Beautiful in California


Do you ever feel like you're the only ugly person in the world? That's how I've felt ever day since I was six. My name is Crissy Creelm, it's ugly just like me. I was born in Boston, Massachuetts on February 17, 1988. It's now, 2005. I am very tall about five feet and nine inches. I'm really fat, I weigh one hundred fifteen pounds. I have ugly blonde hair that reaches my elbows in messy waves. My eyes are the ugliest forest green, I wish they were blue or brown.

I lived in Boston 'til I was five, those were happier days. My mom is a single parent and she just had another baby. That baby is my sister, Casey, she's so cute. She was born with pretty honey blonde hair and hazel eyes. She has perfect pale skin unlike my acne-overloaded freckled face. I envy my little sister. We had to move because my mom's ex-boyfriend and Casey's dad was threating to kill her. Mom became depressed and decided to get away and moved us to Chicago, Illinois. Once we we were settled I thought mom would be happy again. I was wrong. It actually got worse. She started drinking. When she was drunk she would yell and hit me saying I was worthless and that I was the reason her boyfriend left her.

It happened every week. I had to make up stories to my teachers so they wouldn't call the police because I knew if they did, they'd take me and Casey away and we would get seperated. Casey is all I have. As the years went by and Casey got older I would make sure she wasn't home when my mom was drunk. I would send her to a friends house. I never had a chance to make friends I was too focused on protecting Casey, and getting a good education so when the time came I could take care of her.
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First chapter soon! Comments are love!