Status: Work In Progress. Anyone interested in becoming an author should contact either FirespunObsidian or Lula.

Judgement of the Artist

To be called an artist doesn't require that you put out masterpieces every time you think of something. It also doesn't imply you're better or worse than others dubbed "artist" (author, writer, journalist, painter, sketcher, sculptor, etc). We all have our talents in different areas, and who knows this better than the artists themselves?

Sometimes one will feel like it's raining excrement- there will be a chapter by someone on that. One could wake up one day with a genius idea then pound out the raw material to produce a fine piece of themselves- someone will tell of this as well. The struggles with discrimination because you are a daydreamer, the commenter who ruined your day, the one stranger who made the article you thought trash seem like a more insightful glimpse into someone's situation- who hasn't dealt with that?

The following chapters all relate to judgement and non-judgement from and for Mibban authors. They may be pieces of original fiction, glimpses into the true mind during an occurrence, past recollections or even thoughtful rants. No two authors are the same, so expect no two chapters to mimic each other.

Welcome to the subject. Enjoy.