‹ Prequel: Undead

Hey Butterfly


Chapter Nine
“Babe, I’m counting to five and if you aren’t ready I’m leaving without you” Jorel threatens.
“It’s my family we’re going to see” I point out as I slide a shirt over my head.
“Excuse me. They’ll be my family soon enough” He kisses me and smiles.
“You’re right. Grab Blake and let’s go.”
I walk out the door wondering how this trip to me Dad’s would go. Last time I had some home with a black and blue bruise on my arm. But that was also the night I fell in love with Jorel and realized how much I love George.
I feel Jorel slide his hand into mine. I look up at him and smile. My dad didn’t like Jordon because he seemed to be hiding something, but Jorel was a different story. He dealt with my through everything.
“What are you thinking about?” Jorel asks as we start to walk down the stairs.
“Charlotte and Ash” I lie quickly.
“Liar.” He replies instantly, “You were worrying about going to your dad’s.”
“Sort of.”
“Oh… You’re remembering what happened last time” He wraps his arm around my shoulder. “Don’t worry, you suck my dick on your own free will.”
I push open the door and smirk at him, “Yes I do.”
I step out into the sunlight and walk to the mustang. Only when I open Blake’s door do I realize Jorel was still at the lobby for staring at me. “What?”
He walks over to me and places back in his car seat before pushing my hair out of my face and whispering, “Baby you’re beautiful.”
“Oh shut up and get in the car” I say as I go lean down to buckle Blake in. But Jorel doesn’t let go of me.
He locks eyes with me, “Will you marry me?”
I smile and kiss him softly, “I plan to.”
Jorel wraps his arms around me and buries his face into my neck, “How can you love somebody like me?”
I kiss his cheek, “Because I am crazy.”
He lists his head up and smiles at me, “Yeah you are. YOU GINGER!”
I slap his shoulder and push him away. I bend down to buckle Blake in as Jorel puts his hands on my hips, “Jorel!”
“Scream my name!” He yells jokingly. “Beg me for more.”
I turn around and jokingly drop to my knees. I look up at him with begging eyes as I start to undo his belt, “Please baby.”
Instantly I see the pleasure in his face, “Fuck yes.”
I redo his belt and stand up, “Well now I know what works on you.”
I open my door and climb in as he stands there staring at me completely shocked at what I just did. Finally, he moves and gets in behind the wheel.
As he starts the car he looks at me, “I have a question.”
“How can a girl that was addicted to sex go without it for so long?” He puts the car into reverse and waits for my answer.
“I was not addicted to sex.”
He shoots me a look, “I had the room next to yours and Jordon’s as much as I hate it I can still hear you screaming his name in my head.”
I slide over next to him and put my hand in the ‘distracting the driver’ spot. “Want me to be screaming your name tonight?”
“Yup, Danny is coming home tonight. Everybody else is coming home tomorrow a few hours before we have to leave for Europe.”
He looks at me grinning, “So Danny is going to babysit, right?”
“What time is he going to get here?”
“5 but I told him we’d give him an hour before throwing our kid at him.”
He looks at the clock on the dash, “It’s 9 now. We’ll get to your dad’s around noon. Couple hours there. Then to your mom’s then home for 6.”
“Sounds good baby” I kiss his jaw line. “I’ve missed you inside me.”
He looks at me, “I’ve never been inside you…”
My eyes widen as I realize what I just said, “I…uh…”
“Forgot I was Jorel not Jordon?”
“Baby I’m sorry.”
“My name is Jorel not baby” He tells me as he turns on to the highway.
“Oh so now that I made one mistake you’re going to treat me like Jordon did?!”
“Willow, I…”
“No. Sorry I was in love with him and engaged to him before you.”
“Out of everybody I thought you’d maybe accidently call me George because of how much we both love you” He sighs. “But Jordon? Seriously, baby?”
I glare out the windshield, “My name is Willow, not baby.”
He puts his hand on my thigh, “Well WILLOW I am completely and utterly in love with you, and even if you called me Dylan I’d still love you.”
I rest my head on his shoulder, “Why do you let me get away with this stupid shit?”
He kisses my forehead, “Because that are just stupid things.”
“But I just practically called you Jordon.”
“Willow shut up. I love you.”

Hours later we pull in my Dad’s driveway. Jorel parks at the top and we walk down. Me carrying Blake, Jorel holding my hand and carrying the diaper bad. Dad walks out the door and smiles at us. “I was wondering when you’d show up.”
