Status: Tell me what you think i LOVE hearing feedback and if you think something needs to be changed!

You're The Only Hope For Me

Pineapple and Ham

My mom embraced Gerard like the second son she never had. She asked if he was staying, and if he wasn't, she asked if I wanted him to. He had dinner here everyday. My mom had become attached to him and visa versa.

"Yeah, Frank" Gerard raised his eyebrows at me. I stuck my middle finger up at him, making sure mom didn't see. He rolled his eyes at me, thanked my mom, and waited for me to get some pizza.

"Why didn't you get yourself a margharita?" Gerard asked, while I picked the ham off my pizza.

"Cos I know its your favourite" I shrugged.

" hate pineapple and ham" He struggled.

"I don't mind picking the pieces off" I said back, aware that we'd already had this discussion and wondering why Gerard was bringing it up again.

"You're like...totally selfless, you know that, right?" He said.

"What?" I asked, unsure of what was happening.

"You're like, amazingly good to everyone you meet. I wish I was more like you, you're so...honest. I admire you for that, man" Gerard spluttered.
He seemed to regret the words that were pouring out of his mouth, but at the same time, I saw relief in his eyes, like he was glad he had finally said it.

"Thanks, man" Was all I could say.

I was shocked, to say the least. I'd only got him a pizza, but somehow I got the feeling that he'd wanted to say it for a long time, and now he had to the chance, he had to say it.

Gerard had just, essentially, told me he admired me. I didn't know what to do. I had always thought this situation might occur, but in the reverse roles.

"I mean it" Was his response. I stared into his eyes, watching the hazel lights brighten. Gerard seemed to be mirroring my efforts to my greeny mustard eyes.

Gerard leant forward, just a little, forcing our faces to be just inches away from one another.

A wave of something flashed through me.


I felt Gerard's cool breathe on my face, smelt his body so close to mine. I breathed deeply, anticipating what was to come.

I wasn't scared, I wasn't nervous. I was...excited.
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what a weird chappie title!!
anyway, first little flutter of feeling with F and G!!!
What do you think? x