Status: Promise.

The Same Girl


Everyone always thinks that being the quiet girl in the corner is the easy life. Well it isn't. I know that for a fact. I've always known that. I have always been the quiet girl in the corner. A few close friends, and a close family with very little issues has always been my story. I don't really share myself with others, only my three close friends. They know everything about me. They are the only ones I really trust. Nobody else.

Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself. Hey, I'm Alexandria May, and I am currently sixteen and just starting my second semester during Sophomore year. The first semester went by awesome. My best friend Angel Marie got to stay in Ohio, she didn't have to leave because my parent's decided to let her live with us while her parent's moved to Texas. They were all really cool about the whole situation. Which is great, we didn't wanna be separated, and plus her boyfriend wouldn't have been to thrilled either if she left. None of would. So she got to stay with us.

There really isn't much else I can say, other than I have a boyfriend. His name is Jackson Drew, and we have been together for a happy seven months. No problems or fights whatsoever. The relationship has been perfect. My family loves him, my friends love him, and I love him. It's just amazing.

Just sayin'... Nothing could ruin the rest of my Sophomore year, nothing at all.
Posting the very first entry of my blog, I spun around in the computer chair and looked at my small group of friends. Angel was sitting on Anthony's lap, the two were making lovey eyes at one another, while her small tea cup sock dog, yipped around her ankles. Jackson was on the phone with his mom, the two were laughing about something that happened last weekend.

"So, miss writer, have you finished your blog?" Angel flipped her long brown hair behind her shoulder.

Cracking my fingers, I looked at her, "Yes I did. I think my blog will become a huge hit."

"What did you title it?"

"The Same Girl. A simple title, just like me. Simple, plain and boring. But the blogs that will be written will be anything but boring. They will be filled with our daily lives, and hopefully people will find that interesting. I mean, we do, so why won't others?"

Everyone looked at me, "You're really gonna revolve your blog around us?" Anthony seemed a little surprised.

"Sure, why not?"

"I dunno, maybe because... We are all inappropriate and I don't know a lot of people who would want to read about us?" Angel smacked her boyfriend playfully.

She smiled at me, "It sounds like an awesome idea, doll. Don't worry, it'll be an amazing blog."

Jackson came over and wrapped his arms around me, "Babe, everything you write is amazing."

"Thanks, boo. But I dunno, maybe my blog will flop, then I will just be left to making random stories on my homework pages. And I don't think that Mrs. Pike wants to keep reading them, I mean she always leaves positive comments, but sometimes my stories are really dark, I don't know if that is her cup of tea."

"Eh, who cares? Look I gotta get going, but babe, I will be back tomorrow to see you, I love you," he gave me a small peck on my lips.

"I love you too, boo," hugging him tightly, he waved as I let go, and he walked out the door. The other two just looked at me, "So? Do you guys gotta get going, or just Anthony?"

"Just me, mom just called and said he wants me home to take out the dogs, and get dinner on the way home. But I will be back tomorrow to pick up lil' miss thang over here," he kissed his girlfriend and left.

'We're one mistake from being together-' flipping the phone screen up, I looked at the flashing message sign: Vince Blaine. my stomach dropped to my feet.

Angel peeked over my shoulder, "You have got to be shittin' me. Is Vince really texting you?"

Clicking the OK button, I read the message out loud, "Alexandria, I'm sorry. I really am. I was a douche for dumping you like that. I love you so much, and I miss you even more. I am going to come and see you tomorrow. There is no stopping me. I love you so much, I just want you back... I want you to be the girl who waits for me, I really am sorry. Please, babe, I love you."

The two of us looked at one another, "Fuckin' hell."
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New, comments are always welcomed.

This story is just something that kind of popped into my head.
