Status: New co-write! You should comment :) <3


Chapter 03: James

To: Melody Chalice
Subject: Hey
Body: Hey Melody it's James, hows it goin?

I dropped my phone on the table, my head going wild with all kinds of thoughts, assumptions and speculations. It's not like this was my first time talking to a girl... It was just the first time a girl may actually want to talk to me.

What the hell am I thinking? I just sent the text off. Can I be any more fucking desperate right now?

"James!" I heard my mom call from her room down the hall.

"Yeah?" I yelled back.

"Don't 'yeah' your mother, get your ass back here!" I heard my dad yell. Great, just what I need, another threat on my life while I actually try to make a friend. Another thing I should be used to, I suppose. So much for that.

"Coming," I said. I got up and walked down the hall. Pushing the hair off of my forehead as best I could, I stepped into the room to see my parents laying on their bed, both of them (unfortunately) shirtless.

"I need you to go down to the gas station and pick up some drinks for everyone. Get whatever you want, and take your sister with you. Oh, and check the mail while you're out," my dad dictated coldly, handing me his debit card. "Coke for me, Diet Dr. Pepper for your mom, and whatever you guys want. Drinks only though, got it?"

"Got it," I said.

"Get going, I'm expecting my paycheck," he said.

"Alright, I'll be back," I said. "Eva Angeline!" I called for my sister. "Get your shoes on, we're going to the store!"

I walked back to the table and picked up my phone. No new message yet. I put it in my pocket, slipped some sandals on, and opened the front door. Taking a lighter out of my pocket, I took a cigarette from the box on the counter and lit up. I know, I shouldn't be doing that, but I can't help it. It calms me down.

Eva came skipping down the hall in her frilly pink skirt and matching shirt with tons of silver sparkles. "Ready!" she said, getting on some sandals of her own.

I had just finished paying for the drinks when I heard my phone go off from inside my pocket. I was surprised and relieved at the same time, and I did my best to hide it from the cashier. I decided to wait until I got home to reply, it'd still be there after all.

I got in the door, took my sandals off, took my drink out of the bag, and handed Eva the mail and the drinks to give to my parents. Sitting back down, I took the phone out of my pocket and opened it.

New Message from: Melody Chalice
Subject: Re: Hey
Body: Haha hi there :) it's going alright, I guess. Hbu?

The message was so simple, but I still couldn't believe I actually had someone to talk to. I immediately replied.

To: Melody Chalice
Subject: Re: Hey
Body: It's going good lol, just got back from the store with my sister. How's San Fran?

I turned on the computer screen and clicked the icon to open up the internet. My homepage came up in no time, and I began typing away like there was no tomorrow. Within a minute, I had FunnyJunk, YouTube, Facebook and Yahoo! Answers tabbed across the top of the screen. My phone went off again, and I was a little surprised at how fast Melody had replied. I was surprised by what she said next.

New Message from: Melody Chalice
Subject: Re: Hey
Body: It's alright, I'll be here for a few more days then I head back home to Vegas :) How's the store?

I was completely unaware that her and I even lived in the same state, and I had been even less aware that she and I lived within 20 miles of each other. Now, not only did I have to worry about actually having someone to talk to, my paranoid mind was now racing around the thought that if something serious were to happen between the two of us in a bad way, we would be close enough that it could get physical, or worse.
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Hope you like the update! This is NothinNNomore posting for DMAN4219 <3
Love is appreciated :D