Caught in a Bad Romance

Beach Fun

Chapter 7: Beach Fun

Jeannie's P.O.V

Two weeks can go bye quickly if you spend most of your days getting ready for a six month tour.

So, Joe and his brother's decided to have a beach day the day before we leave for the tour. Which, I must agree was a rather good idea.

Taylor was pretty excited and so was Shelby, until she got a call from the Casting Manager from Glee.

Let's just say one of her old highschool performances were sent to her on accident. And yeah, she still doesn't know. Joe keeps threatening to tell her but he hasn't, so I'm pretty sure his threats are pretty empty.

"Jean, are you even remotely ready? Everyone's gonna be here soon." Taylor asked.

"Maybe?" I asked with a giggle as I finished up my hair. She peaked her head into the bathroom and sent me glare when I started to laugh.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I grabbed it out and saw that Joe was here to pick us up. "Come on." I said placing my sunglasses on the bridge of my nose and headeed out.

"Hey girls, you ready to have some fun?" Jamie asked who was sitting in the back seat. "Of course! Why wouldn't we be?" Taylor asked as she joined her.

I was slightly confused and slightly shocked at the fact that Jamie wasn't in the front seat and all over Joe like she usually was.

"You coming?" Joe asked pulling me out of my confusion. I nodded getting into the front seat and got settled as Joe started to drive away. "So, where is everyone else?" Taylor asked.

"Already at the beach. Nick and Kevin wanted to get there early so they could scope out an area." Joe explained. I wasn't really paying attention too busy trying to figure out reason's why Jamie wasn't in my seat.

Maybe she wants to kill me or something! I thought to myself. I shook my head trying to clear my head. She's just being nice. She's not gonna see Joe for six months and she wants me to keep an eye on him.


I took a deep breath as the musty city air soon changed into salty, beach air. It had been forever since I had been to a beach and boy did I miss it.

"We're finally here!" Jamie exclaimed from the back seat and I just grinned. "So why was she in the backseat?" I asked Joe when she went to go find the others.

"I don't know honestly, I mean I think she's trying to be nice since this is my career on the line." Joe said with a grin. I nodded trying to understand. Giving up I shook my head before getting out.

"Hey Jean, can I talk to you for a moment?" Jamie asked as I followed Joe to where everyone was hanging out at.

"Um, sure." I said looking at my friend and pretend boyfriend, letting them know that I was okay and I could handle myself.

"Look I want to apologize for how I've been behaving lately. I mean I know this whole entire thing is just publicity and that the kissing and the holding hands means nothing to either of you so I was just over reacting." she said with a smile.

"Yeah, totally understandable." I said. "And I was hoping maybe we could be friends?" Jamie asked holding out her hand. I took it and shook it. "Friends."

The only problem was, I'm starting to really like Joe and everything she mentioned is starting to be more than just publicity.


"Garbo put me down!" I exclaimed as the bassist through me over his shoulder. "Guys have you see Jeannie? I can't seem to find her anywhere." he said looking around.

"Garbooooo." I drew out the 'o' and pounding on his back.

"Nope haven't seen her. Are you sure she didn't run off?" Kimberly asked jokingly.

"Guys! I'm right here!" I exclaimed pounding on Garbo's back some more. "I think she's in the water." Madison said making Kevin laugh.

"Oh, well I'll go look then." Garbo said turning around and heading towards the water. "Gregory Robert Garbowsky if you don't put me down this instant I am going to slaughter you." I threatened.

"Oh lighten up Jeannie, it's just water." he said heading farther into the water before throwing me in.

I gasped as the cold water hit my skin and as I resurfaced I glared at Garbo before I started splashing him not noticing the look of pure jealousy and hurt forming on Joe's face.
♠ ♠ ♠
Taylor's Outfit:

Jeannie's Outfit:

Jamie's Outfit:

Kimberly's Outfit:

Madison's Outfit

Gosh it's been so long since I've posted on here! So I have this entire story finished and I've been working on the sequel