Black Sheep

Chapter One- Stay Away From Harry Potter


Chapter One- Stay Away From Harry Potter
I hurried to pack my belongings as Draco's sharp voice hustled me from the other room. "Melanie, I swear you are never prepared for anything! You're always so lost in your own head, you can't make time for reality. Sometimes, I wonder how you are my sister." I was not hurt by his outcry for two reasons: I know he meant no harm by it and I know that he was pretty accurate in saying so. I am nothing like my family. They're prim and proper while I am relatively informal. One of the most major differences between them and myself is our view of people. While they believe us to be better than everyone, especially mudbloods, I believe everyone is equal. Everyone is deserving of kindness.

"Melanie, did you hear me?" I heard Draco's voice suddenly interrupt my thoughts. I looked up to see him standing at the foot of my bed, scanning my bags. "Of course you didn't." he said, rolling his eyes. Although our eyes were both blue, his were more gray than mine were. I assumed this was because of his sour attitude. When we were younger, they were far more beautiful. "Listen, I don't know who you will be dorming with since, obviously, boys and girls are to be separated, but I want us to stick together regardless. In all honesty, I am rather nervous that you won't get into Slytherin because of your lack of backbone-" Oh, Draco, what a charmer you are. "-but, no matter what, we're going to stick together, okay?"

I nodded. In spite of our differences, Draco and I loved each other and it would probably be much easier for the both of us if we could stay together. It would be far more beneficial for me than for him, though, because he has perfected the craft of manipulating people into friendship while I have perfected the craft of smiling awkwardly and hoping for the best.

He smiled a smile that only I was blessed to see; a legitimately happy smile. "Good." he said. "Now, Hogwarts is going to be a lot different than Beauxbatons so don't expect it to be easy." I scoffed. Yes, easy. That is exactly the word I'd use to describe Beauxbatons. "I'll help you as much as I can but I can only help you if you listen to me. First, you have to stay away from the mudblood-loving Harry Potter. Everyone will tell you how great he is just because he's The-Boy-Who-Lived but its all bull. Keep away from him and his dirty friends." I bit my bottom lip and nodded. Eventhough I had no problem with half-bloods, I knew it would probably be best to avoid trouble by avoiding Harry Potter. Draco can get pretty worked up when it comes to him.

"Let's go, we'll be late. I'll tell you more on the way, though." he said and gestured for me to follow behind him. I dragged my bags behind me, muttering, "Thanks, Draco. I totally didn't need help carrying pounds of clothes and such. Jerk." I could tell already this was going to be almost as unpleasant as Beauxbatons.
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The character of Melanie is inspired by June.