Caught in a Bad Romance

The Tour

Chapter 8: The tour

Joe's P.O.V

Two months into the tour and so far I have succeeded in ignoring Jeannie. It's not that I want to because really I don't, she's fun to be around and I really like her.

But that's the problem. Me liking her. I mean it's not like how friends like each other and as much as I would love to push her against the wall and make out with her it would look bad to Jamie.

Plus, she has Garbo now.

"Um Joe?" I heard someone call from beyonf the door. "Yes?" I asked getting up from my bed. "It's Jeannie." she said loudly.

I bit my lip opening the door. "Hey, um come in." I said opening the door more and letting her in. She was dressed in her concert clothes for tonight's concert and her hair was in loose curls.

"Can we talk?" she asked softly as she walked into the room. "Um sure. What's up?" I asked as I sat on my bed suddenly feeling under dressed in the clothes I was wearing.

"You've been ignoring me and I'm just curious as to why. We haven't hung out in forever, and I consider you one of my closest friends. And the rumor's that have been going around, people are gonna start thinking we've broke up before we're supposed to." she said her dark eyes staring into my own.

I didn't know what to say and I didn't know whether or not I should be pissed off or not. "Joe, I don't want you to lose this reputation. Because I know even though you don't show it, it means a lot to you." she rambled.

I knew she was right, after all. I watched her before she continued to rambling and her rambles started to move back and forth.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a kiss. She was shocked at first but was soon relaxed and started to kiss back her hands resting on my chest.

After a few minutes I pulled away and rested my forehead against hers. "That's why I've been ignoring you." I said softly.

Jeannie nodded her eyes closed. "I, see that now." she said with a soft smile.



Jeannie's P.O.V

I grinned as I heard the loud chanting of my name from the fans that were out in the stadium waiting for the concert to start.

It was another five minutes before I had to go on and I was pretty excited even if this wasn't the first concert. It was still pretty awesome.

"You're on." the stage director informed me and I got into posistion and started to sing making the crowd go wild.

I am confident
but I still have my moments
baby that's just me

I grinned throughout the song as my fans sang along to the song. I grinned getting into the song moving towards Nick who was rocking out on his guitar.

Well some may say that I need to be afraid
of losing everything
because of where I've had my start
and lay my name

I ended the song, grinning at the audience. "I love you guys so much. And because I love you so, I'm gonna sing a new song for you that I wrote earlier in the week. It's about someone very special in my life, and I'm not gonna say who." I said as I switched the electrical guitar for the acoustic guitar.

I heard a few people out in the crowd yell out 'Is it Joe?' and all I could do was laugh.
"I'll let you decide who it's for." I said before I started playing the chords.

Before I fall too fast
kiss me quick but make it last
so I can see how badly this will hurt me
when you say good-bye

I sighed as I started singing the next verse, putting my all into it. The crowd went wild once I was done and I stood up and bowed.

"I don't have much to it at the moment, but I really like this song and I hope to write more of it." I said into the microphone. "But the most important thing right now is, how did you like it?" I asked looking out into the crowd.

The erupted with screams and clapping which made my smile widen, if that was possible.


I played a few more songs from my album and grinned as I watched my fans sing and dance along.

"I'm really glad you guys are enjoying the songs so far! It's time for me to go, but here are the Jonas Brother's!" I introduced as I started heading off stage.

'That was my lovely girlfriend Jeannie Mangum everyone, give her one more round of applause!" I heard Joe say and I couldn't help but laugh softly as I walked to my tourbus.

"Great job Jean!" one of my band members called as he started packing up my guitars and out equipment. "Thanks Matt! Means a lot to me!" I said unlocking the door and heading inside.

"Surprise!" Taylor, Shelby Maddie and Jamie all jumped out and scared me. "Oh my God you guys! What are you doing here?" I asked giving them all hugs.

"We're gonna be here for the remainder of the tour." Jamie explained with a grin. I nodded with a confused expression. "How are we gonna keep up the whole act with you here?" I asked not trying to sound rude.

"Easy, we've just told everyone that I'm a friend of yours from your hometown." Jamie answered. I nodded, licking my lips.

"Great, I've missed you guys." I said pulling my two best friends into hugs. "So, Shelby tell me about the Glee auditions." as I started making everyone some hot chocolate.

"We start filming when I get back from this tour." she said her face full of excitement. I squealed. "I'm so proud of you! It's gonna be amazing!" I said as I put the cup into the microwave.

"Ya know Jean, there's rumors going around that the Jonas Brothers are starring in a movie, that features you." Maddie said as she sat at the small island in the kitchen. "What?" I asked.

"I over heard Kevin talking about it. I'm not sure how true it is but this could be your big break." she said giving me a small smile.

♠ ♠ ♠
Concert Clothes

A huge thanks go to Kristen and Nanook for staying with me after my long hiatus! You guys are the best ever <3
