Caught in a Bad Romance

Of Hangovers and Tour details

Joe's P.O.V

I groaned as the bright light blinded my eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Jeannie went for a run so I told her that I would make sure you got up and ate breakfast. She put a cup of water and Advil on your nightstand." a girl with short black hair said.

I soon recognized her as Taylor and nodded in thanks. "Shelby's picking up doughnuts so she should be here in a few minutes." she said giving me a small smile before heading out of the room.

Falling back against the bed I groaned. I always did this. I got so drunk that I'd have a hangover the next morning. I really need to kill that habit.

Sighing I turned to the nightstand and grabbed the advil and cup and took it. I then noticed the clothes on the chair in the room and the note on top of them;

'Jamie came by and dropped off some clothes. Wants to go to lunch with ya. Also we have a meeting about tour today at 11. See you then --Jeannie'

I smiled a little despite how I was feeling and went to get dressed. Once I was I went out to the kitchen where Jeannie's roommates were standing around the island picking out what doughnuts they wanted.

"Good morning Joe. Here have a doughnut. You look like you could use one." Shelby said holding out the box. I grabbed one out before taking a bite out of it. "Thanks." I mumbled, not wanting to talk too loud since I was bearing a massive headache.

"Oh hey Jean, how was your run?" Taylor asked. I looked up and saw Jeannie in a pair of workout shorts and a tank top. "Hey guys. How ya doin Joe?" she asked me with a smirk.

I shrugged taking a bite of my food and going to make some coffee. "Okay I guess." I mumbled as I looked around for the cups. "Cupboard, above the coffee maker." Jeannie said as she went down the hall to get changed.

I listened to Taylor and Shelby bicker about whether or not Shelby should audition for the show Glee. "Come on Shells it'd be really cool even if you don't get the part you could always design for them." Taylor argued and I couldn't help but chuckle softly.

I listen to the bicker a little longer before looking at the time only for my eyes widened when the clock on my iphone read; 10:45.

"Shit. Bye guys." I said leaving the house, only to remember that Jeannie picked me up. "Hey again." I said walking back in. Jeannie had an amused smile on her face as she grabbed her keys and her purse.

"We're meeting at McDonald's. Just around the block." she said heading out of the door and I followed behind her.


"How long is this tour going to be? Maddie and I still have to plan a date for the wedding and we want it to be during the summer." Kevin said as we sat around the table.

Leave it to our Manager's to shut down McDonald's to have a meeting. "When you have the date for the wedding we will make sure not to schedule anything for that week so you two can have it to finish things up." our father said.

Kevin agreed with the nod of his head. "What about the release date for my cd? Will it interfer with that?" Jeannie asked. "I don't think so, the tour ends in September. When does your cd release?" Meagan asked. "September twenty-second." she answered.

"The tour ends the week before that. It'll give you enough time to plan what you want to do for the release party, and all that. This tour will help you guys promote your upcoming cd's." Annie said.

"When do they leave for tour?" Jamie asked. Jeannie was nice enough to pick her up since she's my girlfriend and I really don't want to blow her off.

"In three weeks." Paul answered.

I sighed throwing my head back. "Three weeks?" she asked. "Yup, which means we're not gonna have alot of time together before we leave." I said looking at her. She gave me a sad smile before turning to the meeting once more.

Jeannie and my father were talking about what songs would be best to sing and whether or not she should start writing new ones as a surprise for her fans.

"Alright everyone. This meeting is over, We'll see each other once more before you leave for the tour." Paul said getting up and gathering his stuff.

"Come on babe, I promised you lunch." I said grabbing Jamie's hand and leading her to the front counter.