Beautiful in California

Chapter 2

I tryed not to make any noise hoping she was asleep.

"Crissy! Get in here you whore!"

I guess she's not. I slipped off my shoes and sat down my purse making my way over to the couch, were my mom was. She finished off her beer and threw it at me. I tryed dodge it but, it hit my bare arm, blood began to trickle.

"Get me another, NOW!" She started counting I ran. If I didn't make it by the time she got to ten my beating would be worse. "...6...7...8..." I ran in handing it to her. "Bitch, you were too slow!" She yellled slapping me across the face. She punched me with all her rings on just to see me bleed.


I crawled into the shower my body aching. I closed my eyes wanting to wash it all away. After my shower I turned off the water. I looked over the damage: cuts on my face, a bruise where she slapped, the cut on my arm, and a second bruise on my temple. I pulled on a pair of boxers and tanktop, and walked down the hall to my room. I looked over at my alarm, it was nine. I grabbed the phone off my bed side table and dialed Raea's number to check on Casey. The phone rang for a few seconds.


"Hi, Mrs. Jackson. Can I speak to Casey?"

"Yeah, sure. Casey!" I waited for about three minutes. "Crissy...sweetie?" She sounded worried.

"What is it???"

"The girls aren't here."

"Do you know where they could be?"

"Well, there was this party they were asking abo-"


"Down the street."

"I'll get them. Thank you so much, bye." I ran to my closet and got some jeans and jacket and my shoes. I pulled them on as fast as I could. I grabbed my keys and quietly climbed out my window. I ran around to my car. Mom's car was gone, good. I drove into Raea's neighborhood finding the "party" house easily. I parked the car outside and ran in. I forced pass dancing bodies and kissing couples, I covered my ears, as my eyes darted around serching for Casey and Raea. I finally see Casey in her shortest skirt holding a drink. I run over and grab her by the wrist.

"What did I tell you about parties?!?" I yelled, "And what the hell is this!?!?" I say grabbing her drink, alcohol, "We're leaving now."

"Crissy! I'm sorry!" She yelled as I dragged her. I didn't want to hear it.

"Where is Raea? I told her mom I'd bring her home."

"She's on the dance floor somewhere." I forced through the crowd until I found Raea grinding against some guy. I snatched her wrist and dragged them out the door. The car ride was silent, you could cut the tension with a chainsaw. I drove up the street to Raea's house. I turned off the car and got out, but the girl's hesitated in fear. I open the car door and the slowly slid out. I walked with them the door, we walked right in. Raea's mom was pacing the living room.

"Oh, I'm so glad you two are okay!" She runs over and hugs them. "Now go sit on the couch we need to talk to you.


I'm sorry, Crissy! I promise I'll never go to a party again!" She begged in the car ride home. "She talked me into it!"

"Who did?"


"You're not going back to her house then."


"You heard me."

"Yes, Crissy."

"I love you, Casey."

"I love you too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes! Next chapter this afternoon.