

I didn't sit on the floor that night with my legs crossed. I had upgraded to lying on the couch. I lolled my head on top of the pillow to glance at the clock. It was late. He wouldn't be coming tonight.

The tears slid down my temples and fell into my hair. The ceiling started to become blurry and my whimpers were progressively getting louder. I quickly hushed myself up, because I didn't want anyone to know I was crying. It was already bad enough that he knew.

Tonight was in the lead for most tears shed. Half of those tears fell because of the normal reasons. The other half fell because he didn't show up to fix them.

After a while, my hair was doused with the tears. And then I lolled my head over to the clock. I couldn't read it. And sometime in between wringing out my hair and sniffling, I fell asleep.

There was a blanket on top of me when I woke up. I figured one of the boys had done it. Maybe Sodapop, even Darry. But the house was still and no one had woken up yet. I turned my head to look out of the living room window because it faced the east. The sun was just beginning to rise.

I sat up wearily on the couch, abadoning the blanket's comfort. I hung my head and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. Opening my eyes completely, I looked down. There was a little piece of yellow paper sticking out of my jeans pocket.

"You looked cold," it read.