Caught in a Bad Romance

The Party

Jeannie's P.O.V

I sighed as I laid out on my couch staring at the cieling.

In two hours was the party the Jonas Brothers were holding and I was waiting for Shelby and Taylor to get home from work.

I knew Shelby had some last minute drawings she wanted to fix up before she started working on the dress she was making for my 'Don't Forget' Release Party in a few weeks.

Taylor was probably either hanging out with David and the rest of the cast of 'Wizards' or she was running late.

I sighed getting tired of sitting here. I was tempted to call Taylor Swift or Maddie and see if they wanted to help me get ready for the party but I knew Taylor would be getting ready her self and Maddie was probably busy with her and Kevin's wedding plans.

Sighing once more I got off my lazy ass and went to take a shower and get ready for the party.

When I got out of the shower, I heard my phone vibrating on the counter and I wondered who was texting me. I mean, usually it was Shelby or Taylor but they only texted me when I wasn't home, so I knew it wasn't them.

I grabbed my phone and opened the message and was confused when the text was from Joe;

Hey, Jaime's sick so she won't be attending the party and she's kind of my ride there so I was wondering if you would mind coming to get me?

I rolled my eyes giggling softly.

Of course dork. I'll be there in about twenty minutes. I'm waiting for my friends to get here with their dates.

I set my phone back down on to the counter before getting dressed.

I quickly straightened my hair and got slipped on my shoes. I headed out of my room to see Taylor and Shelby talking to some guys who I hadn't recognized.

"Wow, you look great Jean!" Shelby said when she turned around. I grinned and thanked her. "And who are these lovely gentlemen?" I asked looking at the two guys.

"Well this is Garbo, and this is Alex Noyes. He's the drummer from Honor Society." Taylor said with a small grin as she pointed to each man.

I felt my cheeks blush when I looked at Garbo. "Sorry I didn't recognize you Garbo. You shaved! It threw me off." I said. Garbo chuckled shaking his head and waving my apology off. "No big deal. I almost didn't recognize you either." he said.

"You ready to go?" Shelby asked grabbing her clutch. "Um about that, I'm picking Joe up since Jaime's sick and she was his ride over here." I said smiling at my friends and their dates sadly.

Shelby gave me a look before rolling her eyes like she does whenever she thinks something is up. "Alright. We'll see you there then?" she asked.

I nodded. "Of course!" I said before they headed out.

I had a few more minutes before I had to leave so I made sure I had everything for the party including some extra stuff just in case.

A few minutes had passed when I decided I should just head out now before I wait too long and we're late to the party.

Here :D

I sent the message waiting for him to come out. "About time." he teased as he got into the passenger sear.

"Yeah well I could've just let you stay here and made Nick or Kevin get you." I said with a grin.

"Or we can just change the subject and head to this party." he said with a grin as he looked through my CD collection. "Oh nice Coldplay, Smashing Pumpkins, HIM, damn girl I think I've decided who my best friend is." he said putting the CD holder back.

"Um thanks, I think." I said before laughing, Joe joining in a moment later.


When we arrived at the club that the party was being held, the paparazzi went crazy when Joe and I exited my car.

"Jeannie, what's it like dating a Jonas brother?" one member asked.

"What's this party for Joe?" another asked. "Jeannie finished her cd yesterday and we all wanted to celebrate since she's been working her tail off to get it finished." he answered before leading me into the club.

"Jeannie, we thought you weren't gonna make it." Maddie said as she rushed up to me.

"Sorry, it's my fault. She had to pick me up." Joe admitted scratching the back of his neck. Maddie swatted his arm jokingly. "Come on. There's someone you need to meet." she said taking my hand and pulling me away from Joe.

Oh well, he was a big boy. He'd either dance with someone or he'd go get something to drink.

"Jeannie, this is [url=[/url], Nick's girlfriend." she introduced me to a rather pretty girl. Her long brown hair was straightened and pulled into a side pony. Her dark blue eyes were accented with a dark mahogny eyeshadow that made them really stand out.

"I've heard so much about you. Nick thinks you've got some great potential." Kimberly said shaking my hand. "I hope that's a good thing." I said with a small smile.

"Let's dance?" Maddie asked taking our hands and dragging us to the dancefloor.


It was about five hours into the party when I was starting to get tired. I had been dancing with everyone and I mean everyone; Kimberly, Maddie, Nick, Kevin, Taylor, Taylor S, Joe, Shelby...yeah I think you get the point.

"Um guys. I'm gonna head home. My feet hurt and I'm starting to feel a little tired." I said to my friends.

"I'll go with you." Joe said with a small smile. "You sure?" I asked tilting my head to the side.

"Of course, do you mind if I crash at your place?" he asked as we headed to my car. I unlocked the door. "Not at all. I'd rather you be where I know you're not gonna do anything stupid." I said getting into the car.

Joe had quite of few drinks and even though he seemed pretty aware of what was going on, I didn't want to take any chances with him trying to drive while he was under the influence.

The ride to my apartment was quiet except was playing on the radio. We got out of the car and headed inside.

I locked the door knowing Shelby and Taylor weren't gonna be back for awhile. I turned to Joe and he had this goofy look on his face. "Joe?" I asked confused. "You know, you're gourgeous right?" he asked cupping my cheek.

"I've been told that a couple times here and there." I said involuntarily leaning into his touch. It was comforting and warm. And it felt right.

"You should hear it more often." he said before pressing his lips to mine in a sloppy drunk kiss. It took every fiber of my being not to kiss him, but the alcohol on his breath helped a whole lot.

"Joe, you're drunk, and you're dating Jaime remember?" I asked softy. He looked at me sadly before nodding. "You can stay in the guest room." I said showing him in the way.

Once he was in bed I set a bottle of Advil and a bottle of water on the nightstand and watched him sleep for a moment.

This was only for publicity. We weren't supposed to fall for each other right?
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A big shout out goes to Trigger Bruiser for reading this and leaving a comment! And everyone else who's read it!!!

<3 Jeannie