Beautiful in California

Chapter 1

"Bye, sweetie!" I yell maternally to Casey. I basically am her mother. It's not like our mother even drives her to soccer practice, I do that. I also pay for her to go to the movies with her friends. I take her to the mall and buy her new clothes.

I turned back on to the road and headed for work. I work at a vet as a secretary. I want to pursue a career in photography but, for now I just need the money, besides I love helping. I finally pulled up to the burgandy building with wooden shudders. It's one of those home-y little vets. I walked in greeted by Sally, she's been like a mother-figure to me. I give her a warm smile and run to the desk. Business was slow today the only customers were: Aura, the persian with an ear infiection, and Frito the poodle with a broken leg. I decided to take a break knowing Sally was on hers. There she was with a cup of coffee. Her blonde hair pinned up in the same bun. Her brown eyes always smiling.

"Hi, Crissy!"

"Hey, Sally. Business is slow today isn't it."

"Sure is. How's Casey?"

"Good. I took her to her soccer practice on my way here and she's going to go to Jessica's house afterwards."

"Hmmm. Good to hear. How's school? Making friends?"

"Great, still a straight A student, top of my class."

"Wonderful! I'm so proud of you! So friends..." She's always worried about my social life.

"Yes, I have." I slightly lied. I have mutual friends but, I'm too busy with school.

"What's their names?"

"Amanda and Aaron."

"Hmm, are they related?"

"No but, they've known each other for twelve years." All of a sudden the phone rings at the desk. I run to get it.

"Hello, you've reached The Smith Veterinarian Office. How my I help you?"

"Crissy? Hey, could you come get me?"

"Casey? Yea, sure. What happened to Jessica?"

"She didn't come to practice today."

"Okay, you don't mind hanging around the office do you?"

"No, I have my magic bag with me." She giggled, that's what we nick named her purse; She carries everything in it.

"Okay, I'll get Sally to cover me. It's been a slow day anyways. Love you, bye."

"Love you." I put the phone done and went back to find Sally.

"Hey, Sally. Could you cover me for about ten minutes; I got to go get Casey her friend never showed up"

"Okay sweetie. Hurry."

I grabbed my purse and ran out to my car. I drove as quickly as I could, I always worry about her being alone. pulled up in the parking lot. I spotted Casey on the bench reading a book. Hearing me pull up she put the book back in her bag and ran up to the car. I unlocked the door. She hopped in with a big smile on her face.

"Thank you so much, Crissy!"

"No problem, it's not like I'd leave you there."

The car ride was silent except for Casey's humming as she read her book. Then a thought hit me.

"How'd you call me?"

"Jackie's phone she had left right after I called."



I looked over to see Casey and Sally laughing about something. I turn back to the desk. I searched for my clock. After a few seconds of searching I found it, it was 3:50. Ten more minutes. I decided to get my stuff together. I grabbed my purse, notebook, and jacket. I came up behind Casey and tapped her on the shoulder. She jerked around, a smile on her face.

"Time to go?"

"I'm afraid so."


"It was nice meeting you sweetie! I hope to see you again!" Sally exclaims, embracing my sister.

"Bye, Crissy! See, you friday!" She says joyfully hugging me. She doesn't know about my mother. She thinks that my mom works all the time and that's why I take Casey everywhere.

"Hey, Casey?"


"Do you want to go get ice cream?"

"Heck yes!"

"Okay, but while we're here why don't you call Raea and make plans for tonight?"

"Sure. We were talking about it this week anyways." She shrugs and goes over to the phone. I sat down and waited. She walked back over.

"I'm going to spend the night at her house, could you take me there around five?"

"Sure. Her house, right?" I don't want her to go to a party or anything.

"Yes, I promise."

"Okay, lets go get ice cream!" I said as we went out to the car.


I waved to Casey as I pulled out of Raea's driveway. I turned on the stereo to replace the silence. I began to think about Casey's birthday that was in three weeks. I'll go present shopping tomorrow. I pulled into the driveway next to the red Saturn. Mom's red Saturn. I locked the car and walked up the stairs to the dingy little house. I opened the door awaiting what was next....
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I'm sastisfed with it. Second soon. Comments please.