

A man walked down the street in an overly confident stride. He had blond hair and blue eyes with thick, black framed glasses on his face. He had a briefcase in his hand and was on his way to work at the local bank. Before fully walking into the building he glimpsed a blond haired girl in skin tight shirt with daisy duke shorts on coming out of it. Before she reaches him on the sidewalk he slips his glasses off with a smile.

"Hello there miss", he said to the girl with a wink.

She paused, but only barely and gave a smile and a wink back. He watched her walk down the street to her car and putting his glasses back on went into the bank.


Hotchner gathers his team for a meeting as he does in the usual manner and lets Agent Jareau conduct. Images of dead girls flash up on the screen, all having signs of strangulation and bruised bodies.

"Four girls dead, all around the same age. So far all are white, but we aren't sure that he has any racial limitations. The age range is small. Within five years of each other. The youngest is twenty and the oldest twenty-five."

"We believe he is a man who desires power seeing as how he raped and strangled the women rather then stabbed them", Hotchner said as the team looked through the file.

"So when do we leave?", Morgan asked, slapping down his file.


The man was returning home from the bank in his black Hummer. It sat up high enough that he could nearly run over anything. His briefcase sat in the passenger seat as he drove. He turned the corner and was almost to his house when he saw a young brunette walking. Her hair pulled back in a ponytail and a short blue jean skirt on with her tank.

"They make it so easy." The man grinned as he rolled down the passenger window so that he could call out to her. Making sure to slip off his glasses and ruffle his hair. "Need a ride?"

The girl kept walking but looked over. "No thanks." She smiled and kept walking.

"Are you sure? It's awfully hot." He flashed the girl a wink but she continued to shake her head.

"So she was a tough one", he thought. "Well alright then, what if I took you to dinner?"

The girl just grinned and replied, "So how many times do you ask a girl that each day?"

He could feel himself getting closer. "Not enough." He laughed and stopped the car, causing the girl to stop walking, but she stayed far enough away on the sidewalk.

He pulled out a piece of paper and a pen. "What about a phone number?"

The brunette looked into his blue eyes and noticed his suit. He couldn't have been much older then her and she definitely noticed he was wealthy enough. "Okay, you win." She scribbled down her phone number and with a smile handed the paper and pen back in.

He nodded and as she stepped away he drove off home to take care of the girl that was already waiting for him.


Rossi was bent over the body of the twenty-three year old girl named Anna. She was laying on her apartment floor with a dark purple and red ring around her neck. Sprawled out with nothing more then her underwear on. She had been raped and strangled in the process.

Looking around he saw that the girl lived alone and was a college student at the local college. He looked around the room and saw her running shoes laying near the door neatly like her other pairs. "So she didn't have them on when he killed her."

Prentiss hated these serial killers the worst; the ones that targeted women. Women were often the victims of crimes. Men felt the need to show their dominance over them as this guy did. She could tell by the way her clothes had been laid down neatly. He had probably forced her to take them off herself and set them that way.

Morgan was on the phone giving instructions to Garcia, "Hey baby girl, can you run a check on the four victims for me. I'd like to see if there's anything in common with them besides their area. They all seem to live within fifteen miles of each other."

"Anything for you hot stuff." With that she sped away on her keyboard looking through the lives of the four women.

"Maybe he just passes them on the street and catches them off guard", Prentiss suggested.

Rossi countered, "I don't think so. There's no sign of forced entry and nothing seems to have been overturned. Someone that she knew and allowed to come in."

"Maybe he just came off friendly. Like a delivery guy. You'd have to open the door for him, or even someone that works on your house. A plumber even", Morgan pushed. He looked at the body of the girl with a grimace and a shake of his head. "They all have so much ahead of them until someone just takes it away."


The man set his briefcase down next to the door and slipped off his shoes. He hung his jacket on the coat rack and made his way upstairs to his bedroom.

The girl was laying on his bed, knocked out by a sleeping pill he had given to her before work. It guaranteed him eight hours which were almost up. He began to walk around the room preparing for that evenings event. He lit candles and took off his tie. The curtains were drawn as he climbed onto the bed, hovering over her.

He tightened the cloth that had her wrists held to the bed and looked at the ones on her ankles. They would do.

She began to awake as her eyes flickered slightly and she began to squirm. He had taken her the night after she had come to his office at the bank for a loan. She wanted to buy a house and move out of her apartment. Her blond hair and stunning good looks interested him. Blonds were his favorite, but for really good looks he wouldn't turn down a brunette. Her red lips had convinced him, and when he looked up her credit score he glanced over for her address as well.

