Status: Good As Gold by: The Click Five

When Summer Stole My Heart

Chapter Twelve

Another tear trailed down my hot cheeks.
I know what you’re thinking. I brought this upon myself. I know it. But it really was what was best. Hey didn’t deserve to be stuck here like I did. I couldn’t just think about myself. I wanted them all to be happy, even if it meant that I’d be alone.
I felt a warm, slender hand rest on my quivering shoulder, warmth once again spreading from where his hand was placed.
I stepped out of Dorian’s reach.
“Just take me to my room please.”
I heard him sigh behind him, then his hand intertwined with mine; seconds later I was in front of a closed door that I didn’t recognize. I wiped a tear away and looked up at Dorian, “Uh?” He gave me a sad smile, “I figured you’d want a smaller room, not one so empty. I had a room prepared for you next to mine.” He clarified as he unlocked the door. The door opened, revealing a candle lit room with a large canopy in the middle. The cover was a silky green with beige curtains hanging at the sides. The room was stone, like the rest of the castle along with the floor. One round rug was in the center of the room.
I smiled to myself. There were two windows, both on each side of the bed and there was a large sections completely covered by green curtains, light was escaping from all sides. Dorian took my hand, leading me over to the large curtain. He pulled it open, exposing a tiny balcony looking over the lake; the town must be on the other side of castle. I peered up. The floating courtyard was above us about a mile up. Dorian opened the two French doors and walked out onto the balcony. I followed him.
Setting my hands on the rail I took in my surroundings. It smelled so fresh, so clean. No reeking scent of gasoline, or cigarette smoke. Raising my face, I felt the sun beat down on my face, filling me with warmth. There wasn’t a single cloud in the clear blue sky. Not one bird or any dragonflies. I suppose there weren’t any earthly creatures here. It was such a different atmosphere here. The plants weren’t of any I’ve ever seen. The sand down by the lake was pure white, though there is sand like that on Earth this had a different texture. Beneath my feet it felt like I was walking on feathers from baby chicks.
Dorian was leaning on the rail. His cotton shirt was rolled up to his elbows and he was glowing like crazy, his copper hair swayed with the breeze. His skin looked so ridiculously I had the urge to reach out and touch his cheek to see if it was just as smooth as it appeared. Without looking at me said in a hushed tone, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” his voice was filled with awe, complete admiration. I looked out again; the sun was a bright orange, contrasting against the dense green forest and the pristine blue water of the lake. I set my elbows on the rail, letting my head fall back, arching my back as I stretched.
Dorian and I stayed like this, both of us looking out as the sun got lower and lower, now hiding behind the line of trees the spread out as far as I could see. Neither one of us talked, just stood there, almost touching. I heard the doors behind us squeak open, Dorian glanced over his shoulder, at me, then back to the setting sun.
“Everyone is home safe, your majesty.”
I didn’t look behind me. I didn’t have to, I knew who it was.
Lorethan took a spot to my right, looking out across the scenery as well. He nudged me gently, “That was a very generous thing you did, Evie.” I nodded, turning my head to see him. He had an approving look was in place of his generally small grin. “Well, that’s me.” A chuckle came from Dorian, “Oh yes, quite the generous person.” I mock frowned at him, “And what’s that supposed to mean?” Reth began to laugh, “Don’t you remember? A couple nights ago you wouldn’t let anyone near the food table.”
“It was very amusing, really. Arianna had walked over to grab a glass of wine off the table and you practically jumped on her back and started screaming that the wine was all yours. It’s funny how wine effects humans, honest, I’ve never seen such an effect before.”
I slapped Dorian playfully, “Shut up, alcohol and I don’t really get along! Besides, I generally eat a lot when I’m… inebriated.” Reth and Dorian laughed, “Then I guess we shouldn’t give you anymore then, should we?” Reth wisely suggested. “Duh! I’m not me when I am under the influence, that’s why I don’t usually drink.”
Dorian stood up straight, smiling at me with fondness, “Well, darling,” he glanced over at Reth who was still looking out at the landscape, “Reth, I don’t know about you both, but I haven’t eaten anything today and I am quite hungry.”
* * * * *
Dinner had been, for the most of it, lonely. I didn’t have the joy of seeing all my friends laughing and talking with one another. The rest of the dinner I spent watching Arianna out of the corner of my eye staring me down. She wasn’t all too happy with Max being sent home. Dorian had noticed her evil eye and demanded she’d stop. In response she scooted her chair back, giving me one last sour look and walked out of the room.
I didn’t eat very much. I was hungry; I had missed breakfast and lunch due to the departure of my friends. But of course Dorian forced me to eat. “I don’t want you starving yourself,” Were his words. It’s not that I didn’t want to eat, because trust me I was eyeing that food like a hawk. It’s just I tend to have a habit of not eating when I am upset.
I did however have a little something to drink.
It wasn’t wine, Dorian and Lorethan made sure of it. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was all that I know is that it was the most delicious drink I’ve ever had… separate from this one Pina Coloda I had in Sacramento when I was visiting my other grandparents and they offered it to me. It was all homemade, rum and all (which my parents weren’t all too happy about)! It was seriously, at that moment, the most amazing thing I’ve ever tasted.
