Discovering Wolves

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

I sat in my chair frozen. My best friend had just left me. All the people I had spent my days and nights with since 6th grade ditched me. Even they thought I was going crazy. Even the people who best understood me before had left because they couldn’t deal with me talking ‘nonsense’. I couldn’t believe it. I had told them the total truth and they had left me down. They had considered me totally psycho, and I hadn’t told them everything. I hadn’t told them what had happened to me that morning, but I wasn’t planning on telling them that either.

All I could do was wonder. Maybe I should pay that homeroom teacher a visit. Though I wasn’t sure how she would be able to help me if my own friends hadn’t been able to. I was totally hopeless. I was unofficially the newest psycho of the school. I couldn’t wait till my parents finally explained everything to me after school. They sure had A LOT of explaining to do!

When I finally got myself together I gathered all my stuff and started heading for the library. I knew I couldn’t go to my next period unless I wanted detention, and going to my homeroom was not the smartest thing to do at the moment, so the library stood as my last choice. It wasn’t like someone was going to talk to me. My friends had ditched me and the others that I occasionally talk to were probably busy talking to their own close friends. I was just going to have to enjoy my quiet lunch alone.

When I finally got to the library I pulled the heavy door open, with a sigh. I was never going to get through this. I hated libraries. For some reason they had always seemed to haunt to me. The long, empty isles and large filled bookshelves made the place seem like the perfect place for someone to hide and jump out at you from. Almost each rare time I had visited this place someone had scared me by either sticking their head over from one side of the bookshelves to the other or crept up on me. The librarian had kicked me out every single time I had been here so far.

Sliding into the room I drifted to a small table in the far back corner that gave me a view of almost the whole place. The only thing I couldn’t see was the history isle, which nobody was bound to go down so it didn’t bother me. As long as I could tell where the others were I was safe.


When the bell rang that ended lunch I sprinted out of the room, hoping to get to my next class as soon as possible. It would at least provide me with some protection against all these stares that I had earned.

In the hall bodies hit me almost constantly, pushing me further away from my destination. Each hit was so strong that I was flung back even though I was trying my hardest to stay on my feet. After a while I had give up and just tried to fight the urge to growl at them with every hit till I was finally pressed against a set of lockers. That was when a hand shot out to protect me. It stood in the way of the people pushing and shoving, making them immediately stop. A group of about 10 people, who looked amazing, horribly muscular and were really tall, stood there in front of me, smiling. Oh god! What had I gotten myself into?

“Hey! So I know you probably don’t know us, but I’m Tyler.” The brown haired guy who had protected me started, while the others called out different greetings from behind him.

“We know this is a little awkward to you, but please hear us out!” He told me, glancing at the others who had formed a half circle around me.

“I don’t know what I did to hurt you guys but please leave me alone!” I cried desperate to get away. Tyler just chuckled at me.

“I really don’t understand why every one of you assumes we want to hurt you right away!” He laughed, making me start to stare at them like they were crazy. Hopefully then they’ll just leave me alone.

“Yeah, especially that last one! He was like trying to stare us down so we would leave him alone.” A blonde girl from the back added.

“Megan, I think we found another one just like him,” Tyler said shooting me a glance as I stared on.

“Yep, she’s definitely just like him. Isn’t she the third one trying to stare us down today?” Megan asked Tyler.

“Nope, she’s the fourth! I’ve been counting.” Another guy piped in.

“I don’t know where they get these ideas though. I mean it might scare a normal—” One of the girls started earning lots of scowls and a kick in the ankle. This made one of the guys release some noise in between a growl and a snarl and just in seconds I found him by the girls’ side. Awkward.

“I thought we already discussed this.” Tyler told the girl, with a look that could kill.

“It slipped my mind. I’m not used to having to talk about thing without really saying them.” The girl said, trying to defend herself. I just stared at her in confusion. What are these people talking about?

“Sharon, stop talking! You’ve already confused her and we haven’t even got to the point yet.” Megan told the girl, then turned to Tyler. “I told you we should spilt up into smaller groups.”

"We know you have told us…” Tyler told Megan with pure love on his face. I had a feeling they would start making out here and now if I didn’t speak up. I wasn’t going to be held here to watch two people kiss.