That night he went to her house, telling her he wished to discuss the loan with her and was sorry for the late hour. He had taken his glasses off when she stepped out onto the porch, shutting the door behind her; her biggest mistake. After talking for awhile he asked if he could just have a glass of water, and as she turned her back to go in for it he grabbed her and gagged her. He drug her silently to his Hummer and drove her to his house.

The girl was beginning to wake up and her eyes widened in fear as she took in her surroundings. "I am in complete control", he told her, slowly taking off her clothes.

Her body wiggled beneath him but she realized that she could not move and panic began to rise in her. "Just let me do it all Darcy." With that he took off his own clothes, slipped a condom on and began thrusting into the poor girl. She screamed for him to stop and began to cry as he thrusted harder and harder.

After awhile he grew tired of her screams and began to choke the girl. He continued thrusting as he did so, until finally he had killed her and stopped. He was completely excited and pulled out of her, a large grin on his face. Her limp form just lay there as he began to untie the bonds he had placed on her. He checked her pulse to verify and found none.

He put clothes back on so that he could return the body to her apartment to be found. These women were nothing compared to him. He was there master. He was the dominant figure. He always won against them. Always.


Morgan's phone rang and he picked it up to find Garcia on the other end. "What do you have for me baby girl?"

"Well, after a lot of searching and not much luck I found that all of these women have accounts at the same bank, Johnson and Hubert. The one that is closest to their houses is coincidentally in the middle of the area they all seem to live in. I'll send you the address."

"Thanks momma." He clicked his phone off and after receiving the address Morgan and Rossi went off to the bank to see what they could find while the rest of the team went to the new crime scene that had been discovered that morning.

Arriving at the bank the two went in and saw a couple of women sitting at the front desks. They immediately ruled them out seeing as how the women were raped and went up to them to find out what they could.

"I'm Agent Rossi and this is Agent Morgan. We'd like to ask you some questions about any suspicious co-workers."

The bright eyed red head spoke up first. "Is there something going on?"

"Well, there have been a series of murders, as I'm sure you've noticed, since the four victims we know of were your clients."

Her mouth fell open as she gaped at them. "I'd be happy to help. I did notice one of the women had been killed, but the bank system can be slow and I hadn't noticed the others yet. We have so many customers that it can be easy to glance over." With a pause she looked around her. She leaned over the counter and whispered, "Between you and me, Barty is the oddest, but I'm not sure if I can picture him killing a woman. He's a bit weak." She nodded over to the office that was marked Barty Dillings.

"Thank you mam." With that they walked over and knocked on his office door and were met with a "Come in" from behind it.

"Hello, and what can I do for you fine gentleman", asked a gray haired man who stepped forward to shake their hands and was met with frowns.

"I'm Agent Rossi and this is Agent Morgan and we're with the FBI. We'd like to ask you a few questions."

"Certainly, certainly", said the man. "Please sit."

Morgan and Rossi sat down accross from the man, watching his every move. "We'd like to know where you were last night."

"Oh, well I was just sitting at home with Lucy, my wife, relaxing. We don't get out as much as we used to." He just shrugged nonchalantly. "Why?"

"Well sir, we're investigating murders of four women who happen to have been customers at this bank", Morgan answered with a sharpness in his words.

"I see, so I'm a suspect?"

"Yes, all employees at this bank are for the moment", Rossi answered. A more calm demeanor to his voice then Morgan's. "How long have you and your wife been married?"

"Well, I'd say about thirty years now", Barty answered. A smile spread over his face. "Marriage can be a lovely and a terrible thing."

With a laugh Rossi said, "Yes, it definitely can." He stood up without another word. "Well, we may see you again." With that he walked out of the office and back into the lobby with Morgan on his heels.

"What was that?", Morgan nearly yelled.

"The man is married and I don't think he was the one to rape women. I'm thinking a single guy who has once been turned down. He definitely wants control." Rossi continued walking through the lobby, glancing at the office doors until he saw another guy's name. It read: Brett Yankler.

Rossi went up to this one and knocked. It was silent for some time before a young voice said, "Come in."

Rossi was met with a young man, in his mid twenties perhaps with blond hair and blue eyes. Black framed glasses sat on his face.

"I'm Agent Rossi and this is Agent Morgan. We'd like to ask you a few questions." Rossi and Morgan sat down without an offer and began to watch the man.

With a smile he said, "Be my guest." His over confidence didn't sit well with Morgan, but Rossi pushed on without stopping.

"So Mr.Yankler, can you tell us where you were last night?", Rossi probed calmly.

"I was at home, just like many other men who had just gotten off work", he responded smoothly, a grin on his face.

