Status: New co-write! You should comment :) <3


Chapter 01: James

I guess I should be used to it by now, but the fact that I have no true friends has always bothered me. Ever since sixth grade, I've been the reclusive "loser kid" that no one ever cared to talk to or make friends with. I should be used to it, but so much for that.

My name is James, and I'm 16 years old. I've never had sex, never had a kiss, never even had a girlfriend that I didn't meet through some social networking site. Aside from that, I guess you could say I'm just a regular kid. I make average grades, I like hard rock and metal, and no matter how hard I look I can't seem to find a job. That's to be expected though, since most employers want the dumbest people they can find. They'd rather have a mindless monkey who will obey everything without question, rather than someone with a decent IQ score who might actually take the initiative on something. Of course, having no work experience doesn't help either.

I've lived in this same dinky apartment for... I don't even know any more. The days are so boring that they all just seem to meld together in one endless circle of numbness. Even though my dad has always had the explosive kind of anger, I'm proud to say I never picked that up from him. If I get mad at someone or something, I usually just bottle it up and hide it away somewhere. The older I get, the more storage I have for that sort of thing. Woo-hoo.

I don't have that many outstanding features. The most noticeable thing would have to be my eyes, because there's one blue and one green. And a birthmark on my left calf, but I always wear long jeans so no one ever sees it. Everyone gave me shit about it in elementary school, so by 3rd grade I decided not to show it unless it was absolutely necessary. Aside from that, everything else is extraordinarily average. I'm 5'10", eyebrow length brown hair, and I have the most annoying little sister to ever walk the face of this Earth.

Once I entered sixth grade, it didn't take very long to figure out that I didn't fit in to any of the pre-made groups in the school. The closest I ever came to being a part of something that involved working with others was when we would have to pick teams for gym class. Of course I was overweight then, so no one wanted me anyways. However, I'm a Junior in high school now, and I try my best to leave that all behind me. I have my two required gym credits, so I don't have to be a part of all that bullshit any more. It's just me against... Well, no one. No one bothers to notice me enough for me to have someone to be against.

I'm straight, for the most part, save for very few guys that could actually grab my attention though. It's just a hopeless fantasy - If I can't get a decent girl to notice me, why would I ever be able to get a decent
guy to notice me?

That's what I thought, until I got a phone call from a loosely connected acquaintance yesterday.

I had met Marlene about four months ago when I went on a road trip with my parents and sister to San Francisco. We exchanged phone numbers, but it was really rare for either of us to take the initiative to actually try to talk to the other. When she called me, she and her friend Melody had been hanging out at a park somewhere and decided they were bored enough to call a random phone number in one of their phones. It just happened to be mine.

After about ten minutes on the phone with them, I managed to convince Melody to give me her phone number, and I promised to text her the next day. Today, that is. Now I'm sitting here at the computer desk, the text message all ready to go, it just needs a body. I have no clue what to say to her, and I don't even know that much about her. But she's a potential friend, and I'll take what I can get.
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So we have a couple of short, intro biographies to kind of get the ball rolling. This is my first co-write, so be gentle :P
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