

I don't remember much from when I was younger. I do, however, remember traveling around the US in a van with my sister, Cami, and a man we called Tony.

I don't remember how we came to be with him, but my sister told me some stories. She told me that Tony have saved us from our father. Our father had beaten us and our mother. Mother always stood by and watched him beat us, hoping that she wouldn't be next. And she'd always choose him over us.

One day, Tony came along, my sister said. He had put an end to Father beating us, and an end to his life. At this point, Cami said that this was the only way anybody could have stopped him. According to her, Father was above the law and could do anything that he wanted. He was a powerful man while he was alive, but Tony had been stronger when it counted.

Before I knew what was happening, Cami and I were traveling with Tony. And helping him save other children like ourselves. I mostly blocked out what he did. I didn't want to be a part of it. Cami helped him more willingly, and I'd follow her anywhere.

One day, he let me go. Right after he killed a girl right in front of us. Blood got all over me.

As I was wandering, after being left alone on the side of the road, a car stopped.

"Hey, where are you off to? — Oh fuck! Is that blood!? Are you okay, man?"

I looked towards the man and nodded. "I'm alright. It's not my blood."

He took me to the hospital anyways, and I overheard him talking to his girlfriend. He said that I seemed to have no emotion. She said I was probably damaged goods...and that chicks liked that. I had no idea what other girls besides my sister were like or did like. I'd never had the fortune of being close to anyone besides Cami and Tony. Now they're gone, and there's nothing I can do.

I ran away from the hospital after stealing a patient's clothing. I didn't want to stay in one place too long.

It's been a few years since then. I wonder if Cami is okay. I wonder if she's still with Tony. All I can hope for is that he didn't get sick of her and kill her. I hope they haven't been caught. I wonder if she still remembers me. I wonder if she thinks of me.

"Da-da!" I look down as my daughter reaches towards me. She had apparently been trying to get my attention for a while now.

"Sorry, Camille, Daddy will feed you right now."

I hope one day, we'll be able to see each other once again.