Status: This is a new story that I'm just starting it's based off of a kinda recent experience with some supernatural thrown in

Never to be Forgotten

Chapter 17

I watched Lucas as he went crazy at the sound of the helicopter blades. It's been years since I had to worry they'd find me. This house was made of magic, it was protected as long as Jace, or I lived since our magic held it together and protected it with wards.It was protected from mortal sight.

I knew Lucas and Jon didn't know that. I stood over Jon's shoulder looking at Lucas, while Jon calmed him down. I knew Lucas didn't trust me so I hadn't even tried. I just let Jon calm him down. When Lucas threw Jon; I swear my heart stopped.

Lucas threwing Jon had resulted in the lamp on the table being broken, but I didn't care. I had never liked that lamp anyway. Zack came back and he was cleaning the lamp when Lucas came back to the present; mumbling fowl words in Greek under his breath.

Jon and Lucas got in a short conversation and from what they said I realized that Lucas had gotten caught up in old memories. The sound of the blades had been the cause of it. That still happened to me and Jace in our dreams sometimes.

It was something I hated to be reminded of. That those days, the "scientist" were real, and something I could never truly get away from. It still haunted me. Seeing how they had barely escaped yesterday the memories were still very fresh in their minds. Clearer than they were in mine.

I hoped they would stay so they wouldn't have to worry so much. So they wouldn't have to rough it out so bad. From the look on Zack's face he liked Jon but wasn't so quick to draw the same conclusion about Lucas.