‹ Prequel: Just a Girl
Status: We're probably writing as you're reading this...

Slap A Smile On And Call It Good

Chapter Five

Zeke.” I warned. “Tell me where we’re going.” I said, trying to keep calm.

“I said, you’ll see.” He said, gripping the steering wheel so hard, his knuckles turned white.

I decided to let it go, let Zeke cool down before he did something he’d regret, especially with him being at the wheel.

We turned into a local drug store, parking. I got out, with the help of Zeke, as he was at my side as soon as I’d got myself unbuckled. He grabbed my hand and helped me out of his car, making sure I didn’t slip on any snow as we walked into the warmth of the store.

We passed the candy aisle, then the pop aisle, finally halting to a stop at the condom aisle.

“What are you-,” I started to ask, when I saw Zeke going to the pregnancy tests. I followed behind him in shock.

Me? Pregnant? I couldn’t even fathom the thought of a little human growing inside me. Me and Zeke being parents and raising a child together at the age of 18.

“I don’t know which one to get.” He said awkwardly. “But you need to take one. I need to prove that little voice in the back of my head wrong.”

“Fine.” I sighed, picking one up that I’d recently seen on a commercial. It can tell you 5 days after… you know.

I looked over to see Zeke running his hand nervously through his hair. I grabbed his free hand and led him over to the counter. I placed the box that held our fate in front of the cashier.

She rang it up, announcing the total, and Zeke paid for it with a shaking hand. I grabbed his hand, once more, leading him to the bathroom in the back.

He came in with me, as it was only a one person bathroom. My stomach churned as I opened the box, nearly slicing my own shaking hand on the edge.

I pulled the little stick out and the directions that came with it. It took 3 minutes to show. If it was a plus, we were pregnant (and royally fucked), and if it was a negative, we weren’t pregnant.

I set the box on the floor, going over to the toilet in the corner of the room.

“Zeke, please turn around. I don’t need you to watch me pee.” I said, trying to lighten the situation, just a little bit.

He stayed stern-faced, turning around as I’d asked. I pulled my pants down, sitting on the toilet, sticking my hand under myself so I could pee on the stick. Once I’d done so, I set it on the sink, pulled my pants up, and washed my hands.

I went over and hugged Zeke, who seemed to be off somewhere else. I brought his face down to mine and place a comforting kiss on his lips.

“No matter what shows up on that stick,” I started, in a soothing voice, “I’ll always love you.”

“And I’ll love you too.” He said, loosening up a bit. We stayed in our close embrace until we’d each counted to 360 in our heads.

“Who’s going to look at it?” I asked, the churning in my stomach going into full-out washing machine mode.

“Let’s look together.” He said, pulling me by the waist over the stick that would potentially tell us if we’d made the biggest mistake that day last week, or if we’d just had a bit of fun.

“On the count of three.” I said, closing my eyes. “One… two… three.” I said, and gasped at the sight before me.

On the screen, was a little pink plus sign. I was pregnant.

Zeke wrapped his arms comfortingly around my waist, as if that’d hold me together. But it didn’t. I cried into his shoulder until I felt no more tears could be cried. Like my tear ducts had been all dried out.

I tossed that evil stick into the trash, along with everything that came with it.

Zeke and I walked to the car without a word, getting and just going.

“What now?” Zeke asked.

“I don’t know.” I admitted.

“Are you going to get an-,”

“I’m not killing my baby.” I deadpanned, my hands going to rest over my stomach protectively. I didn’t even want to hear the word.

“Okay, okay. And I’m assuming you want to keep it?” He said, and I could tell he was almost warming up to the whole situation. It was odd.

“Yes.” I said without a second thought.

“So, we’re having a baby.” He said, sounding almost happy.

“Why are you so… calm about this?” I asked.

“I figured this was going to happen some day.” He shrugged. “I guess I was just nervous before because I forgot about that.”

“So, you’re not going to leave me?” I cringed at the thought.

“Of course not!” He nearly yelled.

“Good.” I said, relaxing in the seat. I was more relaxed, now that I knew Zeke was relaxed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no! They're pregnant! Now what's going to happen?

Song of the day:
Halfway Gone - Lifehouse

~Kylie <3