Caught in a Bad Romance

Of fights, Breaking up, Cat fights and Last months of tour

Jeannie's P.O.V

"Wow this place is really nice." I said setting my purse down on the seat next to mine as I got settled.

"I'm glad you like it so far. We stop here everytime we come to New York, I guess you can say it's like a nice refreshing piece of home for Joe Nick and Kev." Garbo said with a grin.

"What do you mean?" I asked as played with my empty cup.

"The Jonas's are Italian. They love homemade italian food." Garbo said as he grabbed my cup and stood up. "What would you like to drink?" he asked. "Sunkist please." I said giving him a smile.

I looked out the window and saw a few members of the paparazzi standing outside taking pictures. Rolling my eyes I grabbed out my phone and texted Joe; We need to tell Jamie

I know. I just don't know how Joe replied seconds later

I shoved my phone in my purse when I saw Garbo walking back to our table. I thanked him when he set my cup down in front of me.

"So I'm curious how did you and Joe come about this fake relationship anyways?" he asked sitting down and taking a sip of his drink.

"Well, I was just signed onto Hollywood records and with Disney and they thought since I was this 'pure' girl that maybe I could change Joe's attitude and well it seems to have worked." I said with a smile.

"I see, Joe didn't tell us much when we started working on your cd just that you were his pretend girlfriend. But now that I think about it, he's much more lively than he used to be." Garbo said before shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, we've gotten really close. He's like one of my best friends." I said before taking a sip of my drink.

Our pizza came a few minutes later and we dug in, eating almost half of it. "Oh God I think I need to puke that up now." I joked as I stared at the cieling.

"I think I need to too." Garbo said with a chuckle. "Alright, I'm gonna get a box and we'll head out." he said getting up as I went to get myself some more Pepsi.

I grabbed out my phone to see if Joe had texted me. We'll discuss later? I don't want to do this without a plan. it read.

I sent a quick alright before shoving my phone into my purse. Garbo had gotten the box for the pizza and started putting it in. "I'll take it. Since I know you won't eat it." I said with a grin.

"True, you ready? I kind of promised Joe, I'd have you back by midnight." he said with a playful grin. I raised an eyebrow at Garbo not sure what he meant by that but didn't ask, shrugging it off and heading back to the hotel we were staying at.

"Jeannie! Why are you hanging out with the Jonas Brother's bassist? Are you cheating on Joe?" One member of the paparazzi asked as we made our way back.

"No, Garbo and I are just friends who decided to get some dinner." I answered them giving them a smile.

"How is Joe doing?" another asked. "Wonderful. He and his brothers are enjoying the tour and seeing their fans and just enjoying life." I said. Garbo opened the door and I walked in, thanking him as I did so.

"I've always hated the paparazzi." Garbo said with a shake of his head. I giggled. "I'm still getting used to them!" I said as we headed up to our hotel rooms.

"So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then? We got a concert to sleep for." he said his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." I said licking my lips. I turned to get into my hotel room, but Garbo spun me around and pressed his lips against mine in a gentle kiss.

I smiled before kissing back pulling away when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked over to see Joe in the doorway of our hotel room his arms crossed over his chest.

"Good night Jean." Garbo said pecking my lips before heading down the hall to his room. I watched him go before turning to Joe. "You really had to ruin the moment didn't you?" I asked shaking my head and pushing passed him to get inside.


Joe and I had a plan.

But neither of us really knew if this plan was going to work.

That wasn't going to stop us from trying.

"You said Jamie's favorite stone is Saphire right?" I asked as I looked at the earrings at the little jewelry place we were at.

"Yup, I'm sure. I've been dating her for a year now I'm pretty sure I know her favorite things." he said as he looked at some rings.

"I really like those." he said pointing to the earrings I was looking at. He ended up buying them, handing the bag to me so it seemed like he was buying them for me and not his actual girlfriend.

"I am so freaking hungry." Joe said as we headed down the street. "Hmm, maybe we can stop by that little burger place I pointed out earlier." I said turning towards Joe, only to find that he had stopped walking.

He was staring at some magazines, so I followed his gaze only to see on the front cover of 'People Magazine' 'Jamie Locato in love?" and a huge picture of Jamie and some random guy.

"Joe, it maybe for a photoshoot she had to do." I said resting my hand on his arm. He shrugged it off grabbing a copy of the magazine and paying for it before heading back to the hotel.

"So much for burgers." I mumbled before going after him.


Turns out I was wrong. Jamie seemed to have a new fling and even though none of us knew who he was, it seemed that Jamie had been seeing him since we had started our tour.

I still had the earrings Joe had gotten for Jamie and I figured maybe I could tell Jamie about what happened between Joe and I since, he was too busy moping to even consider it.

Or so I thought anyways.

When I reached Jamie's hotel door I could hear screaming and yelling.

"You cheated on me Jamie! What in the hell gave you the idea that I'd be okay with this?" I heard Joe yell.

I winced, not wanting to listent to what they were saying. But I couldn't help myself.


Joe's P.O.V

I glared at my girlfriend, tears stinging my eyes as she glared back at me.

"I could ask you the same thing Joe." she said her brown eyes glaring at me. "What do you mean?" I asked leaning back a little.

"The pictures of you and Jeannie kissing, going to the jewelry store to buy her earrings. I'm not stupid, I can see the way you look at her, You're falling in love with her." she said, tears glistening in her eyes
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When I was reading the comments a few days ago I was really confused because I've been writing the sequel but then I realized what you guys were talking about,

Basically I was bein a derp!

<33 Jean