Beautiful in California

Chapter 7

I slapped down the snooze on my alarm clock, and rolled from under the sheets. When I had got back home last night, mom wasn't home and I couldn't care less where she was. I walked across the room, and flipped on the light. Pulling my jeans down I wandered over to my closet to complete the task of getting dressed. When I pulled the door across, they day before hit me. I shut the closet door, spun around and headed over to the chair beside our bed. Bent over, still only in my shirt and underwear, I pulled out the shopping bag from behind the chair. Laying out the clothes on my bed, the same thrill from yesterday over took me. I quickly changed into it to see how it would look. I absolutely loved it. I couldn't wait to have the chance to thank her again.
In the living room I looked out the front window to see if my mom's car was outside, she was still gone. The coffee maker beeped with an industrious noise that made my head ache. Kind of ironic how something that is known to sooth, can also do the exact opposite. As I poured the liquid heaven into my mug, the phone inside of my room started to ring. Taking my coffee with me, I went to retrieve it. I picked up the phone from it's face down position on the dresser, and pressed it to my ear.
"Hello." I said in my most cheery morning voice, which usually proves not to be cheery or uplifting at all.
"Hello, is this Crissy...?" I identified the voice to be Aaron.
"Yes it is." I returned in favor.
"This is Aaron, you remember me from school right?" I told him that I had remembered him, "Oh okay. Me and Amanda we're just wondering if you'd want to come over my house today, so we could all hang out."
"Oh sure, I'll come by after work."
"I'll see you then."
"Bye." He disconnected the call.
This we'll be good, I thought as I sat on my bed and started dialing the phone again. I needed to call Casey to see if I needed to pick her up on my way to work or afterwords.


I drove to work after I had gotten ready and made sure I hadn't forgot anything. As I was leaving the neighborhood, Mom drove pass. She either didn't notice me, or didn't care.
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I'm going to post the next chapter this afternoon. I promise, Andra.