Status: finished ;)

3,000 Miles to Love

Chapter 12

Cameron's POV

Lyla? Like me? It couldn't be possible. Besides, I love McKenzie. I have no interest in Lyla whatsoever. Maybe I should talk to her and try to figure out what's going on. When McKenzie and I got back to the house, I called Lyla and invited her over to hang out with all of us. McKenzie wasn't really crazy about that but she understood why I did it.

When Lyla came, we all went swimming. We jumped off of the diving board, and just jumped in from the cement. It was always fun swimming, especially with all of my best friends.

When we were done, we all went inside to change back into our clothes. There weren't enough rooms for all of us to change so we took turns. Me, Lyla, and Zach changed first. When we went downstairs, Zach went outside and Lyla and I sat on the couch in the living room.

"So, you're dating McKenzie?" Lyla asked, trying to start a conversation.

"Yeah," I answered awkwardly.

"Cool," she said. She looked around the room, obviously thinking about something. "Okay, I can't take it anymore!" she shouted. "Cameron, I like you, okay? I want to date you. I've wanted to date you for a while now, but 'little miss visiting relatives' comes and beats me to you."

"Lyla, I'm flattered taht you like me, but-"

She began kissing me. I tried to pull away but she wouldn't let go of my shoulders. We heard footsteps so she stopped, but it was too late. There was McKenzie standing in the doorway, who had just come downstairs from changing. She was frozen, staring at us. She began to tear up, and started toward the back door.

"McKenzie, wait!" I shouted as I followed her outside. She turned around, her face drenched with tears. She began sobbing.

"Leave me alone," she said, and kept walking.

"McKenzie, it wasn't what it looked like!" I shouted. She turned back at me.

"That's what they all say, isn't it?" She walked around to the front of the house and got in her car. "Oh, and I forgot to tell you. I'm flying back to Pennsylvania tonight," she said through the open window.

"What?!" I shouted. She drove off. I stood on the sidewalk, not knowing what to do. The guys ran up to me.

"What happened? Why did she leave?" Nathan asked.

"Lyla kissed me and she saw it. She thinks I was cheating on her but I wasn't. I tried pulling away but Lyla woldn't let go," I answered, still staring down the road. I sat down on the curb and put my face in my hands. "And, she's flying back to Pennsylvania tonight." Mikey say down beside me.

"Dude, I know you. You love her. I've never seen you happier around anyone," he said. "Ever."

"What do I do?" I asked.

"Go after her," he said.

"I tried but she wouldn't listen."

"It doesn't matter. Just go. Then maybe she'll see that it's her that you love."

"Are you saying I should go to Pennsylvania?" I asked.

"I don't know, man. You have to decide that for yourself," he said. I thought about it. I began to lean towards the fact of going but there were risks. What if she won't take me back? What if I can't find her when I get there? There were so many questions that I was afraid of discovering the answer to, but I had to. I went and bought a plane ticket to Pennsylvania for the next morning, since her flight was sold out. I packed for a few days and went to buy her some roses.

"I've never seen this side of Cameron before," Zach said.

"Our boy is growing up," Nathan said jokingly.

"Ha, ha. Very funny," I said.

"We'll see you when you get back, man," Mikey said.

"Good luck," Nathan said, patting my back as I walked out the door. With my best friends encouraging me, I felt like I would succeed in what I was about to do, but you never know what could happen in this crazy, mixed up world.