Status: This is a new story that I'm just starting it's based off of a kinda recent experience with some supernatural thrown in

Never to be Forgotten

Chapter 2. Lucas

The bitter coldness of some water being splashed across my face woke me as I pulled myself up. I turned over the trash can as Jon rolled out of it. He looked at me slightly angered then pulled my jacket off him, offering it to me. I took it and got up as I slipped it on. We were street rats. The forgotten kids of the world. Or, we wished we were forgotten but so many people know us. We're the FBI's most wanted and we haven't even done anything wrong. It's what they did to us. It's always been what they've done to us because we never got the chance to do anything to them. We never had any interest in doing anything to them.

"I'm hungry ,Luke," Jon said quietly.

"Let's go look around," I said to him, putting my arm over his shoulder.

He seemed to be uneasy which was enough to put me on edge. Our eyes were low and separated from the rest of the humans. We weren't like them. We were something entirely different from them. Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder and my head snapped around as I automatically pushed Jon behind me.

"You're under arrest," the gruff man said pulling out his FBI badge.

"You're out of your mind," I said as I tapped Jon's arm and he ran to the nearest ally while I stood my ground.

Some men chased Jon while others stayed to deal with me, which was their own mistake. I pulled one man's arm making him bang heads with another then threw myself over both of them causing the one attempting to tackle me to bust his face on the cement of the sidewalk. Then I turned and ran after Jon. I followed the ally to a dead end then looked around. Where'd you go , I thought to myself. Then I heard the slightest movement and looked up.

"Lucas, help me!" Jon cried as a man held a gun to his head on top of a fire escape.

"Let him go, Brandon," I growled feeling a sudden aggression take over me.

"Why? So you can fly away like the mutant freaks you are?" he said as the gun clicked, telling me it's cocked and loaded.

"I said let him go," I said in a low growl.

"Make me," he said matching my tone.

I set my eyes and felt my wings form like a light on my back as I pounced into the air ,jumping on him and taking hold of his throat with my claw in less then half a second. Then I heard Jon slip, falling against a pole on the fire escape, knocking himself out. I thought long and hard about killing Brandon right there ,but I couldn't let Jon see that. He didn't need to be exposed to that, he's seen enough.

"Stay away from us," I whispered to Brandon and picked Jon's unconscious form up, gliding to the ground as my wings vanished like mist.

Then I saw a small donut shop and smiled. I have enough change to buy a few donuts, I thought to myself. It'd help settle Jon's nerves.