I smile and kiss his cheek, “Hi Dad.”
He instantly grabs Blake from me, “And how is my adorable grandson?”
“He’s great. Dad, you remember Jorel right?”
“Of course, of course” He shakes Jorel’s hand. “You’re fiancé.”
We walk inside and head out to the back porch. Dad gets himself and Jorel a beer and me a glass of iced tea.
“Where’s Maya?” I ask looking around the yard.
“Working. She got a job so I’m alone 10 to 5 every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.”
“Well today you have us to keep you company!” I say excitedly.
He smiles, “Then you’re off to Europe for a month, right?”
Jorel nods and says “Yup then we come back and two months later is our wedding.”
“Wow that’s quite a lot.”
“Dad, you know me. Living life in the fast lane” I say with a smile. “That’s how I ended up in California.”
Jorel smiles sweetly as Blake starts to cry. I get up and take him from dad, “Probably just needs a bottle” Jorel hands me the diaper bag as I head inside.
Finally, Blake stops crying as I heat up his bottle. I hear Jorel and Dad talking outside while I give Blake his bottle. I walk into the living room with him and sit down on the couch. Slowly my eyes begin to flutter shut.

I wake up to Jorel shoving me and Blake squirming in my arms, “Babe we need to go.”
“But we just got here.”
“Well when you fell asleep we did but you’ve been out for a few hours.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” I sit up and ask.
“Because we were talking so we let you sleep. Your dad told me not to wake you so I didn’t…”
Finally after about 15 minutes Jorel gets me into the car. I had said goodbye to Dad even though I didn’t want to. I sit in the passenger seat as Jorel buckles Blake in, I think Dad was sadder to see the boys go than me.
Jorel climbs in behind the wheel and smiles at me, “I know, officially, have permission to marry you.”
“I bet” I say grumpily.
“What’s the matter, grumpy gills?”
“Nothing. Just start the car and let’s go.”
He starts the car but doesn’t take his eyes off of me, “Is it because I let you sleep instead of waking you up?”
“Babe” he starts as we were pulling out of the driveway. “It’s because we were talking about something I had planned and I didn’t want to risk you hearing about it and ruining it.”
I glare at him, “I hate surprises.”
“Not from me. And you’ve admitted it.”
Suddenly I break down crying, Jorel pulls over and tugs me into him, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t know” I sob into his shoulder. “But don’t worry I’ll be fine.”
“Why don’t you lay down and rest a little. I know the way to your mom’s by heart.”
I smirk at him as he wipes tears off my face, “You just want my head in your lap.”
“Well…I wouldn’t object to it…” he smiles at me. “But seriously lay down and rest.”
“But baby…”
“Nope. Shut that beautiful little mouth of yours unless you want Jordon to put something in it again.”
Instantly I shut my mouth but don’t get out of his lap. Suddenly I look up at his eyes to see him looking at me in a way made my heart beat faster. It wasn’t a sex glare, it was a love look. He was looking at me as though he hadn’t seen me in years, “Baby, what are you thinking about?”
“You. Marrying you. Loving you” he kisses me. “Now lay down so we can get to your mom’s then home.”
“So we can fuck?” I ask him as I slide off his lap.
“No so I can be with you” he kisses my forehead and I lay my head on his thigh. “Oh but I still wouldn’t object to that…”
“You’re wearing jeans. Makes it kind of difficult…”
“Damn it.”
I laugh as I close my eyes and fall asleep. I trust him, I knew he wouldn’t make me do anything. Especially with the way he had been looking at me. He loves me with all his heart.

I wake up again to Blake crying. I sit up and look around. We were a few exits away from my mom’s. I smile at Jorel, “You do know the way by heart.”
He smirks at me, “And you do drool in your sleep.”
I look down at his leg and see a slight wet spot wearing my mouth had been. I slide over to him and put one hand where I knew his dick was, and the other wear the wet spot was, “But just look at how close that is.”
“You really want this, huh?”
“No…” I lie quickly as I turn around and play with Blake to get him to stop crying.
I glance over at him to see him smiling, “And how do you know?”
“You talk in your sleep.”
I quickly try to remember what my dream was but couldn’t, “Oh and what was I saying?”
“Well I can’t do it nearly as good as you, even when you’re asleep” his smile widens. “But it went a little like this, ‘Jorel baby fuck me please. Don’t stop. Harder. Faster.’”
