Status: New co-write! You should comment :) <3


Chapter 05: James

To: Melody Chalice
Subject: Re: A Question
Body: Really?... :) Do you realize you've just made me the happiest guy on Earth?

It's the first day of school today. I decided to wear a baggy Bullet For My Valentine shirt, my regular torn up blue jeans that had been "tagged" by some of my acquaintances in my freshman year, and my black shoes that had a hole in the bottom. I would've worn a different pair, but I don't have another pair because money's just too tight.

I couldn't stop staring at the text from Melody:

Message from: Melody Chalice
Subject: Re: A Question
Body: Y E S

Every time I saw it I couldn't hide my smile. I actually have a girlfriend now, and it's an amazing feeling. After thinking about it, I realize I may have asked her out too fast, only knowing her for a few weeks and I've never even met her face to face. The only reason I asked her so soon is because there's just something... Special, about her. And I figure, if she gets to know anyone, or she already has someone in mind, I could lose the chance to have such an amazing girl as more than a friend. It was risky, but apparently it had paid off, and I couldn't be happier.

I started the mile walk to school. It wasn't that bad, but as an every day thing it's kind of annoying to have to walk it every day, especially since it's still technically summer. I didn't have anything school-related with me, and I wouldn't for a few weeks since you don't really know what you're going to need until a week or so into a class.

Bonanza Valley High School is big, but surprisingly easy to miss when driving by. It was voted as one of the top 1000 schools in America a while back -- it must have been a while back, because lately it just sucks. The teachers don't know what they're teaching, the kids don't care to learn what's being taught, and with the recent budget cuts this year it's getting even worse. They had to extend the radius for buses, so now only kids 3 miles away and farther can ride, when it used to be 1.5 miles could ride the bus. It didn't affect me either way, but it's just the point. Not to mention, since the school zones were redrawn this year, Bonanza Valley is gaining at least 100 students, on top of all the entering freshmen.

I checked my phone -- still no message from Melody yet. Looking at the clock on it, I saw that it was 7:35, so I still had time to stop at the drugstore not too far from the football field. I had a few dollars, so I decided to stop inside and get a NOS and some gum. It was a small little store, no bigger than the average house in square footage, but it got a ton of business from kids going to, and ditching from school. I've never thought much of it, but I guess it's really convenient.

At 7:50 I got to the school. I had just enough time to check where my homeroom was and get assigned a locker if I wanted to. Deciding against the locker, I checked a poster on the pillar. Since homerooms are assigned by last names, I found the section of last names Mo-Ne designated for room 810-A. Unfortunately, I also knew the teacher, as she was my English II teacher last year. Mrs. Stewart wasn't my idea of a good teacher, but she's obviously good enough to keep her job.

Walking through the courtyard, I saw that several freshmen had already made their way into the premade cliques and groups of the school that existed last year. Jocks with jocks, bros with bros and bro-hoes, all at the top of the courtyard. Anime and video game nerds at the bottom of the courtyard under the shade, metal-heads spread throughout the center. The gay groups were always somewhere between the anime nerds and the metal heads, and everyone else was a loner. If you couldn't fit in to one of those few premade groups, you were rejected and noticed by nobody. Looking around, I realized that even most of the anime and video game nerds had more of a social life than I did. I hoped for that to change soon, with Melody and I starting something that could turn out to be really special.

I checked my phone clock again -- 7:52 and 34 seconds. I cracked open my NOS and began chugging it like the guys from Beerfest. I probably got weird looks from people, I honestly don't know - and at this point I really don't care. I'm a Junior now, an upper-classman damnit. I shouldn't have to worry about the petty problems and dramas of everybody any more.

The 5-minute bell rang just as I finished the last of my drink. I popped in a piece of gum, and I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I decided not to check the message just yet, but I was sure it was from Melody. I made a promise to myself to text her at least once from each class every day, no matter what's going on. I don't have to have PE any more, so this will be a lot easier for me. She still has to take PE though, so once I figure out what hour she has it I'll stop texting her then.

I pressed the button on my phone to make it go on silent mode and walked to the all-too-familiar class room that was on the second floor of the school. Making my way slowly-but-surely through the mass of people, who only wanted to be here to see their friends again, I finally made my way to the classroom just less than a minute before the bell rang. I sat down in the back - the desk I had last year to be specific -- and lay my head against the wall behind me as I had done so many times last year. There was an information packet on my desk, along with the school's provided folder, school-spirit themed as always. No major changes had been made to anything from last year, so I put the folder down and popped in an earbud as people wandered in one-by-one. It was easy to tell who the freshmen were. They didn't know their way around school in the slightest, and they still had that whole middle school, little kid look to them that made me want to laugh out loud.

Mrs. Stewart gave the generic first day speech that all teachers give in some form or another. Thankfully for the rest of the homeroom and me, she kept it short and sweet. It's a damn good thing that homeroom is a one-day deal, instead of every day like in other schools. I couldn't stand having to see this bitch every day for a second year in a row. After her speech, she handed out our class schedules one by one. When I got mine, it read:

1) US History - Mr. Roland - Room 812
2) Chemistry I - Mrs. Striegle - Room 923
3) Composition - Mrs. Chalice - Room 810-B
4) Entrepreneurship - Mr. Anders - Room T-110
5) Int. Guitar - Mrs. Berger - Room 400
6) Algebra II - Mr. Palmchat - Room 324

Looking over the schedule a second time, I realized that my 3rd hour teacher has the same last name as Melody. I guess the last name's not that uncommon, so I just decided to forget about it. Looking in the folder again, I found that I have second lunch, which means after 4th hour and before 5th.

I pulled out my phone and checked the message that I had gotten earlier as "Succubus" by Five Finger Death Punch blasted in my right ear.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about this post taking a bit longer, I've kept forgetting to post it when I get on the computer :P But it's here, and you'll just have to wait and see what happens next :-O
Edit: I forgot to change the school's name before posting so it's now Bonanza Valley, not Green Valley. Apologies all around.

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