Beautiful in California

Chapter 5

We pulled up to the starbucks cups still in hand because the girls called us earlier than expected. We pulled up and Kayla's face immediately read shock.

"Hello to you too, Kay." Amanda smirked. Kayla walked over to the car, her jaw still dropped to the floor. "Suprised to seem me?"

"You know each other?!?!" Casey yells, Kayla is mute for unknown reasons.

"Yeah, we go to school together! And we ran into each other at the mall!" Amanda said in a peppy tone.

"Yay! My sister has friends!!!! FINALLY!" Casey nearly danced in her seat. Kayla was still lifeless.

"Kayla! Are you okay?" Casey yells in her ear. Kayla snaps out of it, finally.

"Why is my sister here? Shouldn't she be at Aarons'?" Kayla sneered.

"Not now Kayla!" Amanda snapped. The rest of the car ride was silent. I drove to Kalya's house. The girls got out, but Amanda stayed. She looked between me and the house worriedly.

"Are you going in?"

"I-i.....don't live here."

"Oh, why?"

"Can we talk about it somewhere, not here?"

"Sure, I know exactly where." I pulled out of the drive way and drove to the park.

I got out and pulled Amanda by the hand. I went passed the benches, and into the serene and eerie woods. we walked down a winding path until we reached a small clearing secluded by vines that twisted and tangled among themselves, all bearing beautiful wild, lilac flowers. It was large an open area with the greenest, softest grass that just makes you want to take your shoes off. I slipped off my flats and so did Amanda, hers were rainbow with something written in silver on the side of them, mine had a lime green zebra pattern on them. There was a crystal blue lake right in the middle, the shimmering water was like a portal to heaven or an unknown world. I remember swimming in it one night, it was as if in a dream, it was so majestic. Right, by the water was a plain white, metal bench that someone a long time ago had put there. Over those many years the same vines that secluded the clearing had grown all over it. There were brightly colored butterflies fluttering all around our heads. It's the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. I rolled up my pants legs and waded into the pond. The water felt like magic against my skin, it was noting like water. Since Amanda was wearing a purple, jean mini-skirt, she just waded in the water after me. I turned to her and she couldn't stop looking around she was in awe. We stood in the cool water for a moment, while I watched the tension melt away from Amanda. She looked she could tell me anything. As soon as I was sure she was ready I grabbed her hand again and pulled her out of the water. I led her over to the bench and we sat down. She didn't let go of my hand, but I was okay with that.

"Well it all started a year ago," She began sure but cautious, "Me and my step-dad would get in fights about everything: The way I dressed, the people I was friends with, curfew, etc. Then one day, I had slept over at Aaron's and I hadn't told him. When I got home he was furious, he began throwing everything he touched at me. After he was finished he completely left the house and I picked myself up off the floor and packed my stuff. I called Aaron and he said I could live with him, and that's where I've been since." She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. I reached up with my other arm and embraced her. "Yeah, I'm fucked up."

"You don't know anything." I say almost laughing. She looks up at me with sympathy in her eyes, and also a look of pleading. So against m better judgement I told her my story. At the end Amanda gave a look that read that she was ashamed of what she had thought of her problems. "Don't worry, you don't deserve what he did to you."

"Wow, we just started get to know eachother and we've already bled our entire stories to eachother."

"Not exactly...Hey, you want to swim?"

"I don't have a bathing suit, nor do you."

"I have two in the car." I say giving a smile.

"Wow, ou must like swimming!"

"I'm part fish."


"No, genius."

"I'm known to be one!"

"I've seen our test grades, tsk tsk."

"Well, excuse me Miss Straight A's"

"Hey it's Aqua-A to you!"

"Aye, Aye Aqua-A" She replied saluting. I laughed as I started to walk back down the path. Minutes later I returned with a Navy blue two peice and a Turquise one peice. I handed the dark blue one to Amanda. I lifted off my shirt, I didn't mind changing in front of her now that she knows what's between me and my mom. Hesitantly she slipped off her skirt revealing the pale skin of her thighs, and her lacy, black thong. I watched as she yanked off her Hello Kitty tank-top. I slipped off my jeans exposing my battered fat legs. I changed quickly into the turqoise number and dove into the water. I surfaced just in tome to see her beautiful naked body, which held beauty many times greater than the place we were in. I swam to the edge to wait for her. She finall had tied the straps and waded in exactly the same way she did before. I flashed her a smile and ducked under the water again, resurfacing on the other side of the pool. She sent a giggle my way as she tryed to splash me. Missing by a few feet. I laughed and swam over to and once I reached her I returned the splash.


It was getting dark, but we couldn't force ourselves to leave. We were stretched out in the warm grass, in our bathing suits. I was so comfortable around her, and I don't know why. I turn to where I'm facing Amanda. She was asleep, her chest rising up and down slowly. I stood up and went over to our stuff. I slipped off m suit and replaced it with my underwear. I was tugging on m jeans when Amanda sturred. She sat up and watched me for a second. I sit down by her and hand her her clothes. She layed down, and tried to wriggle her clothes on and off, it was a very silly thing to watch. As soon as she was ready we took one last look and walked away.
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Sorry for the wait, I've been busy with school work.