“Explains why you have a boner.”
He quickly looks down at his pants, “I do not.”
Before he could look back up at the road I quickly slide over to him. I kiss below his ear, “Are you sure about that?”
“Not anymore…”
I smile and put my hand down to wear his pants started, I pull the top of his boxers away just to tease him. Then I stop move my hand and slide back over to continue playing with Blake.
“Are you just going to keep teasing me all day?” he asks, trying (and failing) to keep his attention on the road and not my ass as I leaned over the seat to play with Blake.
“Pretty much.”
“Fine. Just remember you started this war.”
“And we will see who the winner is tonight” I lean over to him and kiss his cheek.
“Yup” he smiles at me, I see in his eyes that he has a plan. “Hey babe, can you take the wheel for a minute?”
I sit next to him and grab hold of the wheel as he pulls off his shirt to reveal a white wife beater underneath, “I hate you.”
“You started it” he says as he pulls off to my mom’s exit.
“And I’ll win tonight too.”
“How do you suppose you’re going to manage that?”
“You’ll see baby. Just no cheating.”
“How could I possibly cheat?” He asks pulling onto my mom’s street.
“I don’t mean in this. I mean on me” I say pointing to a sliver BMW outside my mom’s house. “My cousin is here.”
He parks the car then looks at me seriously, “Baby I won’t ever cheat on you.”
“I don’t know…”
He pulls me into his lap for the second time today, “Willow I promise I never will.”
I smile and kiss him, knowing my next move. I slowly bite his lip as I pull away, then bury my head into his neck and start kissing him there. Then I climb off his lap, “Come on let’s go inside.”
He glares at me, “I think you’ll need to give me a minute.”
I look down at his pants and smirk, “You got a boner from that.”
“That and in case you haven’t noticed, your boobs are falling out of your shirt and were just in front of my face. So yes I did just get a boner from that.”
“Come on baby. I want to show you my room” I smile as he continues to glare at me, knowing I was not helping his situation.
I climb out of the car and grab Blake from the back seat, it felt weird to be on my old street with my new life in my arms. “Come on Blakey we are going to go see nana.”
He smiles at me as I push open the front door without even knocking, “Hello anybody home?”
“We are out here” I hear mom call from the back yard.
I walk out the back door to see my mom and my cousin sitting in lawn chairs next to the pool. “When did you get a pool?”
“About two weeks ago” mom answers climbing out of her chair. She hugs me and pulls Blake from my arms as Jorel walks around the corner. “Jorel!”
She walks quickly over to him with Blake in her arms and hugs him tightly. “HI mom.”
Instantly my cousin jumps into action before Jorel could really see her. She strips off his shorts and tank top to reveal a mini mini bathing suit that barely covered what it was supposed to. She saunters over to Jorel, “HI I’m Katie. You must be Jorel.”
He shakes her hand with a fake smile and shoots me a look to say ‘is she serious right now?’, “Hi. Yeah I’m Jorel. Nice to meet you.”
Katie looks at me, “Hi cuz.”
I return her fake smile, “HI Katie.”
Next she goes over to mom and tries to take Blake from her but mom wouldn’t let he, “Aren’t you a cutie? Luckily you got your looks from Jorel instead of mommy.”
“Katie, you know damn well Jorel isn’t the father so shut your mouth” mom quietly snaps at her. “Come on Willow, why don’t we go inside and get some snacks?”
I walk inside with her but not before making sure Katie saw me kiss Jorel. Once we shut the back door I look at mom, “Why is she here?”
“Her parents are away and they want to see if I can straighten her out a little” mom shrugs, “I was having a little luck before you and Jorel showed up.”
I smile, “Sorry I got a sexy fiancé.”
“Yup it’s completely your fault” she tells me jokingly as she bounces Blake on her hip. “So how are you been?”
“Eh been better, I think. We just visited dad but I passed out on the couch with Blake within 15 minutes of being there.”
“No, you know what I am talking about…” she says.
“Oh that” I look at Blake. “He looks more like him every day. I wish he could be here but I know he can’t.”
She looks at Blake herself, “Those definitely aren’t your blue eyes.”
“Eyes blue like the sky” I quote from some of George’s lyrics. “I miss him every day.”
I turn to get some snacks from the cabinets but also to hide the tears that were falling down my face. I wanted George here with me. I miss the little things he did for me, I never wanted any of this but I am happy that I still have a piece of him.
