Status: This is a new story that I'm just starting it's based off of a kinda recent experience with some supernatural thrown in

Never to be Forgotten

Chapter 10: Lucas

When this Zack person came around the corner I saw Jon look up at him like a kid who saw his comic book hero in person. Out of habit and instinct I pulled him back and behind me. I felt my guard rise. Jon looked around me as Zack met my eyes, he anger rolling off him in sheets. Jon's nails sunk through my shirt as he got very scared. For some reason he was more scared now then back in the alley. Something about this Zack character made Jon more afraid then he is of death ,but in a way I already knew why: death is the end of pain ,but a person has the power to worsen pain. Jon was scared of suffering. At this point, I can't blame him.

I heard Jon hit the floor and turned, forgetting about the people behind me. Jon was clasping his head on his hands. I reached out to touch him ,but as soon as I made any contact with him he rolled away from me. Immediately I chased after him without any other thought ,but to catch him. I watched as he went completely off hearing, running up the stairs leaving me to tumble and trip as I attempted to chase him. Suddenly, I cornered him in a room. I stood at the only exit as he stared at the nearest source of light. Zack and the girl were coming up the stairs as Jon opened the window. I went deaf. The only sound that hit me was my own heart beat though at the time I swore it was his. When he went to jump I raced to the window and only by inches did I miss his shoe. I watched as he seemed to free fall in slow motion. Each heart beat seemed more and more silent then the last. Finally, I heard nothing as I stared over the edge of the window waiting for any sign that he was alive. I saw the light rise and fall of his chest and glided down to him, pulling him in my arms. Slowly the rain began to stop. That day I learned something. There is no "calm before the storm" ,but only the storm itself. Only hell itself.