Caught in a Bad Romance

Chapter 1: The Publicity Stunt

Six Months Later

I pulled my purse closer to my body as I walked to the small diner, my publiist, Meagan told me to meet her at.

It didn't make sense why she wanted to speak with my all of a sudden. I mean, right? Usually she would just call let me know where I had to be and made sure I was there. No big deal.

But I was starting to think it was a big deal when I saw none other than Joe Jonas sitting at a booth with publicist as well as mine.

Did they already choose parts for Camp Rock? Did I get the part I wanted?

"Um hi Meagan." I said as I sat next to her, which was conviently right across from Joe. "What's going on?"

"Jeannie you know of Joe Jonas right?" Meagan asked, not answering my question. I nodded giving Joe a look before returning my gaze to her. "Great! Anna and I are gonna go to the office to discuss this all." Meagan said before getting up.

"To discuss what?" I asked looking at her confused. "Joseph's father wants him to be in a publicity stunt in hopes of him possibly getting a better reputation." Anna said looking at her phone.

I looked at Meagan wondering why she hadn't told me about this. "Just get to know each other and we'll discuss whether or not you're gonna do it later." she said before our publicists left.

"You're not gonna have a say in it. Since my dad's the one who's setting this whole thing up." he said, a smirk already plastered on his face.

I rolled my eyes at him. "I guess we might as well get to know each other." she said just as the waitress came by to take our drink and food orders.

Joe ordered their biggest burger and a coke while I had only ordered a small fry. I had a big breakfast and was still pretty full from it.

"You know, if you eat crap like that you'll get fat. And your pathetic thing called a career will fail." Joe said before taking a huge bite out of his burger. I glared at him stabbing a fry with my fork and eating it.

"No wonder Disney wants to kick you off. You're a fucking ass." I shot back and for a moment a flicker of regret and sadness flashed through his honey brown eyes before they glared at me.

I gave him a smirk taking a bite of my food. "Yeah well the only reason they're hooking you up with me so your cd will sell when it comes out." he said giving me a 'what now' look.

I kicked him under the table. I won't admit it outloud but it kind of hurt. And if I was being honest, which I obviously am, I would have to tell you that I was a fan of the Jonas Brothers. And for the longest time adored Joe.

I had seen them in concert once and he had this care free attitude about him and he always had this way to make everyone laugh with out even trying.

But the man that was sitting in front of me. Well he wasn't the Joe Jonas that millions of girls, of so many ages had fallen in love with. This man was a total douchebag and didn't care who hurt as long as he got pleasure out of it.

"Did I hit a chord?" he asked that damn smirk plastered on his face as I met his eyes. "No, you know I'm starting to wonder why I ever adored you." I said gathering my things and about to leave.

"Jean, wait." Joe called grabbing my arm.

I looked at him, my heart fluttering a little at the nickname. "What?" I asked trying to keep my face on. Trying to look pissed off at him. "We have a show to preform remember?" he asked smirking once more.

And I for a moment thought he was going to apologize. Before I was able to pull away, Joe pulled me into a passionate kiss, slipping his tongue into my mouth as flashes and people started muttering in the diner we were in.

Not wanting anyone to find out this was all fake, I kissed back. opening my mouth slightly giving him a little more access. He smirked when we pulled away. "Bye, babe." he said letting go of my arm and walking back to where we were sitting.

I shook my head before leaving the diner and heading home.


"Come on Shelby answer!" I mumbled into the speaker of my phone as I waited for my best friend to answer.

I paced back in forth in the lobby of the Disney Studio's. I had an important meeting to attend to and I wanted to at least talk to my friend before I had to go in and sign everything for this stupid project thing they're making Joe and I do.

"Hello?" Shelby asked her voice rough with sleep. "Shelby it's Jeannie." I said quickly. "Oh hey hun! What's up?" she asked her voice cheering up a little.

"Waiting for Joe Jonas and his family to get here." I said sitting down in one of the chairs. "Wait...what?" she asked.

"Okay, basically because Joe's a slut and he may end up getting kicked off Disney so they thought because I'm new they'd use me to fix his reputation. So I have to wait for him and his family so we can finalize everything and yeah." I tried to explain.

"Okay, but why are you doing this again?" she asked clearly confused. "Because I'm being forced. I really have no say in this what so ever. Did I mentioned he kissed me?" I asked resting my chin in my head.

I could practically imagine the face Shelby was probably making right now. "What?!" she asked in disbelief. "Yeah, a couple of hours ago. When we met up to discuss the whole thing. He said we had a show to perform and he just kissed me." I said biting my lip.

It was quiet on the other end.

"Was it good?" Shelby asked a little while later and I couldn't help but laugh quietly. "Yeah, too much tongue though. Oh I have to go. The Jonas family is here." I said. "Good luck!" Shelby said before we hung up.

I watched as every member of the Jonas family walked into the lobby. I stood up to greet them. "Jeannie so good to see you again. This is my wife Denise." Paul said as Denise held out her hand to me. I took it shaking it gently.

"She's who you're dating?" I heard someone say. "Jaime please." Joe said softly.

He had a fucking girlfriend?!
♠ ♠ ♠
a huge thanks to Kristen for reading and commenting

the first chapter!

I hope you like it

<3 Jeannie