I put some snacks into a few bowls and look at mom, “Let’s go see how badly she’s torturing Jorel.”
We walk out back and I see that Jorel isn’t even back there anymore. I put the bowls down on the table and glare at Katie, “Where is he?”
She shrugs as she grabs a chip and pops it into her mouth, “I just told him some things about you and he walked away.”
I look at mom before running to the front yard. I see Jorel sitting on the hood of the mustang, his head in his hands. “Please tell me nothing she said was true.”
I climb up next to him, “Depends on what she said.”
“That you only want me because I’m famous. That you were happy the kid aren’t mine.”
“Jorel look at me” he doesn’t move so I put my hand under his chin and make him look up, “I love you. Of course I wish Blake was yours. I am happy that he George’s though because now I have a piece of hi for the rest of my life. No I do not love you only because you are famous. Yes that’s how I found out who you were but I fell in love with JDog because of the way he acted in interviews. But I fell in love with Jorel Decker because of the way you are with me.”
He smiles at me, “I knew I shouldn’t believe her but I just let it get to me.”
I kiss him, “It’s okay.”
Suddenly the look in his eyes change, “Come on I want to see your room.”
He hops down from the hood and reaches his arms up to help me down. I jump down and into his arms, he pulls me into him for a minute then kisses my forehead and lets me go. I grab his hand and pull him in tow behind me into the house and to my old room.
I push open the door and look around, it was a little emptier than I remember because we had taken stuff when we moved but other than that it was the same. I walk over to my old bed and collapse on it.
Jorel shuts the door to see the wall behind it, covered in pictures of him. “Damn you really were in love with me.”
“Shut up.”
“Me, Eminem, and Harry Potter” he says as he looks around my room. “I really am in love with a nerd.”
The moment he said that it brought me back to the time I came with Jordon here, he had said the same thing. “Yes you are.”
He climbs into the bed and straddles me, “Our deal is still on right?”
“Well it’s not really a deal since the winner doesn’t get anything…”
“Fine the winner gets…a back rub after sex?”
I smile, “deal.” And we seal it with a kiss.
He leans forward and puts a hand on either side of my head, “I am so winning this.”
I pull the front of his beater to bring him closer to me, then whisper “I doubt it.”
He smiles and whispers back, “Then do your worst.”
I wrap my legs around his back and pull his body towards mine, “Oh I will.”
“You know this is how we will be during sex.”
I let go of him and push him off of me so he is laying next to me, I straddle him then lean down and whisper, “Unless I’m riding you.”
I stand up and look down at him seeing the familiar tightness in his jeans, I look at his face. “I hate you.”
I drop down on top of him again and lean forwards giving him a clear shot down my shirt, “Are you sure about that baby?”
“Yes” I hear him moan.
I kiss his jaw line and he grabs my ass, “Aww baby am I making you cum?”
He smiles at me, “Not telling.”
“Okay” I climb off of the bed and go to my dresser. “Because if I wasn’t then I bet I will now.”
He turns his head and looks at me, “What are you doing?”
I open the top drawer knowing exactly where my bikini was, “Nothing.” I pull it out and lay it on the bed.
Jorel looks at it then at me, “You wouldn’t”
“I wouldn’t do what?” I ask as I pull my shirt off my shoulders. When it was finally off I open my eyes to see Jorel right in front of me.
“Want some help with that?” he asks reaching his hands around my back as he undoes my bra strap. “Just thought I should help.”
Fuck, he did know a thing or two that gets to me. Payback time, as he pulls the bra off my arms and throw it onto the bed. I start to undo my shorts then pretend to trip as I kick them off my feet. I fall forwards onto Jorel forcing him onto the bed. I start to get up but decide to straddle him again. This time I didn’t need to look to see if I was winning, I could feel it.
I look down at him and smile innocently, “Sorry I tripped.”
“I hate you” he moans again.
I lean down again, “Aww baby am I making you cum, again?”
“Why must you always win?” He asks trying to look at my eyes instead of my boobs.
I lay down on top of him, “What you don’t think we are both winning in this situation?”
He rolls over to be on top of me, “Now I do.”
I hear the back door shut and he the slapping of flip flops and knew my cousin was going to be a bitch and interrupt us. Before she could reach the door I jump off the bed and lock it. Within seconds of me doing that I hear the handle jiggling. “Hey whore, your bitch of a kid is crying.”
