Caught in a Bad Romance

The Premiere

I smiled widely as I stared out the window of the limo as it approached the club the party was being held at.

Paparazzi and press was there waiting the arrival and I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Shelby and Taylor there.

"Don't worry, Shelby said she had something to say to you once everyone was inside so stop stressing." Garbo said with a smile kissing my cheek as the limo came to a stop.

I leaned into blushing. Everyone got out before me, and then Joe and Garbo helped me out when it was my turn.

Flashes of light blinded me as I made way to the entrance of the club where Taylor and Shelby were being interviewed.

"I have a copy of her cd, like one of the original cd's and she did an amazing job." I heard Taylor say.

I smiled. "We're all so proud of her. We know she's gonna do a great job." Shelby said with a smile before heading into the club, their dates following behind them.

"Jeannie! Are you excited that the fans get to hear what you've been working so hard to produce?" one person asked me.

I nodded smiling. "Yeah, I think they're gonna like it. The whole cd's a mixture of Dance and Pop and it's something that anyone, any age can listen to." I answered as we headed to the entrance of the club.

Once inside, I greeted people giving them hugs and thanking them as they complimented on my new cd.

"Jeannie!" I heard someone call and turned to see my two best friends approaching me. Well could I call them my best friends after all that had happened?

"Hey guys, um look I have something to say." I said looking at Shelby and Taylor.

"We do too, well I do. Taylor's really not part of this." Shelby said with a giggle. I giggled too. "I'm sorry, I had no right to attack you like I did. It was rather uncalled for, and I was going to apologize but you had left before I got the chance to." I explained looking at Shelby.

"Same, I shouldn't have called you a slut. I guess I just felt like you were hurting Jamie in the process, but I guess you two were never really friends. But I forgive you." she said.

"Same." we both hugged each other.

"Is the trio back together?" Kellan Lutz, Shelby's date asked as he approached us. "So it seems." I said with a grin


As the premiere raged on, I had danced with almost every single one of my friends, Kevin and Nick included. I didn't know so much dancing could go on.

Nick spun me making me giggle. "Niiiick!" Kimberly called as she walked up to us, Joe following behind her. "Joe wants to dance with the hostess." she said taking his hand and leading him away.

'When I Look at You' started playing, and a few people paired up and started slow dancing. "Come on, don't be shy." Joe said playfully, grabbing my hand and pulling me close to his body.

We swayed slowly, our bodies pressed together. I shivered as Joe's lips brushed my ear as he sang the lyrics in my ear softly.

I could feel my cheeks reddening, and I buried my face into his shoulder, trying hard to let anyone else see that I was blushing.

Joe chuckled before continuing to serenade me softly. As the song came to an end, we pulled away slightly. I looked up at him before leaning up a little to press my lips to his.

"Jean, I haven't gotten to dance with you!" Meagan said as she came up and grabbed my wrist and pulled me to the center of the dancefloor.


"Jeannie! It's so nice to finally meet you!" Lillyann Johnson said to me as Garbo and I were sitting down at our table.

I smiled widely at the girl in front of me. "Wow, it's been awhile how are you?" I asked getting up and giving her a hug.

Lillyann was one of the girls I had met at audition. She too was hoping to get signed with Hollywood records but unfortunately wasn't what they were looking for. But she's amazingly talented.

"I've been amazing! I got signed on Columbia so I'm working at Nickelodeon now. I guess you can say that I'm kind of your rival." she said jokingly.

"Damn, does this mean we're gonna have to fight?" I asked pouting which only made Lillyann laugh.

"Nah, that's what we have publicists for. They make up the stories when they need to be made up." she said shrugging her shoulder.

I smiled shakingmy head at her.

"Anyways. Come over and mingle with us." she said taking my hand and leading me to her table.

"You remember my best friend Autumn Davis right?" she asked pointing to a girl with short blonde hair.

"Yeah, nice to see you again Autumn." I said giving her a wave. "So, tell me all the juicy details of you and Joe." Lily said with a grin.

I smiled politely. "Not much to tell really, we dated, fought a few times, made up, kissed hugged." I said with a shrug.

Lily went to say something when some cleared their throat from the front stage. We all turned and there was Joe and his brothers getting ready to play a song.

"Hey guys. This is a song Jeannie and I worked really hard on while we were on tour together and I really hope you guys like it because we're gonna be recording it on our new album." Joe said as he fixed the microphone.

I raised an eyebrow at him, not sure what song he was referring to. We had written a lot of songs together but none of them, at least to me, didn't seem to be good enough.

I watched as Kevin and Nick got situtated, placing their guitars in their laps and started to play the song.

You warned me that you were gonna leave
Never thought you would really go
I was blind but baby now I see
broke your heart

I couldn't help but smile as the song came to an end. It was called 'Can't Have You' and I guess you can say it was mine and Joe's way of saying we wanted to be together.

But I wasn't really sure what was holding us back now.
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Shelby's Dress;
Taylor's Dress;
Lilyann's Dress;
Autumn's dress;