dog face.”
I lay back on to the floor, “Not fair. You get to know everything.”
“Not true” he lays down next to me. “I don’t know what’s for dinner.”
“That’s because I’m never cooking for you again.”
“I’ll order pizza for the rest of my life.”
I turn my head to look at him, he grins at me. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“Oh you know you love me” he says breathlessly sliding his hand into mine.
“I will once you order me pizza.”
“Mean” and with that he turned on his side away from me.
“Baby” I say grabbing his shoulder, “I was joking.” When he didn’t budge I got on my knees and leaned over his shoulder to look at his face, my hair creating a viel. I kiss his forehead, “Baby I love you.”
“My name isn’t baby” he whispers, sounding like Jordon.
I sigh, “Jorel, I love you.”
He opens his eyes and smiles, “I know you do.” He grabs my waist and pulls me over him.
“Jorel be careful!”
He smirks, “You want me to wear protection?”
“No, not when we do that. I don’t care if you’re careful or not while doing that.” I tell him putting emphasize on ‘that’.
“Are you sure?”
“Jorel, I want to have a kid with you.”
Jorel looks over at Blake then back at me, “We should wait a little bit.”
“Until he is older?”
“At least like two…”
I look at him, wide eyed, “Does that mean no sex until Blake is two?!”
“No, just no babies until Blake is two.”
“How about some pizza?”
“Jorel, when should I go to college?”
He stops mid-way from getting up, “Aren’t you going next year?”
I shrug, “I don’t know, am I?”
He nods, “Yes you are, I want you to go to college.”
“Because it has been part of your dreams and I don’t want to be the reason you don’t complete your dream.” He stands up and walks out to the kitchen.
I get up and throw on a shirt then grab Blake, “Do you want Mommy to go to college?”
He looks at me blankly. I smile and carry him out into the living room, “What should I go for?”
“What do you want to be?” Jorel calls from the kitchen.
I sigh and sit on the couch, laying Blake on my legs, “I don’t know. I’ve always gone back and forth between things.”
“Like what?” Jorel asks walking out of the kitchen with a menu in hand.
“Well…” I think for a minute. “There was history teacher, baker, and…”
“And?” He asks, flipping through the menu.
“Music producer.”
He stops looking at the menu and looks at me, “Seriously?”
He turns his body towards me, “If you did that, I could help you and then after you graduate you could help me with the band’s music.”
“But could I make a job out of it?”
“Of course” he says, seriously. “But not with the band. I mean you’ll get paid just not in money.”
“I don’t know…”
“Well you could do that then think of something else…”
I lean forward and kiss him, “Nope I’m becoming a music producer and you can be one of my teachers.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, pulling Blake and I into his lap.
“Yes and if I don’t like it I can do something else.”
I shrug, “I don’t know.”
He kisses my cheek, “You got time to figure it out.”
“I know” I whisper. “But order me food, bitch.”
“Oh you are so lucky you’re holding Blake” He tells me, jokingly as he grabs his phone off the table. “So lucky.”
I watch him as he calls for the pizza then look down at Blake and coo, “Daddy is so silly.”
Jorel hangs up and coos, “Mommy is such a ginger.”
I slap him in the arm, “Shut it, mister.”
“Jorel Michael Decker, I will hit you” I threaten.
“You already did” He points out to me.
“I’ll hit you again.”
“I’m marrying such an abusive woman” he says jokingly, then kisses me. “I go back to work tomorrow night.”
“But women will be all over you because you’re JDog.”
He smiles, “I haven’t heard you call me that in a long time.”
Suddenly, Blake starts crying, I pick up and calm him down by rocking him, “See even he is upset that you’re going back to work.”
“But I’ll be here during the day.”
I pout, “What about visit my family?”
“We still have two weeks before we go to Europe.”
He grabs my hand and kisses me, “And don’t you dare worry about those women. I’m all yours.”
“Not all mine” I look down at Blake.
“Yours and Blake’s.”
“That better be it.”
He kisses me again, “Trust me it is.”
“Do you want to go back to LA?”
He shrugs, “I want to be wherever you are. But I can tell you this much, it’s a lot cheaper over here.”
“Not the whores.”
“Why? How much do you charge?” He asks as somebody knocks on the door. “I got a 10 after I get the pizza, can that get me a lot?”
I throw a pillow at him as he opens the door.
“No for about 10 bucks she’ll give you head,” I hear a familiar voice say. I get up and look over Jorel’s shoulder.
“Alec” I say blankly
“I’m glad you remember my name” He says then looks at Jorel. “The pizza is 8.50 plus tip.”
Jorel hands him exactly 8.50, “Nobody gets a tip after insulting my wife.”
He shuts the door and smiles at me, “I’ll get more for my money, right?”
I shake my head and grab the pizza with my free hand. Jorel grabs Blake from me and lays him down in his crib then walks into the kitchen with me. I put the box down on the counter and look at him. “You should go change before you eat greasy pizza.”
He smirks and me and starts unbuttoning his shirt then stops after two buttons, “It’s so much fucking effort.”
“And this is why you have no nice shirts” I step forwards and start undoing the buttons. “You just wanted me to do it.”
I look up at him and I untuck the shirt from his pants. He smiles, “You know you love taking my clothes off.”
“Just because I get to see all your tattoos” I undo the last button then pull the shirt off his arms. I put the shirt on the table and look at him. “You’re pretty fucking sexy.”
He steps closer to me so I wrap my arms around his neck. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome” I rest my head on his chest. “I love you Jorel.”
“I love you too beautiful” He wraps his arms around my back and kisses the top of my head. “More than you’ll ever know.”