Beautiful in California

Chapter 4

They came back to the car and Kayla had a sad look on her face.

"What's wroung, Kay?" I asked as I turned around and looked at her.

"My brother is in the hospital."

"I'm so sorry, what happened to him?"

"He got hit by a car."

"I hope he gets better."

"Me too."

"Same here." Casey chimes in. They then began to start up a conversation and I got caught up in my thoughts. I had an essay I had to right the final draft of. I have to go to the mall and the store. We needed bread and eggs. Finally I reached the movies. I pulled up outside.

"You have your cell phone right, Kayla?"


"I love you, Case. Stick together and have fun."

"I love you and we will."

"I turned out of the parking lot. The theatre was right next to the mall. I searched for parking space. Why does everyone go to the mall on Sunday? Finally finding a place close enough to the front, I get out and head to the entrance. Outside the door were goth and punks smoking. I saw Amanda and Aaron. I know the two from school we aren't really friends, they're just the only people who talk to me. I grabbed the door, but my arm was pulled back.


"Hi, Amanda." I say staring at her beautifully died hair, it was pitch black Her brown eyes sparkled as she hugged me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm shopping for birthday present for my sister."

"Casey. Her birthday's coming up, can I join you?"

"Sure." I didn't want to be rude.

"Bye, Aaron!" She says waving to him.

"Bye." He mumbles and then takes another drag from his ciggarette. We walk in the doors and immediately the smells of the food court hit me, I try not to gag. The smell of food repulses me.

"So what are ou planning on getting her?"

"Well, she said that she wanted a Blink 182 t-shirt, it's our favorite band."

"Really? I love them! I can't beleive Tom left."

"Me too! Case about cryed when she found out."

"Same here. I know exactly where to get the shirt." She dragged me into hot topic and right to a center rack. She pulled off the very shirt she was talking about in her size.

"Wow, you are pyschic."

"Really? this is it?"


"I turn around and spot the CD she wanted too." I picked it up.

"Avril? Nice choice!"

"Me and my sister listen to all the same music: Metallica, Blink 182, Avril, Simple plan, Sum 41, and Green Day are our favorites."

"Oh awesome, I love that kind of stuff!" We started to browse her going in one direction and me in the other. I looked at the jewelry trying to find the perfect neclace for Casey. I kneeled down and saw the perfect one it had a silver chain and a pendant shaped like a mug. I then went and paed for the stuff. As I finished Amanda was going up to pay for the stuff she got. I waited for the cashier to ring the stuff up.

"What'd you buy?" I ask walking out the door.

"Stuff for you."

"Me? No, you didn't have to."

"What do you mean I wanted to."

"Okay, so what is it?" I ask as we sit on a bench.

"Just a really cute little outfit." She first pulls out a skelanimal beanie, the kind with the flaps and pom-pom on the top. She then pulled out a pair of purple jeans that matched the hat. Lastly a purple fishnet top and Green Day tank top.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! How much did this cost?"

"It doesn't matter."

"I'll find out some day....just you wait."



"Oh, nothing. Hey you want to go get some coffee from Starbucks?"


"Okay, you want to take you're car?"

"Yeah. Hey what time is it?"


"Okay, I got to pick Casey and Kayla up from the movies."

"Kayla? She's my little sister!"


"I'm so sorry about your brother."

"It's okay....I know he'll pull through."

"Yeah, he's strong. Hey, why doesn't Kayla ever talk about you?"

"I don't know I'll ask her later. Now, let's get Starbucks!" She says getting in my car.
♠ ♠ ♠
err, I changed a small detail in Amanda's appearance in this chapter.