I was on my way up to my new room when Arianna stopped me short, blocking my path. She stood there, literally blazing, hair a bright orange and yellow, her skin red as a cardinal. She placed her hands with those long nails of hers on her hips; her yellow eyes were on fire, staring me down. Why do faeries have such a nasty temper, I’d really like to know.
“You sent him away!” she screamed at me, her voice sound like and angry, crackling forest fire. I bit my lip and took a step backward; it was getting really hot in here, uncomfortably hot. “I- I’m sorry, I just wanted to do what was best.” She snarled, getting even more red, “What was right? He was mine! It wasn’t your choice! But no, you have Dorian to back you up! Oh you stupid girl, that’s what humans always do, get in the way of things!” Gulping I took another step away from Arianna, man, she was one scary faerie. Pursing my lips I retort back, “Well, if you want him so bad, why don’t you just go get him!” Her unusually large eyes narrowed into red slits, “Stupid girl, I can’t simply go and get him!”
“Why not?”
She grimaced, “Because, you stupid girl, only faeries can travel from Earth to our own realm, but if we want humans here we have to wait for the certain days to arrive where the gates to our world are open for everyone!”
“Stupid girl, why’d you send him away?!”
“I thought we had already been through this.” I commented with a bored monotone voice. She hissed at me, “Don’t be smart with me little girl!”
“Well this is good, we’ve gone from stupid girl top little girl, we’ve made and improvement.”
Ok, so maybe it wasn’t the smartest thing I could have said at this particular moment in time, but what can I say, sometimes I don’t think about the things I say, so sue me, I’m only human… I think. I watched as Arianna charged at me, and I watched as she went flying back, smacking against the stone wall behind her, thudding as her back collided with wall, and a cracking sound coming from her head as it slammed dead on to the stone. She slid down, making the motion a snake would make as it swam in the waster. Her eyes were rolled behind her eyelids and she was back to a normal tan, her hair back to the blonde from before.
I twisted around to meet the cold eyes of Callum.
He snickered, eyeing the still body of Arianna, “You mustn’t provoke a faerie, child: not the smartest thing you could have done in that situation.”
I backed away from him. I could feel the cold seeping from his body, mist was coming off from him, showing just how cold he was and just as much as how hot it was in here. He smirked; looking me up and down, his eyes lingered on the scar Dorian had left a couple of days ago.
“Nasty temper, he has, don’t you think?”
“I’ve noticed faeries tend to get angry very easily, and very quickly.” He threw his head back and laughed, a sound much like cracking ice on a frozen lake, “Yes, I do believe you are correct. We probably should do something about it.” His gazed flicked up to behind me, causing me to turn and see a fuming Dorian. His eyes completely black, no whites showing. Now what could he be so angry about?!
“Step away from her, Callum.”
An ice cold arm was slung over my shoulder, burning me inside out. I winced and tried to pull away but it felt like icicles were slicing through my skin where Callum’s arm was resting. I could feel my heart beating like crazy, pounding against my ribs. He was glacial, creating an unwanted affect of coldness. It felt like he was sucking away all the warmth I’ve ever received from Dorian. It wasn’t just the heat that was leaving my body, it was my happiness too. I know it sounds extremely moronic, but if you could only be here and feel the affect the faerie had on you just by being in the room, believe me, you’d feel the same.
I squeezed my eyes shut. Suddenly remembering the day Connor and I found out about his parents being found dead in their car on the side of the road. I wasn’t supposed to, but I had peaked at the report of his parents. They had been found slashed to pieced, gashes throughout their body, junks of skin and muscles missing and their hearts had been missing. I had nightmares for years.
My grandparents had told us that they had just died of a car accident, but I wanted to know more about it and so did Connor; so I had snuck into our grandparent’s bedroom and found the report. I never told Connor I had found anything.
And then there was no more cold, just heat, flooding through my body, arms wrapped around me tight. A laugh echoed through the halls. Dorian smoothed my hair as tears ran down my face, “Shh.” He whispered gently into my ear. He smoothed my hair again and picked me up, holding me bridal style, and brought me into my room.
I felt him lean down, I heard covers being pulled back, and then he laid me down. I kicked off my shoes and slid my feet under the sheets. He pulled the covers up, tucking me in, then disappeared.
He was back in seconds, with a chair in his hands. He set it down right next to me. Scooting closer her took my hand in his, warmth spread its way up my arm and went directly to my heart, causing me to sigh in content and roll over onto my side and face him. I still had a few stray tears rolling down my cheeks. Dorian reached out, wiping them away with his thumb, leaving a path of heat.
“How come I-.”
Dorian shook his head, his eyes blue again, but sad. “That’s what my brother does. He brings up horrible memories, makes you feel cold… miserable… discontented.”
I let out a long sigh, my eyes drifting shut. I forced them open I needed to say one more thing. “Will you stay in here… with me?” He didn’t smile, like I thought he might but he nodded sadly, clenching my hand even more tightly. I inhaled deeply, finally closing my eyes and held my breath; then exhaled slowly. I repeated this process a few times and soon enough I was asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Stay Close, Don't Go- Secondhand Serenade