She walks away as I grab my bikini top and put it on. Jorel looks at me sadly, “Do you have to?”
I smile, “Yes.”
“But…but…I thought I was being a good boy” he frowns at me.
I pull on my bathing suit bottoms and climb on to the bed and lay next to him, “Baby, go take a shower and then get in the pool with me.”
“But what if your cousin tries to break down the door while I’m in the shower?”
“Fine then clean yourself up before you get in the pool” I smile at him. “Because I know after what just happened, your blue boxers are mostly white.”
I climb off the bed and start to walk out the door when I feel Jorel’s arms around my waist. He pulls me into his lap as he sits on the edge of the bed, “I love you.”
I smile and turn my head to kiss him, “I love you too.”
“I really hate how good you are at this game. It seems like you had lots of practice with Jordon…”
I turn myself in his lap so I was face him, “Baby, I never did any of this for Jordon I can promise you that much. We didn’t play little games like me and you do. It was just sex and then we were both done. Why do you think I ended up spending so much time with you and George?”
He kisses me lightly, “It isn’t just about sex with us, right?”
“It definitely isn’t with me.”
“And it isn’t with me.”
“Then no Jorel. This is not about sex.”
He smiles at me, “Let’s go. I don’t feel like swimming but you can if you want to.”
“Can you at least take off your shirt?” I ask sweetly.
“And let your cousin see my Italian sexiness?!”
I smile, “You’re right. Keep your clothes on. For now.”
We get up and walk out back again, hand in hand. Katie glares at us when she realizes what took us so long, “Trying to make another Decker in this world?”
“Yes so that way when they are two they can make you feel even more retarded then you actually are” I say with a smile.
“Jorel, don’t you remember what I told you earlier?” Katie asks him.
Jorel smiles at her, “No sorry all that is going through my mind is my soon to be wife’s body in that bikini.”
She crosses her arms and stomps away. I see mom sitting in a lawn chair with a sleeping Blake in her arms, “That wasn’t very nice you two.”
Jorel smiles, “Who said I had to be nice?”
“Aw he is already acting like part of the family.”
I walk over to her and grab Blake, “Time for your first time in the pool.”
Jorel sits down in Katie’s empty chairs and stretches out his legs. I put Blake on his legs so I could take off his clothes and put on a pair of shorts we had in the diaper bag. “Excuse me when did my legs become a changing table?”
“When you agreed to be his daddy” I smile at him. Five minutes later I had a baby Blake in shorts ready to go in the pool with his mommy. “Here go see Daddy while mommy gets in the pool” I hand Blake to Jorel as I walk over and climb the ladder into the pool. I swim over to the edge and grab Blake. “Here we go mister.”
I place one of his little feet in the walk and instantly he starts kicking, Jorel smiles and takes out his phone to get a picture, “I’m guessing he is smiling about this?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe” he takes a picture. “I’ll be nice and send it to Charlotte.”
“Thank you babe” I smile and walk over to kiss him. “What time is it?”
“It is 4:30” he tells me then smiles widely. “We gotta go in a half hour.”
“Yup, let’s just let Blake enjoy the pool a bit longer then I’ll get out and change.”
“Yeah” Jorel sits back down and starts to talk to mom while I play with Blake.
I turn him around in my arms so I could see him face. I bob his feet in and out of the water watching the smile on his face. He looked up and me and smiled, bright blue eyes shining in the sun. “I wish George could have seen this” I whisper to him.
After a few more minutes I hand Blake over to Jorel and climb out of the pool. After listening to Jorel complain about Blake getting him wet, I dry Blake of and change him into his pajamas to make it easy on Danny tonight. “Here take him so I can change” I hand him to Jorel again and then head inside wrapped in a towel.
As I walk into the living room I see Katie sitting on the couch, she looks up at me as I walk in “You got lucky with him.”
“It’s not luck, it’s love” I tell her as I walk into my room not wanting to fight, but she follows me.
“How can you be so sure it’s love when you don’t know what love is?”
I turn and look at my 17 year old cousin, “Katie, I know what love is. I have been in love 4 times now. Two died, one abused me, and one is going to marry me. And if you have any objection to that don’t attend the wedding.”
“How many times has he been in love?”
“I said, how many times has he been in love?”
“I don’t know. And I don’t care, he is with me now. The past is the past.”
“Your past is full of people dying and has produced a child that isn’t Jorel. Sure, he is okay with it now. But who is to say he won’t leave when Blake starts to grow up and looks exactly like his father and is a constant reminder that he isn’t the only one you’ve loved.”