“Alright, I kind of have to get to class, so tell me what you want to or let me leave. I don’t exactly think the teachers would be happy if they caught us here and I’m not in the mood to listen to you guys argue either.” I snapped causing all their heads to turn towards me.

“She’s a feisty little girl. I already like her! I can’t wait till we get to spend more time with her!” A guy from the back whispered to the guy standing next to him, causing me to stare at them in utter shock.

“She’s right. We should get to the point.” Tyler agreed nervously and everyone stepped back.

“Why are they all stepping back?”’ I asked cautiously.

“It’s just so you can get some room, in case you get mad.” One of the guys called earning lots of horrible looks.

“So we were wondering if you wanted to hang out with us. You could become a part of our group.” Tyler started, before I cut him off.

“Why would you want me in your group? It’s pretty pointless. I know you don’t truly want me in your group.” I told him.

“She’s just like the others. Why can’t understand we’re trying to do them good?” He muttered to himself before continuing.

“Well we know you’re going through some hard times. If you joined our group we would be able to help you. Even if we aren’t able to answer your questions, we are able to talk to you about the things happening. We can help you understand, and when you figure it out we’ll be waiting for you with open arms!” Tyler told me.

“I don’t think any normal group of high school kids is going to be able to help me. My own friends think I’m psycho. As soon as you hear my problems, or even part of them you’ll wish you never met me. I think I’m better figuring it out alone.” I told them shaking my head because of the bad memories.

“You don’t understand Ashley! We could help you! The last thing we would think is that you’re crazy. We’ve all been through something that left us needing close true friends. We’re here for you!” Tyler pushed.

“No, my problems don’t count as normal. Your lives probably weren’t falling apart every other second. I don’t think you’ll be able to help me this time. I don’t think anyone will. And how do you even know my name?” I told them on the verge of tears.

“Where we know your name from doesn’t matter. What matters is that we can help you. The problems we went through were similar to yours. Now look at us! We’re as happy as can be, without tying to blend in or even be popular. Please, just give us a chance.” Tyler said starting to give up hope now.

“I promise you, you can’t help me!” I said sinking to the floor.

“Yes we would!” Tyler pressed, getting stronger again.

“NO, nobody can! Why does everyone want to help me?” I whispered almost crying now.

“We want to help you because we can! Because we are able to!” Tyler told me, kneeling down to brush my hair out of my face and calm me down.

“Well not this time.” I told him holding my head.

“Give us one good reason, why we can’t help you! Just one and we’ll leave you alone for now.” Tyler said shaking from anger. Megan quickly rushed to his side and put a hand on his shoulder.

“Shh, baby. Don’t work yourself up! It’s her decision, and we can always try again!” She shushed him.

“Just one? Okay, because the new homeroom teacher told our class, and me personally the same thing. When I told my friends what happened in the class though they all left me thinking I was going crazy. My own friends told me to get some help.” I told them bursting into tears. This time it was Megan, who was down on her knees trying to calm me.

“Who’s your homeroom teacher honey?” She asked in a soothing voice.

“Mrs. Wolfe.” I whispered and she smiled, like it was music to her ears.

“Well, maybe she was just trying to help you, like we are! You should talk to her! Pay her a visit after school. I think it would help you a lot! We all want what’s best for you. Think about it! Please.” She cooed pushing my hair out of my face. I numbly nodded and she smiled.

“Talk to Mrs. Wolfe, ask her some questions. It will help! I promise.” She told me softly.

“I’ll think about it.” I whispered actually letting the thought sink in. It might actually be a good idea to talk to her. Maybe it would be able to help me. Just maybe.

I shook my head pushing the idea away. I was letting their nonsense get to me. I couldn’t let this happen.

“Mrs. Wolfe and we will always be there for you. Even when the people you call friends aren’t! I can see that you are not ready to join our group today, but don’t forget our offer is still there, and you can join any time you are ready.” She said causing me to let out a sigh of relief.

“This doesn’t mean we’ve give up on you though! I actually think we’ll meet again very soon… and please, do visit Mrs. Wolfe!” She added with a smile as the group turned and left leaving me alone for the second time today.

What had I gotten myself into?