Status: Promise.

The Same Girl


Angel jumped around the room, "I can't believe it. I thought you deleted his number a year ago, hell you deleted everything of him from your life. Why the hell is he texting you? Why do you have his number in your phone again? Alexandria, what the fuck girl!"

"Angel, calm down," my body had formed itself into a small ball in the corner of my bed, "I deleted his number, but put it back in last week because I knew he was leaving soon for something, and I said 'Bye' that's all I said to him. He didn't respond until today. I swear, and my feelings for him are completely gone. I mean, there is no reason to get all mad about it. Just calm the fuck down. I'm going to text him and tell him to leave me alone," my hands shook as they held the small electronic.

She huffed, her small frame fell onto the beanbag chair in the corner of our shared room, "Don't text him, just let him show up tomorrow, and when he shows up... Wear a fake engagement ring, make him feel worthless. Show him that you have moved on. You have to make that worthless douche cry. Do it."

Picking at the chipping pink polish on my fingers, I looked up at her, she was huffing and glaring at me, "Angel, I don't want to be a bitch. When he shows up I will simply tell him 'Bye', again, and again, and again. He will get the picture and leave me alone."

She rolled her dark brown eyes, and left the room in a hurry... A few seconds later the shower water was heard running. She was pissed at me. Huffing, I rolled over on my bed, and grabbed my phone, scrolling down the options, I found the number I needed:

Hey, Ronda, it's me.. Alexandria.
I know we haven't talked since the last time I was over, which was over a year ago, but I just wanted to let you know that your son is coming over to my house tomorrow. I want you to try and stop him, or something. I don't think I could stand seeing him. It would be too hard for me to see his face, or hear his voice. I am confiding this in you.. My feelings for him have changed, I no longer want to be back with him, I want him out of my life, but if he shows up tomorrow I might fall for him again.

My body shook as the message sent, tears welled up in my eyes, they silently fell, 'Alexandria, you are so fucking stupid. How could you be feeling this way? You love Jackson, Vince has no part of you anymore. He broke your heart, and he left you and went off and screwed some other girl. You don't need him, you have someone amazing in your life who loves you. Just forget about him. You have to forget about him, or else your life will just be one big mess. He isn't worth it. Vince is just a worthless piece of shit that wants to see you cry. So if he does show up tomorrow like he says he is, you have to tell him the truth, you want nothing to do with him and you want him to fall off the face of the earth. You won't wait for him, and you have no feelings left for him whatsoever. He can keep begging for you and all that shit but it won't make a difference, you don't love him anymore and he just has to understand that.' Closing my eyes, I held my phone tightly to my chest, it buzzed, Ronda:

Alexandria, I haven't heard from you in so long. I miss you sweetie, you should come out and visit sometime soon. I wish I could keep him from coming out by saying something, but he is just so determined to come back and see you. He is eighteen, I can't stop him from doing anything. I'm sorry. Good luck, if you need to, call me tomorrow after he leaves if you want to talk about everything. Love you, and miss you a lot. So does Vicky, she misses you too. Bye.

Tears began to fall freely, there was no stopping that. Gripping the pillow tight to my face, I grunted and coughed. Crying was something I did regularly when Angel took a shower, it was the only time I could really let everything out, but it was also a bad thing, because with all the crying, there comes all the tear stains on my pillows, which she notices, but I just brush them off and change the subject.

Sitting up, I wiped my eyes and listened for the water, it stopped, her footsteps were audible down the hallway. She swung the door open, makeup and everything was already on. Her outfit consisted of a mini black skirt, with fishnet tights, thigh high black boots, with a bright white halter top, her tanned stomach was showing between the skirt and the shirt. Her hair was scrunched and her bangs were pulled off to the side, she snapped her gum, "Look, I know I should be staying here and comforting you, and I really want to be.. But.. Anthony is taking me to the clubs tonight, he got me a fake I.D, I know, I know, me with a fake I.D, me who is always paranoid of getting in trouble, but I don't give a fuck tonight baby! I am going to go and have some fun. It also works that mom and dad are out of the house for the night, and so is our little brother," after she moved in she just started saying everything was ours and stuff, it was already normal, so it wasn't at all weird.

"Well, have fun, I might go and get a movie to watch tonight, I might even invite over some of my guy friends, I miss hanging out with them. But seriously, have fun. I love you, and be safe! No pregnancies, or any of that bull shit. Got it?"

She winked at me, "I love you too, and no promises," grabbing her phone and a jacket, she hurried out of the bedroom door, and out the front door. I listened as the car wheels peeled away.

'Lucky lil' bitch.'

Flopping onto my back, my eyes fixated on the ceiling. My eyelids were soon becoming heavy, 'Vince, don't come.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, next chapter will be dramatic.

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