Beautiful in California

Chapter 3

I pulled into the driveway, mom's car still absent. I get out Casey following behind me. I stopped before opening the door. I pulled Casey into a hug.

"I'm just glad you're safe." She began to cry on my shoulder. I stroaked her hair.

"I'm sorry. I'm glad you came and got me, I don't know what would have happen if you didn't."

"Let's get you in the shower, okay?"

"Okay, I need one." She giggled. I opened the door and she immediately went to the bathroom. I looked into the living room. It was a mess as usual. I picked up the beer bottles and straightened the magaizines. I kneeled down and began picking up the broken glass. I threw them away in the kitchen trash. I fixed the pillows on the couch and went into the kitchen. I pulled the Hot choclate mix out of the cabinet and began to make some. It's the only way to get her to go to sleep. I heard the shower stop and the door open. I heard our bedroom door slam shut. Seconds later Casey appeared in Hello Kitty sleep pants and a white tank top. I handed her the cup and she sat down.

"So, what do you want for your birthday?"

"OOO! I saw this Blink 182 shirt at the mall, a few weeks ago."

"Anything else?"

"That Avril Lavigne CD we've been wanting."

"Okay, we need to go to bed now, it's eleven at night. Go brush our teeth and hair."

"Okay." She sas jumping out of her seat and running to the sink. She rinsed out her cup and put it in the dish washer. She walked down the hall and into the bathroom. I wiped the table and counters. I went around the house lockingall the doors and windows. I went down the hall to our bedroom and closed the drawers and closet. I picked up her towel off the floor and put in the basket. I grabbed our CD case off the dresser, and pulled out Cheshire cat by Blink 182. I put in our little Hello Kitty stereo. I went back to the dresser and grabbed my brush. I raked through my ugly hair, avoiding looking in the mirror. I didn't want to see the hideous creature it beheld. I strip back down to boxers and tank top. I went over to the bed and pulled down the covers on Casey's side. As I turn around I see Case brushing her hair in the mirror. She sets the brush down and walks over to me. She gives me a small hug and crawls into bed. I walk over to the door and turn off the light. I layed down in bed beside her.

"I love you."

"I love you."

We both bein to drift off, th music lulling us to sleep.


The sunlight coming through the window woke me up. I look over and Case is still fast asleep. I quietly get out of bed. I look into my closet trying to find something to wear. I grab m red t'shirt that had a panda on it. I go over to the chair in the corner and grab my black jeans from last night. I go to my dresser and pull out my red bra and matching underwear. I exit my room and go across the hall to the bathroom. I pull my hair out of it's bun and grab the comb from under the sink. I gently comb my hair. I put the comb down and pull off my tank top and boxers. I dress in the clothes I had. I looked around for a second and spot m studded belt Casey had gotten me for my birthday this year. I pull my hair into a ponytail my bangs falling around my face. I go back under the sink and pull out Case and Me's make up bag. I grab the foundation and tr to cover up my acne and scars. I grabbed the chapstick and eyeliner after applying those two things I put my make up back under the sink. I go back into my room and put my clothes in the basket. I go into the kitchen and open the freezer. I rummage the frost covered packages, finall pulling out the Eggo box and set it on the counter. I open up the cabinet and pull out the honey and mapel syrup. I put the Eggo's in the toaster as I begin humming I'm with you by Avril Lavigne. Seconds later I hear the faucet in the bathroom turn on, Casey was awake. The Eggo's pop up and I grab them putting them on a plate. I put syrup on both of them. I placed them on the table in Casey's place. I went back to the cabinet and grabbed the crackers and put awa the syrup and Eggos. I sat quietly and ate a cracker with honey on it.

Then Casey skips in with her Metallica shirt on and plaid skirt. Her hair is up in pigtails and she had light red eyeshadow on. She sat down and began to eat her waffles.

"Good Morning."

"Grumud Roning." She said with her mouth full. I laughed.

"What do you want to do today?"

"Hmm, I feel like going to the movies."

"Okay, with who?"


"Okay after breakfast go call her."

"I will."

"What movie?"

"I don't know, but Kayla will." She hopped out of her seat and rinsed off her plate and then ran into our to retrieve the phone. She came back to tell me what movie.

"Okay. What time?" I say looking at the clock.

"eleven." That's in an hour.

"Okay. Tell her we'll pick her up shortly." She ended her phone conversation and came back into the kitchen.

"Here, this is the money for the tickets and drinks."

"Thank you."

"Okay, you ready to go?"

"I just got to grab my purse and shoes." She runs off to our room again. I follow her to get my purse in keys. We walked to the door and I slipped on my flats. We hopped in the car and pullled out of the driveway. Casey started hum the radio. After a few minutes we got to Kayla's house since she lives in the neighborhood. Casey jumped out and rang the doorbell.
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Sort of a filler. I want one comment before I post the next chapter.