‹ Prequel: Just a Girl
Status: We're probably writing as you're reading this...

Slap A Smile On And Call It Good

Chapter One

I walked through the halls, hand in hand with Zeke. He was walking me to my last class of the day. Once we arrived, I gave him a quick and secretive peck on the lips so no teachers saw.

“Meet me at my locker after school.” He said, even though I did every day, already. He was my ride home.

“Alright.” I agreed with a smile, and he was gone as soon as he’d come, going to his last hour.

I trudged to my desk, dropping my books onto it. I wasn’t really in the mood for math. I slipped into my seat just as the bell rang. I cringed as I thought about how Zeke was probably late.

I felt a sharp pinch in the back of my arm. I sighed and turned around to face the culprit. Andrew, one of my best friends, was smiling broadly at me.

“Just because I forgot today was St. Patrick’s day, and I forgot to wear green, doesn’t give you the right to pinch me. Didn’t you hear the announcement the principal made this morning?” I hissed.

“I heard it. But I made an exception just for you. I haven’t seen anyone pinch you today.” He explained. “And you should be ashamed, with your Irish heritage.” He said, feigning disgust.

“Alright, class!” Mr. Yoke yelled over the chatter. “Enough. Let’s get to work.” He said, handing everyone a worksheet.

I thanked him, not out of real thanks, just manors, and started on it. My head almost throbbed at the confusing problems I’d never cared enough to learn how to solve. I struggled through them, working them out slowly. Luckily that was all we did that day, going over them at the end.

Once I heard the bell ring, I jumped up, shoving all my books into my bag. I zipped it closed and started off toward Zeke’s locker, playing with my lip ring with my tongue as I went.

I spotted his mop of brown hair and walked to him, leaning in front of him, on the locker next to his.

“Ready to go?” He asked. I nodded in response, slinging my unnecessarily heavy backpack over one shoulder.

We walked to his car, carefully making our way over the little patches of snow left behind from the vicious winter we’d just had. I slipped on one patch, loosing my foot easily especially with my heavy backpack on one shoulder.

But Zeke caught me easily, wrapping one arm securely around my waist after steadying me.

Once in the warmth of Zeke’s car-- he’d gotten that summer, paying for it with the money he’d gotten from his job at the local supermarket-- we buckled ourselves and we were off.

“So, I know you’ve been having trouble with math lately.” Zeke started. “Maybe you should come over to my house this weekend and I can help you.”

“Sounds great.” I said, squeezing the hand that was interlocked with mine atop the middle compartment.

“Then maybe we can just watch a movie or something. I’ll make some popcorn.” He suggested. “And my mom is going to visit my aunt up north, so we’ll have the house to ourselves.”

“What about your sister?” I asked.

“Sleepover.” He smirked.

“It’s a date, then.” I clarified.
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First chapter...sorry it's boring. But it's the first one, so you can't expect anything