Caught in a Bad Romance

Chapter 2: The Guidlines

Jaime's P.O.V

I didn't understand why I was being dragged to this damn meeting anyway.

Paul, of course came up with this stupid plan to put Joe in this fake relationship in hopes that it'd help his reputation.

Granted I'm sure if Joe and I went public with our 100% real relationship that we had been together for six manths it would help.

Yeah, six months. Joe's longest relationship people. Longest relationship.

As we walked into the building, I spotted the girl I instantly recognized as Jeannie Mangum.

I won't lie. She was gourgeous her long brown hair pulled into a high ponytail. Her big doe eyes were outlined in light eyeliner as she was clad in a beatles tee and skinny-jeans.

Jeannie was greeting Paul and Denise politely shaking their hands and smiling.

Anna, the boy's publicity manager walked in and I sighed in relief.

"Hey everyone, we're gonna head into the conference room. Meagan and Chris are waiting for us." she said motioning for us to follow her.

We all filed into the room, Jeannie and Joe sitting down next to each other.

I held back the growl that was trying to erupt from inside of my throat.

I sat down by Maddie, Kevin's fiance crossing my arms hoping to get my point across that I was not happy about this situation.

It seemed that no-one had noticed. I sighed before resting my cheek on my hand.

"Okay so I saw the pictures from your encounter earlier and well I want people to think Joe has possibly found someone who's gonna help him find who he is." Chris explained laying the pictures out on the table.

I rolled my eyes. Were they stupid? Hello!? I'm right here!

"So basically we just have to be happy with each other for six months. so people think my dating habits have improved?" Joe asked a look of confusion on his face.

"It's not as easy as that though. You have to make it believable. Realistic in a way. What happened this afternoon was not realistic." Chris said.

I watched as Jeannie sent Joe a dirty glad and he just rolled his eyes at her.

Why couldn't this work with just me? I mean I knew Joe's dating habits had changed.

He never checked out other girls, as far as I could tell and well I am his longest relationship...

So why couldn't I do this?

"So why exactly does this have to go on for six months?" I heard Kevin ask.

Aw yes. Why?

"In eight months my cd will be released. If I'm dating Joe and we break up before the cd, the fans are gonna think the songs on the album are about Joe. Whether they're good or bad." Jeannie explained shyly.

Oh that's why.


Chris handed Joe and Jeannie two pieces of paper that they both read over before signing the paper and handed them back to Chris.

"Great, well Jeannie and i have to go. We'll keep in touch Anna." Meagan said waving to everyone as she and Jeannie left the room/

"Why couldn't we go public?" I asked showing my displeasure with the whole room.


Jeannie's P.O.V

"So what you're saying is you have no say in this?" Taylor, one of my close friends asked. We had met when I was at Hollywood Records while I was waiting for the producers to come out.

She was working on her next album and the next album for her show 'Wizards of Waverly Place'

"None at all." I said with a sigh.

"That's lame. You should just tell them no." Shelby said as she took a sip of her soda. "I wish it was that easy." I said with a sigh.

"True." Shelby said with a soft sigh as our waiter came out with our plates. "Well, this is what I did when I had to date David Henrie. I kept a journal with me and after we returned from our dates I recorded everything that happened. I mainly did so I could remanince but maybe you could use it to record your progress?" Taylor suggested.

"That would work." I said taking a bite of my burger.

We all in silence, except the random outbursts of making fun of the paparazzi when they would randomly show up.

"Jeannie, is it true you and Joe maybe dating?" one asked. I looked at my friends before laughing. "Um, I'll let him tell you." I said giving the man with the camera a small smile before finishing my burger.

"I have to go. Gotta finish my cd. I'll see ya at home?" I asked giving my friends a hug.
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Comments are really appreciated!

Also I won't be updating anything next week because I'll be in DisneyLand! So leave me some please!