Not All Legends Are True

Chapter Two

Once darkness fell, Gandalf started to set off his fireworks. Many people of the Shire watched in awe as they ate and drank to their liking. And Bilbo was entertaining the children with his adventures with the dwarves so long ago. I sat across from Sam, Bilbo’s gardener and Frodo and I’s dear friend. He looked at Rosie many a times but never stood up to dance with her. I took another sip of my wine as Frodo sat down.
“Go on, Sam. Ask Rosie for a dance.” He said. I nodded agreeing.
Sam shook his head. “I think I’ll just have another ale.”
As Sam got up Frodo grabbed him and spun him around, “Oh, no you don’t.” Frodo then pushed Sam onto the dance floor and right to Rosie. “Go on!”
Frodo and I laughed as the two began to dance. I then hopped up and grabbed Frodo’s hand, though I was many times taller than all of the hobbits, that didn’t mean I couldn’t dance. Frodo laughed as we spun in circles on the dance floor.
After the dance, Frodo, Sam, and I all sat down exhausted. They both grabbed an ale and began to drink. Later Frodo stood up to find his uncle. Over the sounds of the people laughing and talking I could hear two voices arguing. Pippin and Merry, hobbit cousins that seemed more like brothers. I listened for a moment and found that they were arguing over a firework they had stolen from Gandalf.
A few seconds later it took off with one of the tents. It flew up into a sky and from it emerged a large fiery dragon. Many of the hobbits ran screaming from the dragon firework that was now headed straight for the party. It flew over and out into the distance and then blew off like a normal firework would. The hobbits stared at it in awe and clapped at its magnificence.
I looked over and saw the charred Pippin and Merry.
“That was good.” Nodded Merry.
“Let’s get another one.” Smiled Pippin.
Then Gandalf came up behind the two and grabbed them by the ears. They both looked up at him in pain of the ear pinching.
“Meriadoc Brandybuck and Peregin Took. I might’ve known.”
I giggled as Gandalf pulled them over and made them start cleaning the many piles of dishes.
“Speech, Bilbo!” Someone in the audience yelled as Bilbo was pushed up onto the stage in front of the hobbits.
I took a seat at the back so the hobbits could see Bilbo as he spoke.
“My dear Bagginses and Boffins. Tooks and Brandybucks. Grubbs, Chubbs, Hornblowers, Bolgers, Bracegirdles, and Proudfoots.” Bilbo called out and after every name a section of the crowed would cheer.
“Proudfeet!” Called one of the Proudfoots.
I laughed as Bilbo waved him off. “Today is my one-hundredth and eleventh birthday!”
“Happy Birthday!” Shouted the crowd.
“But alas, eleventy-one years is far too short of time to live among such excellent and admirable hobbits. I don’t know half of you half as well as I should like and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.” They hobbits were quiet, not quite sure of what Bilbo had meant. “I have things to do.” Bilbo said as he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. I squinted my eyes trying to see what it was but he quickly stuck it behind his back. “I’ve put this off far too long.” He whispered. “I regret to announce this is the end! I’m going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell. Goodbye.” And then Bilbo disappeared.
The hobbits gasped and many ran to where he was standing but he was no longer there. I watched Gandalf as he quickly stood up and went up to Bag End. Frodo announced that the party was over and stood at the exit saying goodbye and thank you to all those who passed.
Later I fallowed Frodo up to Bag End looking for Bilbo. We entered the home but only found Gandalf seated in front of the fire, smoking and looking deep in thought.
“Bilbo!” Frodo called as he opened the door. He stepped in but there was no answer. At his feet was Bilbo’s ring. Frodo bent down and picked it up. He and I then went into the living room near Gandalf.
“My precious,” muttered Gandalf. “Precious.”
“He’s gone, hasn’t he?” Asked Frodo. “He talked for so long about leaving. I didn’t think he’d really do it.”
Gandalf was quiet.
“Gandalf,” I asked.
He looked up at the sound of his name and smiled. “Bilbo’s ring. He’s gone to stay with the Elves. He’s left you Bag End, Frodo, along with all his possessions. And you his books, Ireth.” Gandalf held out an envelope and Frodo stuck the ring inside. Gandalf then quickly sealed the envelope. “The ring is yours now.” He held out the envelope and Frodo took it. “Put it somewhere out of sight.” Gandalf then quickly stood and gathered his things.
“Where are you going?” I asked.
“There are some things that I must see to.”
“What things?” Asked Frodo.
“Questions. Questions that need answering.”
“But you’ve only just arrived,” cried Frodo. “I don’t understand.”
“Neither do I. Keep it secret. Keep it safe.” And at that the wizard left Bag End and the Shire.
Months passed and no one heard a word from him.