The Story of Elliot

Chapter 1

Her eyes carefully scanned the room in front of her. There were people everywhere she looked. Too many people. It was a food court in a mall though,she figured there was bound to be a bunch of people, especially on a Saturday afternoon.

She had just gotten dumped. 6 months down the hole, the guy she was with said forever. Of course, she was broken, broken and lied to. So she was doing what she would have assumed to do after a break up. Go to the mall and indulge herself in a shopping spree, chocolate, and talking to the amazing people at Hot Topic. She was actually really going for the Hot Topic thing, because she heard they were hiring, and she wanted to apply.

She walked through the food court, turned left, and walked down the four stairs that led to the area where there were stands with pillow pets, cell phone covers,other things, usually a car, and the fountain. She stopped by the fountain and dug in her back pocket to pull out a quarter. She sighed and played with the coin in her hand.

'I wish,' she paused and inhaled, 'for something spectacular to happen to me, to forget about him.' She exhaled, closed her eyes, and flipped the coin into the fountain,

She reached into her sweatshirt pocket and pulled out her iPod. The next song on her 'I fucking hate him' play list was Haunted by Taylor Swift, so she put in a headphone and walked into Hot Topic.

'Hey there, how are you today?' A worker she always saw in Hot Topic, because he was always working whenever she came in, said. He was kind of short, greenish eyes, and short brown hair.

'I'm okay. I just got dumped so I've decided to come to the mall and,' she paused to change her iPod to 'Party Like You're Single' by Stephen Jerzak, 'party like I'm single, y'know?' She laughed a little.

'Ah. I'm sorry to hear that. You come here a lot, right?'

'Yeah, conveniently you're usually working when I come here.' She laughed awkwardly.

'Haha, I thought I've seen you here before. It's odd seeing you sad, because you're usually full of energy, well, from what I've seen.'

'Well, that's what usually happens when you get dumped. 'She cracked a small smile. Then there was silence. Awkward silence.

'I'm Josh.' He said holding out his hand.

'Elliot, it's a guy name, I know, so people usually call me 'E', 'Ellie,' or 'Demy'.'

'Demy?' And I like the name Elliot, it fits you.' He smiled.

'Thank you. And yes, Demy, I'm usually hyper active, stupid, and lazy, so people call me that because I'm pretty much the female version of Demyx from Kingdom Hearts.' She laughed.

'Kingdom Hearts? I love that game!' He smiled excitedly.

'Really? Me too!' They both laughed.

'Who's your favorite character?'

'I'd have to say.. either Demyx, Axel, or Riku.'

'I like Axel the most. I dressed up as him for Halloween.'

'Really? I wanna dress up as one of the Organization members, but I can't ever find any coats.'

'We sold them around Halloween, actually. But I bought the last one.' He said, a look of proudness on his face.

'Well.. you suck,' they laughed, 'so.. I heard you were hiring.'

'Oh, yeah! We are! I take it you want an application?'

'Yes, please.' She smiled as he turned to get her an application.

'I'm sorry, but you have an amazing smile. Such a shame a guy had to break it.'

'Uh. Um. Thank you.' She said trying to not blush, but failing. He smiled and laughed.
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