I glare at her, “Blake already looks exactly like George. And yes Jorel knows that if George was still alive I might’ve ended up with him. Jorel knows that I’ve been in love before because you can’t tell somebody you love them when you haven’t experience the pain and loss of love. So fuck off Katie.”
I slam my bedroom door in her face and lock it. Without bothering to wipe the tears from my face I get dressed, turn off the lights, and leave my old room. I walk out back to see Jorel and Blake waiting for me. “Your mom had to go chase after Katie, but she says not to wait up she knows where she went. She loves you. She’ll miss you. And she’s going to kick Katie’s ass for you.”
Jorel shoulders the diaper bag and grabs my hand knowing something was bothering me. We walk to the car in silence. I climb in while Jorel straps Blake in again.
“You know I love you” Jorel tells me as he gets in the car. “And I am in love with you.”
I smile at him, “I know you love me.”
“And I love Blake. I will always and forever love Blake James Decker like he is my own son.”
“He is your son, not by blood but by love” I tell him as I slide over and rest my head on his shoulder.
He shakes his head, “I can’t believe Katie would say those things to you.”
“She told you what she said?”
“No I heard the whole thing. But I knew the last thing you wanted me to do was interrupt.”
“Please tell me you didn’t do anything.”
“Willow, I would never hit a girl. I just bitch them out” he smiles down at me and kisses my forehead. “Now let’s go have sex.”
An hour later we pull in our apartment building’s parking lot. And I smile at Jorel, “Please tell me you have one I’m thinking of.”
“Nope. But you do. Remember Dylan got you a box of them for your birthday?”
“Yeah but where are they?” I ask as we climb out of the car.
“In a box in the closet” he tells me grabbing Blake out of the car seat. “Trust me I keep track of these things.”
“Oh I believe you” I tell him as I open the door to the stairs. “Let me take Blake up to Danny, he’s at Charlotte’s. Then I’ll be down to see you.”
He kisses me, “You won’t just be seeing me.”
“Oh Dork just give me the kid” I say as we reach our floor.
He hands me Blake then kisses me again, “I can’t tell you how love I’ve been waiting for this.”
I smile, “Almost a year now.”
“Go get rid of our kid!” He says walking towards our apartment door as I head for the flight of stairs leading up to Charlotte’s floor.
“You better not be this bossy in bed!” I start to climb the stairs as I look down at Blake. “George, you don’t mind right? I mean this is what you wanted.”
I reach the top of the stairs and walk towards Charlotte’s door to see it already open and Danny leaning against it. “Last I check his name was Blake not George.”
I smile and hug him, “Hi Danny.” I bounce Blake on my hip, “Say hi to Uncle Danny.”
Blake smiles and reached towards Danny, who grabs him and smiles at him, “I missed you little buddy.”
“He missed you too” I smile sweetly.
“You know Jorel isn’t a very patient person” Danny smirks at me. “Go fuck your boy toy.”
I kiss his cheek, “Thank you Danny!” I run down the stairs and into my apartment. All the lights were off but I could already tell where Jorel would be. I start to walk down the hall when I feel somebody behind me. I turn just in time to feel Jorel kissing me. “Well hi there” I say quietly when we finally break apart.
“Took you long enough” he says as he kisses my neck. Before I knew it I was shirtless and up against the hall wall with my legs wrapped around Jorel as he kissed me. “Bed or right against this wall?”
“Bed” I moan into his mouth. I feel him pull me away from the wall still supporting me by my thighs. After a few seconds I was landing on the soft bed with Jorel on top of me. He kisses me as he takes off his shirt, “I love you Jorel.”
“I love you, Willow.”
And yet again a few minutes later I was filled with another Undead member, hopefully the last one that would ever be in me. He was definitely better at it than Jordon because he knew when to stop, when to go faster, and when to just kiss me. Finally, he bites into my lip and pulls out.
He lays down next to me and pulls me onto his chest, “By the way you definitely won today.”
“But you loved it.”
He smiles and kisses me, “Yes I did.”
“Rub my back, bitch!” I order him with a smile. “I think the deal should be a back rub after every time we have sex…tonight.”
He looks over at the clock, “It is only 6:30…”
I kiss him, “Exactly.”
He pushes me on to my chest and sits next to me as he rubs my back. The first back rub of many tonight.