Status: Completed

Ditch the Rule Book

Violet McPherson has always played by the rules and has always been a step ahead of everybody else. Especially now that she has to handle starting off her second year of college and being assistant manager of her parent's cafe.

Greyson Andrews, on the other hand, is carefree and as long as he has girls and a job that pays...he's perfectly happy.

Not long after Greyson starts working at McPherson's Cafe, he starts focusing his attention more and more on Violet. And, as much as she won't want to admit it, she starts focusing her attention on Greyson. However, due to a strict rule disallowing employees dating other employees (especially employees dating assistant managers), Violet knows that nothing will ever happen with her and Greyson.

Greyson knows that Violet only goes by the rules because she feels obligated to, not because it makes her happy. Greyson wants to show her that, once in a while, you have to do what feels right...even if the rule book says otherwise.