Status: Tell me what you think i LOVE hearing feedback and if you think something needs to be changed!

You're The Only Hope For Me

Say It

When I reached Gerards jeans line, I thought about what I could do.

I could either unbutton his jeans, and probably end up having sex with him, which I was in no way ready for, or I could leave it and carry on doing what I was doing now.

I felt Gerard's hand slide down my chest from under me, igniting my skin. His hand grabbed my jeans, and his finger traced the line of them.

My decision was made pretty quickly.

I kissed his stomach once more, then undid his jeans button.

"Frank!" Gee screamed, and I hushed him with a finger to my lips.

I pulled on the zip of his jeans, and they gave way pretty easy. I heard a long sigh come from Gee, and it sounded like relief.

"I've wanted you to do that for so long" Gerard breathed. I thought about it for a second, but decided I'd discuss it with him later.

I tugged on his jeans, and they fell down easier than I expected. Every little pull I gave was received with a sigh from Gerard. Once the jeans were half away down his thighs, I left them there.

As enthusiastically as I'd begun, I stopped dead.

I wasn't ready for this.

Every thing was moving way faster than I'd expected, and it was starting to scare me. I'd never been this intimate with someone before, and it was Gerard, someone who expected the best out of this moment, or the potential of this moment.

And, if I'd ever thought about it in the past, id always imagined it with a girl, which is why I blocked it out of my mind. This was getting better by the second, and I didn't want to stop, but I did, and I couldn't do anything about it.

"Hey, hey, you OK, Fi?" Gerard asked, leaning up on his elbows and looking at me, anxious.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I just...I don't know. I-Fuck! I don't know" I found myself panicking.

"Hey! Dont panic! Come here" Gee said, pulling his pants up. He came over to me and put his arms around my body. I rested my head on his strong shoulder, feeling instantly comforted.

Gee's arms wrapped around my back, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Gee let go and placed me on the bed. He stood up and pulled his jeans down the remainder of his legs.

He got into bed, pulling the covers over me, right over my head, as well as his. We were submurged in darkness. It was so warm and comfy I could have fallen asleep, had Gerard not have been there. I turned to face him, and he pecked my lips softly.

"Look, its OK to be scared, I don't want you to do anything you don't want it. Honestly, I was getting kind of...apprehensive myself. We were going pretty fast" Gee laughed faintly. I could see a smile in the darkness, and it made me feel better.

"It was so good I couldn't stop" I sighed happily.

I moved my body closer to Gerard's, and his arms went around me. I laid on his shoulder, my head nuzzled into his neck.

I felt like a cliche yet again, but this time, I couldn't care less.

"Yeah, tell me about it. I never expected you to be such a tease. You were...well, I think it goes without saying that I enjoyed it. Alot" Gee smiled, whispering now.

"Me too. When I stop being such a bitch about it, we'll continue it further" I looked up at him, grinning.

"Theres no rush, baby. We'll get there, but we don't have to until you're ready. I should have done more, but I was selfish, and I was enjoying myself too much. I'm sorry" Gee apologised, looking down at me with burning eyes.

"Dont be sorry. I was enjoying it too. I wouldn't have stopped unless my brain hadn't turned to mush. I should be the one apologizing" I said back, pecking his lips.

"No, you're wrong" Gerard smirked.

"No you are" I shot back.

"No, you are!" Gee shouted, whispering.

"Shut up, Gee, or I'll punch you in the face" I hit his bare stomach lightly. Gee pretended to wounded, and threw his hands to his stomach, throwing his head back in mock pain.

"I'll punch you in the balls" Gee hit back.

"Good luck finding 'em" I joked. Gerard laughed loudly, breaking our quiet little atmosphere under the sheets.

"Oh I will" Gee giggled, whispering again. I felt his hand slide down my chest, and onto my jeans and to my groin, where he grabbed it hard and pressed his hand flat against it. A soft groan escaped from my lips.

"Found em" Gee laughed, his hand back around me.

"If I wasn't so tired and emotionally shocked you'd be in so much trouble now" I said back.

"I like trouble; I'm looking forward to it, baby" Gee whispered, grinning.

I nestled my head into his shoulder again, wanting to be closer to him.

"God Gee, you're so comfy" I sighed, wriggling around his neck.

"Ditto" Gee repeated me from earlier. My heart skipped a beat.

I leant up from Gee and kissed him gently, making my mouth move with his. I lifted my lips from Gee's when I'd finished kissing him, and looked into his beautiful hazel eyes.

They were shining, and I let myself indulge in the thought that maybe they were only shining for me.

"Be my boyfriend"

I wasn't nervous, I wasn't scared of the words. Maybe because I didn't think of the answer.

Gerard nodded, leaning up and kissing me.

"I accept Mr. Iero" Gerard smiled, pulling away from me.

I beamed at him, and he kissed me briefly back.

"Although you stole my line, I was gonna ask you" Gee grinned up at me. I was laid on top of him. I didn't want to get off him, we was so damn warm.

"Say it"

"Be me boyfriend"

"I accept, Mr. Way"

Gerard kissed me harder this time, his soft lips caressing mine. It was beautiful.

I snuggled back into Gerards shoulder, and let my eyes close. Gee kissed the top of my head, and I kissed his neck. I felt a shiver run down him, and I blushed. I had just made Gerard shiver.

Wasn't it meant to be the other way around?
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hey ya'll!!! missed you loads!!!! its been too damn long!!!

i'm going abroad with school, so you may not get an update until two weeks, that why am giving ya some now so you can knaw away at em while you miss me!!!! xxxxx