Status: finished!

Addicted to Love


Michael held onto the Tiffany's box tightly. He ran his fingers against the velvet, contemplating why he couldn't tell Grace three simple words - words that made one of the truest statements he'd ever say. He had no reason to be as frightened as he was. He had no bad associations with love; only a fear of losing the greatest thing that had ever happened to him.

Maybe I'm holding the wrong kind of ring, he thought to himself. He was thirty-four years old. It was possible that it was time. He just didn't know if it was the right thing what with the traveling and how disconnected it made them sometimes. He was torn between spending more consecutive time with Grace, and keeping active with his acting. He wanted both.

"I need a shrink," He mumbled to himself.

Grace rushed into the kitchen and Michael hurriedly stuffed the small box into his pants pocket, hoping she didn't see it. She had on an irresistibly tight pair of jeans on and a black 'Die Mannschaft' t-shirt, the German national football team. She opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water, leaning against the counter facing him while she drank out of it. "Alyssa's in town."

Michael shuddered at the mention of the name. Alyssa Bauer was Grace's evil sister. Michael had met her only once, but it was enough. She was the complete opposite of Grace: inconsiderate, outspoken, selfish and not to mention a slut. She married a billionaire for his money and had a psychotic need to control everything and everyone.

Michael eyed Grace. She stared back blankly. He knew that she was completely aware of his feelings towards Alyssa. She raised her eyebrows, unscrewing the cap to the water bottle. "She wants to meet us for lunch at the Peninsula."

She took a long sip, closing her eyes as a method of ignoring Michael's obvious discomfort. She knew that not many people liked her sister, including him. What was she supposed to do? They were siblings.

"Well then, I don't have much of a choice, do I?" He said, getting up from the kitchen table. "What time should I be ready?"

Grace bit her lip. "Is thirty minutes enough time?"

He pressed his lips into a thin line, obviously holding back. Grace quickly ran over to him and engulfed him in a hug. He couldn't help but smile at how cute she was. She looked up at him with her deep brown eyes and he knew he would do anything for her.

"Just give her a chance. I'll talk to her and maybe this time will be different," Grace tried.

He nodded. "I can handle a lunch. It's fine, darling."

She followed the six foot some odd inches tall man into their bedroom. He was going through the closet, probably deciding on what would be appropriate for Alyssa's approval. Grace looked down at her black t-shirt and pouted. "I really like my shirt."

"I like it too. Who cares what she thinks?" Michael shrugged, slipping off his t-shirt and returning his attention to the clothes hanging in the closet. Grace rested her face against the doorframe, staring at his back dreamily. The strong indentation in the middle that went all the way down made her swoon.

"I do," She said. He turned around from the waist to look at her with his adorable gaze, obviously judging her. "I know you don't understand."

She walked over to her side of the closet, taking off the German t-shirt and folding it gingerly. She set it down on the dresser and brought her attention to the rest of the clothes. She reached for a snakeskin print chiffon tank top with a single zipper on the right-side chest, putting it on. She then took a black blazer off the hanger and left for the bathroom. She put her brown hair up, now kind of thankful that she didn't get that haircut. Her brown hair curled at the ends making for a sexy ponytail and her bangs stayed up and out of the way. She quickly did her makeup. After fourteen years, it becomes effortless.

Michael poked his head in. "Are you ready?"

Grace nodded, finding her purse and flip flops and following him out to his car. She found his soft singing with the CD he had extremely calming and sexy. They pulled up to the Peninsula and when she got out of the car, the anxiety came back. It wasn't that she was afraid of her sister at all. With their close ages, she had spent quite enough time around her to tolerate her. It was Michael she was worried about. She knew that he wouldn't hold back if Alyssa did something out of line, which meant that today would not end well.

Michael held Grace's hand tightly. They walked together to the host stand and finally to the ever awaited table where Alyssa Bauer sat.

"Grace! You look fantastic!" Alyssa stood up, squeezing her younger sister tightly. Grace was hopeful that things could be different this time. "You found clothes that hide your awful hips! I'm so proud."


"And you're still with what's-his-name," She observed.

"Michael," The ginger grabbed her hand to shake, sending her a chilling smile like he did to all the reporters and interviewers.

"Alyssa, you told me I should bring him," Grace said monotonously. Alyssa was pulling out all the stops.

"Yes, I realize that. I was hoping maybe you'd have ditched him on the way here for something new. How long has it been? A year? Much too long."

Grace took a deep breath before saying anything she'd regret. "Okay, that's enough."

"What?" Alyssa asked, pretending to look all innocent. "You're twenty-seven. Live it up! God, I need a drink already."

Grace looked to Michael. His enchanting blue eyes were sending daggers to Alyssa. He shifted his glance to her and saw the hurt emanating.

"Alyssa, would you come with me?" Grace said through gritted teeth. She was afraid that any minute now she'd explode like she was in a Saturday morning cartoon. Usually Alyssa spread out her insults carefully so that sometimes you didn't even know you were being insulted. Today she was just being ruthless, and she needed to be stopped.

The older sister rolled her eyes, getting up from the table. Grace followed her until they were just outside the restaurant. She narrowed her eyes at her sister. "You are taking this too far."

"What? I can't protect my baby sister? If he loves you, he'll endure it."

Grace's face turned pale. That hit the wrong nerve. They had been together for longer than a year but they had never said that they loved each other. It didn't bother Grace all that much, but sometimes she wondered how serious he was about her.

Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "You guys haven't! Oh this is too good. I knew it. You two are no good for each other."

Grace breathed a long and cleansing breath before walking purposefully back into the restaurant. She took her purse off the chair defensively. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes and she couldn't bring herself to look at him. "I...I need to go."

She turned on her heel and walked out as quickly as she could. She wanted to run but she didn't want to make a scene out of herself. On the inside, she was a complete disaster. Everything was destructing and it was only moments before she broke down altogether.

"Grace! Wait!" Michael called. Soon he reached for her shoulder and turned her around, alarmed at the tears streaming down her face.

"What happened? What did she say?"

Grace just stared at him. She knew he cared, but he didn't care enough.

"Do you love me?" She asked, her voice shaking with every word she said. His mouth dropped open and not a single word came out. He just stared at her, completely caught off guard. Every single thing in his body was telling him to tell her. Just fucking tell her. Tell her or lose her.

He said nothing.

"That's just like you. Don't commit to anything that you don't know will end. Well congratulations. This ended."