Status: finished ;)

3,000 Miles to Love

Chapter 10

Cameron's POV

As I held her in my arms, I thought about the fact that she was only staying here for a few more weeks. God, I would miss her. But, I am going to keep the promise i made to her.

We went back into the living room to see the guys awake and watching tv. I wonder why we didn't hear them.

"'Morning, lovebirds," Zach said, smiling up at us.

"Buenos Dias," Cameron said. We sat down on the couch and watched tv with them.

"How did you guys sleep?" Nathan asked.

"Good," we both said.

"I didn't. Man, the floor really screws up your back," Mikey said. We all talked for a while until pretty much everything you can talk about was said.

"Guys, we should go out for breakfast," Zach said.

"Yeah. All we ever eat is toaster waffles," Mikey agreed, looking at me. I smiled my guilty smile while McKenzie looked at me and laughed.

We all took showers and got dressed. McKenzie cam back downstairs, wearing a black v-neck shirt with a white tank top underneath, black jeans, and zebra striped Miley Cyrus converse.

"Hey," she said as she walked over and sat on the couch beside me.

"Hey," I said. "You look nice."

"Really? Because this is one of my old outfits I don't wear too much anymore," she said.

"Yeah, it's cool. I like the shoes," I said. She looked down at her feet and back up at me.

"Thanks. Zebra stripes are my favorite pattern," she said. We talked for a while until the guys came back downstairs.

"So, where do you guys wanna eat?" Zach asked.

"How 'bout that restaurant a couple blocks down?" Mikey suggested.

"I'm not dressed up enough for that," McKenzie said.

"None of us are," Nathan said. "You look fine."

"Okay," she said.

We drove down to the restaurant and went inside. McKenzie and I were holding hands. I noticed the guys looking at us like we were aliens or something out of the ordinary.

"I gotta go to the bathroom. be right back," McKenzie said. When she went around the corner, I turned to the guys.

"You guys really like each other, don't you?" Mikey asked.

"I guess. Why?" I asked.

"It's obvious," he siad. Zach and Nathan let out some small giggles.

"I know, I make everything obvious," I said.

"Yeah, you do," Zach agreed.

"But you guys are a good couple," Mikey continued. "And, it's not just you that makes it obvious. She does, too."

"Really? How?" I asked.

"Well, it's how she always holds your hand, she isn't uncomfortable when your arm is around her, the way she looks into your eyes all the time, and you can tell she's hypnotized when you kiss her," Mikey said.

"That's a lot," I said, surprised.

"Yeah," he said.

"Wait. How do you know that she likes kissing me? You've never seen us," I said. He smiled the smile of guilt.

"Actually, I have, " he said. "When you guys woke up this morning, I was awake, too. I just didn't feel like getting up."

"So, you saw us?" I asked.

"Yeah," he answered.

"Creeper," I joked.

"Shut up. I didn't try to, believe me," he said. I laughed. McKenzie came back around the corner, just in time for us to be seated.

We ordered and ate, talking about funny things that happened to us. We were there for maybe two hours, just laughing and having a great time. When we left, we went back to the house and jumped on the trampoline. After a while, the guys got off and went inside. McKenzie and I collapsed down and looked up at the clouds, looking for anything they could shape.

"It's a beautiful day," I said.

"Yeah," she agreed. I pointed up.

"I see a giraffe."

"You just lloovvee giraffes, don't you?" she asked.

"Yeah," I said, smiling. She giggled. "What's your favorite animal?"

"I like wolves," she answered.

"Oh, cool," I said. She pointed up.

"I see a heart." I looked up at the cloud and smiled.

We talked, laughing every now and then and mostly telling each other more about ourselves. later, we went back inside with the guys, who were in the basement playing table tennis.

"Hey, there's the lovebirds!" Zach said.

"What were you guys doing out there? Kissing?" Nathan said jokingly. "Because you were out there for quite some time." McKenzie laughed.

"No, we were just talking," she said, smiling at his thought.

"Really? I beg to differ," Zach said.

"Seriously, we were," I said.

"Okay," Mikey said.

"Whatever you say," Nathan joked. McKenzie and i just looked at each other. We walked back upstairs.

"Sorry about...them," I said. She laughed.

"It's okay. I like them. They're funny," she said.

"Yeah, they're pretty awesome. It kinda gets annoying that they always creep on me, though," I said. She looked at her phone.

"Oh my God! I haven't checked in with Aunt Sue! Crap! She's probably worried sick," she said, agitated.

"Call her," I said.

"Okay," she said, running down to the living room as she dialed the number.

When she came back upstairs, she smiled at me, relieved.

"It's all good," she said.

"Was she mad?" I asked.

"Actually, no. Turns out, she kinda figured this is where I'd be," she said.

"She must know you very well," I said.

"Yeah. She understands and trusts me more than my parents do. If this would've happened with the,, they would've freaked, whether I'm eighteen or a little kid."

"I feel bad, though," I said.

"About what?" she asked.

"Well, you came here to visit her and your Great Uncle, but you've been spending all of your time with me," I said. She took my hand.

"Cameron, trust me. She doesn't mind. Like I said, she understands me."

"Please, just spend one day with her, for me," I said.

"Okay," she said, smiling. We kissed and went back downstairs.