Morgan grew frustrated as the man continued to smile. Beam even with some sort of happiness. He took a photo of the latest victim out, shoving it in front of the man. "Have you seen her before?"

"Why yes, she's a client here right?" Brett just shrugged and continued lounging in his chair as if the girl meant nothing to him. Morgan grew angrier and glared at the man.

"Are you married Mr.Yankler?", Rossi asked, leaning forward in his seat. At this the man's face turned into a frown.

"No sir, sadly I am not."

"Why is that, may I ask?" The man's face turned into a grimace.

"I haven't found the right woman yet."

"Ahh, I see. Well that's all I wanted to ask." Rossi stood up to go and the man jumped from his seat and to the door.

"I hope that I was of assistance." He opened the door for them to leave.

Neither of them said anything as they left, but once outside the bank, Morgan nearly exploded. "What kind of crap was that? We didn't find out a damn thing!"

"I found out all I needed for now. Call Garcia and have her investigate heavily on this Brett Yankler."


Brett was pacing his room. He had just dumped his latest victim, but was it safe to get another tonight? The FBI had caught onto the links of the murders. But surely they couldn't know it was him?

In a rage he threw the lamp onto his floor, smashing it. He had to get another victim and soon. It was like a hunger was rising in him for power. For dominance and sex. Something about it thrilled him and he couldn't stop.

That settled it for him. He was going out to hunt again tonight. He would fine another girl to bring back home. Maybe he could make her last longer. Leave the trail cold for a few days, before finally killing her and dumping her. Yeah, that was a good idea.

Grabbing his coat and slipping on his shoes he went out for the girl who had just spoken to him that morning about setting up an account. She had barely even made one. They would be lucky to find her in the system already.


Garcia tapped away at the keys while she talked to the team as they gathered to figure out who it could be. Rossi and Morgan were convinced it was Yankler, but how to catch him?

Garcia sent them what she found as she explained it. "This Brett guy definitley has some issues with females. He was arrested back in 2006 for domestic violence. It says here he was in an abusive relationship, and you can guess which end he was on. Went to a few help classes and then started working at the bank. I guess he was engaged. Something about a prenuptial agreement here. Had to give half of what he owned to the girl. He took her to court, argueing that she left him at the alter after they said their vows. This doesn't look good."

"Thanks Garcia", Hotchner told her as they brainstormed.

Reid spoke up, "Well, the other thing is, it turns out not only were all these women clients, they were his clients.

"Yeah, and he fits the dominance angle", Prentiss enterjected.

"The killing has escalated though. I say we go tonight." Morgan's anger had peaked. He kept imagining that guy's white toothed grin.

"Prentiss, Reid, you'll go with me to the house. Morgan, Rossi, you take to the list of his clientel for the day."

With that the team set off. Prentiss and Reid undoubtedly finding nothing at Brett's house except the leftover arrangements from Darcy, his latest victim.

"So he bonded them to the bed and set up a romantic scene. Sick", Prentiss said as she prodded around the bedroom. "This is our guy."

Rossi and Morgan were going to each of the houses on the list. The list consisted of about 5 people. The first two seemed to be older women, not fitting the description. The third name was a man, so they didn't even bother to go there. The fourth woman however, never came to her door.

Morgan kicked it in and instantly yanked out his gun as he patrolled the area. Rossi and Morgan checked the first floor completely before heading upstairs where they heard a sudden bang against the floor. Rushing up the stairs they went to the door that heavy breathing and a muffled scream was coming from.

They found Brett on top of the young girl with her arms pinned down and a rag tied around her mouth. His hands were at her neck, beginning to strangle her.

"Let go of the girl!" Morgan yelled, pointing his gun at the back of the guy's head. "Take your hands off her neck and get up with your hands behind your head."

The guy dropped what he was doing and stood up with a big grin on his face. As Rossi bent to help the girl, the grin got to Morgan and he knocked him against his head with his gun, causing him to pass out cold.

"I just can't stand a cocky killer anymore then a normal one." Morgan bent over and checked the guy's pulse before calling for the rest of the team to come and get him as well as help the girl.


They were all about to leave the offices for home but right before Morgan stopped Rossi for a question. "How do you always keep so calm?"

"Years and years of experience my friend. Plus, it helps to think that the calmer you are, the more it bothers the killer. That's why he jumped up to get the door. I calmly got up to leave. Not to mention, he enjoys being in charge." Rossi patted Morgan on the back as he got in the elevator. "You'll catch on."

With a laugh and a grin Morgan climbed into the elevator too as they went on their way home.


Reid: "Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him." ~Aldous Leonard Huxley
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Word Count= 3,172